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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. There be Dragons

    Since I'm building an airplane. - this is proof that there have been ancient civilizations.!
  2. I don't know what integrate means, but Wang is a true grandmaster, no doubt, and anything is possible ... for some students, probably not all?
  3. There be Dragons

    Hi Penny. To put it more correctly. Because of his and my link to it, when he focused on it he was able to feel it, he had been looking at my drawing. He said it felt friendly, as did I, it had been watching him for at least two years, and it wanted to teach him, however he may have been projecting his own wish, however I doubt that =) The chi kung we did was what brought up the strong blissfull energy, the dragon's energy was just calm. on revueing what it taught him at his home, I changed my mind about it being misinformation that he got. It was good, it's all good at one time or another. Or something
  4. There be Dragons

    Here's the video, I hope you like it. I'm curious to know how many people can hold their arms out that long and not have their shoulders be too much of a bother. Sound starts out very low but is fantastic so turn it up.
  5. Question to (formal) dancers who also taiji

    sorry I didn't read the post but WOW, that was awesome! It looked so much like expert beautiful bagua, and so HOT! I'm taking tango lessons
  6. There be Dragons

    OK Kate, I made your video. the music is quiet so it needs it be turned up. I'm eager for feedback from any on it as I've never done this kind of BS before. It is a few random exercises I threw together. it starts with belly breathing and then #4802,#1479, and #1... . I forgot, and a couple of flashes It should be up soon,then I'm going out of town for awhile.
  7. If I put a really good book out I would become popular, and I don't LIKE to become popular. Also it would create a situation where I would need to be restrictive: either charge a lot of money (only successful brilliant people can hack it anyway), or be very restrictive, or move to a remote location which is difficult to access. Actually all those don't sound that bad, but I don't want too much publicity too much, just the minimum. However, these days, due to Bushits and Co it seems I'm doing a fair bit of teaching for donations, which is perfectly fine with me, since I have a small business, very small, very easy. Then if I made a DVD it would just have to be some simplistic BS, wouldn't it? Probably. Just like all the other nice DVDs out there,excluding all the not so nice ones. Anyway I made a video so edit: i'm never done, am I? Also people who do it from a dvd won't get my radiated energy so it might seem like wimpy chi kung. So, the combination of limited and wimpy makes it look a little useless doesn't it? except for promotional purposes.
  8. I agree completely, and I already have some fantastic students! They are all such beautiful people and I love them sooo much. There is one who is probably the one already, he's a very young,good looking, healthy, tall, very active mountain climbing kind of man (who is beginning to think that there aren't any real women in America), taller than I, who was born on a mountaintop and raised in a small rural town as a high level shaman by his hippy parents, he is in the local TCM college (Bastyr, one of top schools anywhere) learning accupuncture and Chinese and TCM, also I introduced him to some of my teachers (I won't do that right away any more =) and all that keeps him kind of busyyyyyy.. He has a rare maturity for his age, and I think he can handle all the teachers and classes very well and he is eager to be a master teacher of internal arts and is eager to be going towards the mountain top, which he has gone a long way towards. However, it's not so good to put all your eggs in one basket. Jedi can be a high risk occupation. My longest going student is a good old buddy about my age, going on little less than 15 years now. He's a prof at UW in Classics (ancient Greek and Roman) He was head of the department but now he's head of the honors program, and he travels around the world giving lectures to experts and other stuff so that keeps him kind of busyyyyy (I'm sending them a link to this =) Then there's a sweet young lady student, She's the leader of a rock and roll band and in another one, she's also a scientist doing research in biochemistry. She loves this stuff, very sensitive to energy, I think she is great, she has been teaching a few of her buddies at random times and wants to teach more later. Then a new young guy who is very handsome healthy, of Chinese descent and a buddy of the first, getting a job as an engineer at Boeing, and eager to learn, he said he had been disappointed because all other martial artists he went to see were messed up and not so happy. Then a new one who is a little younger than I. she looks well younger than her age(a requirement), is slender and healthy. She can easily see across the veil and is so sensitve to energy. What always bothered me was they all seem to be more sensitive to energy and more psychic than I am, but I think now I'm starting to pass some of them =) Then there's my best buddy, an Indian shaman who contagiously radiates joy and positivity, who is helping to remodel the exercise room. He shows me the way of the plants and the land. I didn't think of asking him to try the chi kung till just recently though, and he loves it too by golly. He made my medicine drum, which is fantastic, I use it for vibrating my tantien =) and lower =) coincidentaly, I got a CD from my rock and roll star student 2 days before I got the drum for myself for Xmas, and they sound just alike. I used the first track on that to put on a video which you tube is now processing (large format take long time)
