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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. The Highest Psychic Power

    I suppose a better way to put it is that I figured that if it took me two years to see 'vision screen' that most everyone else could do it in a few weeks or months. Is that not the case? I've read many posts by people here who have all these outlandish visions. Seeing faces every once in a while doesn't seem like much compared to that. Maybe if I tried to see things I would see more, but I prefer to remain blank and feel the Force. I get enough info when I want it anyway, which is not usually. edited to add missing: vision screen
  2. How to find a Teacher?

    Pa Kua and Xing Yi are martial arts, sister arts to tai chi, the three primary Taoist Martial Arts, although there are much better ones hiding insome caves.. All these arts operate under the same rules but accentuate different aspects. Also, Tai Chi and Pa Kua have excellent elements of chi kung, I don't know about Xig Yi. In fact there's a good chance that the best chi kung you can learn on that side of the Mississippi is real tai chi from a real tai chi master. Chi kung has the health aspects of tai chi but has a broader perspective, I mean real chi kung does, most don't, not even close. Since tai chi has all the elements of Taoist philosophy plastered all over it's surface it is also the best of the three arts to use to learn Taoist philosophy - at a cellular level even. Much better than book larnin' if you ask me.
  3. The Highest Psychic Power

    THAT is vision screen? Who made up that silly name? I thought it would be something more special than that. I don't see brilliant visions, I see faces of people and ... beings ... that come to me. Just before it started happening my teacher told me to ignore them, so that's what I do, don't really care much about when the 'screen' shows up, or who shows up on it, except for a couple of times ~shudddder~ , and another time ~awe~ Anyway, It just doesn't seem so advanced to me because it started happening after less than two years with my nei kung teacher, and there was a lot more after that. But maybe it is advanced. I suppose it's nice to know that these things have been described ... but for some people what was wordless and pristine and natural before was put into the narrow confines of words, with some embellishment here and there for theatric effect, of course.
  4. How to find a Teacher?

    What is it you want to learn from a Taoist teacher? Do you want to learn Taoism, or a Taoist art.
  5. The Taoist Way of Manifestation

    You are getting closer. The main thing in my view. People need to be able to feel the desire and ENJOY the desire as if it is being fulfilled right now, because if a person is enjoying the desire then they WILL be fulfilling their wish 'right now' It's a special kind of desire, one filled with joy at the traveling towards the goal. Not the other kind of desire, the abject remorse at impending failure and loss before people even get start ( and they often don't even start then). It's the attitude of enjoying the desire that makes all the difference. Think JOY, think EAGERNESS, think EXCITEMENT. You know, like a friggin' five year old kid who was just let loose in a candy store! THAT is the Taoist Way.
  6. The Taoist Way of Manifestation

    Which translation is that from please?
  7. The Taoist Way of Manifestation

    Those were both very good, Gold, especially the last one, just the words I was seeking for elsewhere, thanks =)
  8. The Taoist Way of Manifestation

    Hi Stig, this is an interesting subject that I have learned quite a bit about lately. I didn't take the time to read through you whole post, but from scanning it it feels like you left out a piece, which is an important piece, and I believe it's the main piece, that has quite magical properties. Particularly when I use them, I mean it's weird, you really have to watch out what you wish for, and how you word it is all important. The magical qualities are of course dependent on a person's mind power and I would say that they align perfectly with the Taoist secrets of manifestation. However it's not just the wording, it's the attitude that generates the wording that counts, the wording just follows naturally form the attitude, but there is a feedback loop, using wording, of course, that can be used to establish it. Abraham Hicks has the key you seek, have you heard of Abraham Hicks, Stig?
  9. The Highest Buddhist Consort Practice

    I was going to write something about tummo, but it looks like the discussion has gone the usual route. Visualizations? For Tummo? YAAAHAhahahaaaa
  10. The Highest Buddhist Consort Practice

    Hey did you guys ever settle on what Tummo is? I got tired of reading after the first 2/3 page. I don't know much about it except it generates heat and can be used to generate a lot of heat. I can get a real hot belly if I want just by focusing on it while breathing slowly, and other places too, and I have made the heat flow in a huge current inside me, and I can project heat from my hands, but I don't know tummo, but I assume that stuff is part of tummo or the result of tummo, right?. I did glance at one gem of a post though, where someone said they didn't "believe" in it. ROFL Edit: Oh yeah, tummo + consorts, could be fun! It's just all part of Taoist tantric sex isn't it? I thought I would bring the word Taoism into the mix just for tricks.
  11. The Highest Psychic Power

    They can't be separated, well, you can have love without siddhis, but can't have siddhis without love, except for maybe really wimpy ones. Wimpy siddhis? better than none at all.
  12. The Highest Psychic Power

    which one of those is the trance state? and any chance someone can explain what the other one means in English? Which book of his are you referring to please? Concerning powers (In Taoism they are called SPECIAL ABILITIES) being traps, think of them instead as tests. If you get trapped you failed the test, it works incredibly well as a weeding method. For me though, instead of thinking of them as traps and failures I see them more as being like detours and sightseeing trips, along with a whole bunch of learnin'. You get to retake the test. Edit: well some may not survive a test and so no retakes for them. ALSO, powers greatly raise the stakes in the game of ethics, the biggest game in town, making for more learnin' there too; bigger good is possible, but bigger mistakes too.
  13. The Highest Psychic Power

