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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. From this...and finishing here.

    Pure undifferentiated innocence Poisoned by our society. "I think I've been poisoned" "I tried to tell you"
  2. siddhis do you believe in them?

    Well not so many now There were many more BC (before church) and since then the numbers have been dwindling fast. Now it's a race to see who will make it to the slaughterhouse first, the mystics or the Moguls. Anyone willing to bet?
  3. siddhis do you believe in them?

    Well I should hope that it has some merit because they are all over the place. I now label them as mystic masters. Many of them spend more time on the other side of the veil, communicating with each other and all the myriad types of spirits, than they do talking with people. I mean, if they could talk to no one but Moguls all day they would die of boredom.
  4. From this...and finishing here.

    No, he's looking death in the face and he thinks he fucked up, as in the previous picture.

    Happy New Year 2011 ! ! !
  6. Solar Powered Hornet

    Since the atmosphere blocks out almost all UV and high energy blues it is the safest but I don't know if it's 100% safe, maybe at sea level, not at altitude. The eyes do require a tiny bit of UV exposure to be healthy but that must not be in the form of staring fixedly at a spot, but rather scanning randomly like through clouds so that it eventually covers the whole retina. My way is still much better =)
  7. How to Prepare Astragalus Powder Extract

    Yes someone posted a video of it in another thread recently that has English subtitles. I found it on youtube wiithout subtitles and think it is great, then the thread here. I think some parts are best to watch without subtitles both because subtitles distracts your view and your mind form awareness. The powder you got looks good and the dose seems reasonable. I recommend chewing your drink, particularly herbal drinks, to get the right saliva for it, and not tossing it down.
  8. Solar Powered Hornet

    When you burn a spot on your retina then it stays blind forever. You won't notice it till it starts covering so much area that you get bigger blank spots that your brain has a harder time filling in, but it still does. If you don't burn a spot too badly it can heal. Remember, your lens is like a magnifying glass.
  9. There be Dragons

    Very cool Mr. Easy, FLYING is where it's at ... so I'm going up to get the engine for my airplane now. It's an aluminum Corvette V8 of 400 hp. The airplane it's going into is named Night Fury, after the dragon in the Movie How to Train your Dragon. It's a mid engine plane with rear prop, shape is like the front end of a modern high performance sailplane, 2 seat side by side. Tails are on twin booms extending back off the wings. Can we say fast? Yes, I'm cwazy. Wings from Angels Lungs from Corvette Heart of a Dragon. Also I lived in Venezuela for quite a few years when I was a boy, met a shaman there too. I think he's the first shaman I ran into by accident. I and two friends were cave exploring (unmapped caves) and this shaman was having a ceremony at the entrance and blocked our way for a few minutes.
  10. alternate sitting positon for FP sitting meditation

    standard answer - sit in a chair with no arm rests, near the front edge of the chair.
  11. Suppression of Energy Knowledge

    That's great!
  12. siddhis do you believe in them?

    The Dolly Lama used to tell some people that he saw a person walk through a solid masonry wall, however, upon getting the 'usual' gothic reaction he changed it to: "I thought I saw a person walk through a wall."
  13. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    That's very good, but It's really not good for me to be seeing things like that What he calls step one I call cessation, which is the big wowie zowie start of it all, and he left out the part about how the feeling of cessation is one of such intense peace that it is both blissful and contagious to any who are close. By wowie zowie I mean you feel a rather sudden and very strong change, just like an instant and very strong drug high. All thinking stops suddenly and stays off for over 24 hours, you feel like you become pure awareness and everything and everybody seems just really fine. Step 2 is what I prefer to call rain cloud samadhi, because it's described as heavens opening up and dumping all knowledge (you know, like instant answers to important philosophical questions ROFL) on you like a raincloud, that seems cool till it all leaks out and you forget it, which is cool too. After that if you generally have the ability to get answers to anything you are curious about, whether you voice it or not. He left out the part about part two where it's full of pain and misery as you become more aware of how people around you feel, how the way they react to your innocence hurts, and to how they react to things in general. It also includes the pain of coming down off the high you get in part one. I hear part two has a fairly high mortality rate. I don't understand any of the Buddhist/Hindu lingo in part seven but what he says about it is good. Does it stop at 7? Maybe I haven't gone past 7, maybe he just left off all the 'frosting' and only described the mental aspect. He also left the part out about how you care less and less about the whole thing as you progress along. Is it possible someone could explain this ridiculous part of 7 in English, because I don't understand some of the words:
  14. How to Prepare Astragalus Powder Extract

    Is that powder made of the root itself or it an alcohol or water extract that was dried. I'm guessing it might be ground up roots, and if so then if you took as much as a person gets by making a tea of several sticks, or chewing on one stick and spitting the wood out; you would be getting waaay too much fiber, the other side of the coin being that if you took an amount small enough to not bother your intestines then it would be an ineffectually small amount of active ingredients. So the question becomes, is this powder just ground up roots, or is it concentrated, or is it a dried extract (not likely, a dried juice extract would require an exceedingly small amount and be very expensive). Also, if a person gets capsules of ground powder it could be a hundred times more expensive than getting a piece of root, and the powder could be oxidised. It's all in the details. Could someone please find that Korean Taoist wizard movie for me? I started watching it, it was cool, I didn't know there were movies like that made.
  15. How to Prepare Astragalus Powder Extract

    No idea, but I don't think it matters, you could put it in water or capsules.
  16. How to Prepare Astragalus Powder Extract

    Although frowned on by Chinese society, I think chewing on the sticks is the best way because you get so much more involved with it, giving your energy and attention, savoring the nuances of flavor and wondering about which parts of it taste good and why, and the chewing and saliva manfactured specifically for it'snutrients. Did you know that your saliva glands are smarter than Bushits the Bankrupter?
  17. How to Prepare Astragalus Powder Extract

    It's common for sellers to add starch to powders, and the roots could be of poor quality. I get the raw dried root slices and make tea. You can also chew on the stick like a popsickle stick, suck the juice out, and then spit the wood out. Roots that are brighter yellow have more of the good stuff and taste nice too. I'm going to go munch on an Astragalus stick, it's been a long time. BRB.
  18. The Three Wise Men were Taoist!

    Trying the attach function
  19. Why I am against 'powers'

    Excellent point, powers are really nothing more than a form of super health! also I think the point of all this talk about 'wanting' depends on: If you want power for it's own sake that can backfire but not necessarily (depends on purity of heart, doesn't it?). If instead you go at it for the purpose of improving your own health and what motivates you is to assist others, aaaand if your interest in powers is more out of curiosity and fun; then that is the 'pure' way.
  20. There be Dragons

    Also, I feel it may have been helped along by my recent association with a powerful Kahuna =) and is one heavy duty magic dude! It's all a big mystery, and I LIKE mystery.
  21. There be Dragons

    I hinted at the first message in a previous post here where I described mentioning it to my practice buddy. It was teaching me some chi power techniques but I wasn't aware of it, actually variations of techniques we already knew. Well I'm not sure. It seems that my chi kung covers everything useful I've seen in other ch kung systems in and endlessly varried and formless manner and so we use no names to separate different exercises. I do know the Swimming Dragon methods and that is incorporated into my chi kung in thousands of ways in various different exerises. It is a most excellent way to move. However I'm not sure what is meant by dragon breathing, although sometimes we do some 'different' kind of breathing. I mentioned earlier here how I found it that it had been teaching me movements. It also taught my buddy some techniques at his place but it appeared to contain some misinformation. I was advised that if you go to them and ask for gifts that they may or may not mislead you a bit, but you owe them anyway It's rather complex. I didn't ask, but since that session with my buddy, when I became more aware of what was happening, things started ramping up exponentially, it seems. I don't think that any specific dragon named practice I do matters in this but rather there is some other connection. There is a dragon associated with my clan, which includes Bruce Lee, and he considered himself to be a dragon, so there are many possibilities. My chikung teacher was Bruce Lee's inspiration, mentor, and primary teacher. Therefore Bruce is my Kung Fu brother in a way. I don't know if I can technically consider him to be my kung fu big brother if I didn't meet him but I do anyway. I think it is more like: I received transmission, mass quantities of energy, and psychic brain surgery every week for many years from one of the world's most advanced chi kung masters. Getting that kind of treatment is a bit different than what people call transmissions around here. Also as a result of the help from my teacher and my own extensive practice I developed quite a large energy field around my head =) Some people talk about 'opening' chakras, but that seems silly to me, as I mentioned before here, there is open, OPEN, or nuclear powered. Forget 'open'. What's happening with the dragon now is verry interesting, never thought it would happen to me =) ... nor cared either.
  22. longevity of Tibetan masters

    That type of stuff can happen in any and all threads, it's not the thread starters fault, usually. I recommend that all us good people on here start using the ignore function. I know that curiosity gets the best of us and we want to see what the latest insult is in order to defend ourselves. Just let itgo,they allways just say the same thing over and over in a hundred different ways. IGNORE them. It works, I just tried it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and Ilike it.
  23. longevity of Tibetan masters

    I can contribute a little on this subject. My chi kung teacher isn't Tibetan, more like from around Canton, now he lives in my city and he's 97 and in excellent condition and has huge power, but he's one in a million ... more like one in a billion. so they are out there and there is hope. First avoid all toxiins =) Physical, emotional, mental.
  24. longevity of Tibetan masters

    Try this on for size. Cat is pretty wise and aware, so for you to say mean things to her indicates your blindness. Also, when you say mean things to people I like then I don't like you, weird, huh? Relax the tightness in your own mind first. DUH!
  25. longevity of Tibetan masters

    Who is this sykkelpump guy anyway?