    Aaand, if any of you went to my website to see who my four teachers are to try to get to them keep in mind that the site only lists past teachers and only one of the four is listed there, and he has long since gone into secluded retirement.
  14. The Highest Psychic Power

    Me too, teleprtation, bilocation, if someone could do that then that means they can dematerialize and live/travel on either side of the veil. I would say those are more advanced than the ones I listed earlier but I wanted to start out small first and see how much stuff would hit the fan. I know someone who can do a bit of reality warping, and he spends a lot of time on the other side, but his body stays here when he does that. He's the kind of martial artist you would NEVER want to jump in a dark alley.
  15. The Highest Psychic Power

    That's great, thanks. do you know what this one means: 6. The siddhi of the subjugation of the Yaksas. ?
  16. The Highest Psychic Power

    He has you right where he wants you means that if you want to see miracles and truth you will, if you are one to focus on the dark side you will see that. You dare to judge a true master? He may or may not have harmed, but if there is ultimately no good or bad, do you know what's ultimately good or bad. Are you pure enough to judge? Also, even if he has done some bad according to your quaint taboos, he has done so much more good too, you probably don't want to know about the good parts.. You're on ignore now.
  17. The Highest Psychic Power

  18. The Highest Psychic Power

    Sai Baba is so much trickier than you could imagine in your wildest dreams, he's got you right where you belong. The forking POINT though is he knows about energy, he's got more energy in the tip of his little finger than a thousand of you all put together. So if Sai Baba thinks Robert Bruce is on the right track some smart people may want to pay attention to that fact.
  19. The Highest Psychic Power

    Your description of high level Vision Screen: All four of my main teachers can make people in the distance snuff it, so I don't think that's really so special. There's stuff out there that is a whole bunch more weirder than that. Also, these people don't think of it as a part of vision screen and I never heard them use that term, although I'm sure three of them can do remote seeing, probably the fourth one too.
  20. Dang! You got your own Taoist wizard for bed time sports? Now I'm jealous, that's just what I want too... I mean, a female one (nei kung addict, chi junkie, bliss angel, you know...), will train. Yes and that's a good positive point you make, that more men are going to therapy, I agree. I was just thinking that in some (more primitive/non western cultures men don't grow up broken and so should be most excellent in bed without therapy. It makes me wonder how it could get so bad, but I don't want to wonder about that =) I don't think he minds, if I recall correctly, without checking, someone else started this thread anyway. Really? I hope so, there are signs. I wonder if I should wish for it? I would need to spell out in a lot more detail before wishing anything, and I'm lazy, or busy, both actually, so if someone else can spell it out first ... You know, I'll bet one thing that would help a shift would be if there were a bunch more Taoist wizards around. Maybe I should ... I suck at healing, sort of, never tried it much, sometimes it works really well on kids and for making pain stop. I've stopped bad injury pain before though by disrupting nerve transmission with my hand energy. What I prefer to use my energy for, what I'm good at, what is fun for me, is creating little baby wizards and help them grow up, but they still have to go through all the hard parts. The problem is it has been somewhat difficult to find people with the right stuff, and only a few can be taught at a time to really make it work fast, which is what it's all about, isn't it. It's kind of the same thing Michael does, helping people to develop the ability to heal others with energy ... and compassion. All about healing self and others, I just prefer to start with people that are in the top 1% of health and go forward from there. Bringing Michael back in to it to help prevent thread drift =) he and I are both working towards the shift in a way, as is everyone who meditates, even if only for one minute.
  21. The Highest Psychic Power

    'Feel' is where it's at!
  22. The Highest Psychic Power

    OK if that's what you call it these days? I might just keep calling it visualizing. Edit: I don't know, maybe he changed it from thirty years ago but I don't think too much.
  23. The Highest Psychic Power

    Robert Bruce has devised the best type of cultivation method for those types who prefer to sit around and visualize things. His system of New Energy Ways may not be called that now. I got a copy of his manuscript before publishing and read through it. He asked for feedback and so I gave it too him. His system is the best of that type of thing because of it's full 100% coverage and great attention to detail. It has the Starjumper seal of approval, and Sai Baba's also, can't get any better than that ... for those who like to do that type of thing, like the ever popular MCO, which leaves out 99.9% of the rest of the body and so makes you sick, Robert's New Energy Ways is a million times better ... if a person has the guts to go through the whole thing. I didn't, I do nei kung instead cuz I think that's better.
  24. The Highest Psychic Power

    Yes, and just think, now you can spend thirty years learning how to make it work. Which is a good thing ... and watch out for the bad guys =)
  25. The Highest Psychic Power

    What I meant is that maybe taoist have a different heirarchy of what is tops when it comes to psychic powers than hindus do. Don't get me wrong, I like Hindis, don't forget about me and my bro Sai Baba.