  9. Who said I didn't? I said I specialize in the alchemy, not in killing people without really trying. However I decided they should go together.
  10. Yes, my ring turned into a carrot on a stick. Not bad luck, more like human nature, are humans lucky?
  11. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    That's good, but there's something missing from your sales pitch I can't quite put my finger on it. any suggestions anyone? Maybe if you raised the price to 200$ and wore silk pajamas? I know having slanty eyes makes a huge difference, do you have any? That alone is worth $400. But then you would have to put up with people complaining about the price even though they aren't interested anyway.
  12. and here is the ring I described earlier. Ancient Tien Shan wizard's ring, now owned by a dragon. I guess now it's a carrot. I put the mysterious ring on on the shortest day of the year when the moon glowed . . . red something that only happens once every 500 to 1500 years a time for new beginnings I also started courting then too. . The fun thing is that although I knew there was an eclipse it was overcast here and I knew I wouldn't see it so I forgot about it and lost track of time =) so it was . . . synchronicity ... again.
  13. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    Faaantastic! Might as well make fun of them, logic doesn't work.
  14. that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not as much as you might think. I realized that the way I wrote that will provide a handy excuse for those who aren't serious (99.9%). I don't kick people out (except for one flake) most people simply don't like peace and bliss or they are too busy. I can provide a list of what I thin is required for the 'right stuff' ... and then I will attempt to extricate myself from the forum once again. Time is short and I'm tired of wasting it. The main reason I've been here for the last two or three weeks is because I hurt my knee and have been hanging out, getting a flat spot on my butt (there's an air hose at the gas station down the street) but not as bad as a case of male office worker flatbutt.
  15. That's all very nice but I'm about to give up on friggin' Americans on forums! 99.99% 0bviously DO NOT want the real thing, that's obviuos as hell, and the precentages seem to low to bother playing with. Of course my definition of real is probably way off in left field For some reason I'm feeling a sense of urgency now. Since I need to find one to be the inheritor, and since I should have at least ten students who want to go all the way to the top, and since I would need to run through 1000 people just to find one, and since it takes eight or ten years to 'get' it, and since I'm 61 now ... the top martial artist on the planet left us the samurai way because 99.99% of Americans ... (fuck it). Maybe some Australians would be interested? For ten cents in two years I'll be living in a remote wilderness far from America, and raising an army of 'natives' to be Taoist wizards, they aren't chicken. Then anyone who wants to find a real (Dragon) thing will have to work a little harder, most would rather go to a two day seminar in their city and pay a 1000$ for some beginner shit. So I'm open to suggestions.
  16. The Enlightened Sage

    Whoa, my mind just farted! Are you sure? I'm like Curly in the Three Stooges where he sometimes says: "I'm tryin' to think but nothing happens"
  17. The Enlightened Sage

    duplicate post
  18. There be Dragons

    She will read this thread if we can contact her. She said to contact her but I couldn't find how. The eyes on the one that came to me were pretty round with round irises, and it obviously wasn't a dinosaur because of the intelligence. Therefore it was either an alien or some kind of spirit. I just got some interesting information about them that is obviously correct: they are immortals. However immortal doesn't have to mean human immortal, nor does it necessarily mean friendly immortal. I got a slight sense of friendliness from mine, how about yours =) The friendliness could have been an act.
  19. The Enlightened Sage

    You are absolutely right! I didn't think about it but it's all on a scale, even the immortals don't see everything I'll bet. It's more of the same idea that there are no absolutes, and that's another reason your earlier phrase didn't hold water I think??/ I don't think so well, just feel. Anyway, I KNOW I'm at least 99% blinder than some of my teachers, and I see some people as 99% blinder than me, so there you have it. No absolutes.
  20. There be Dragons

    Also it's interesting synchronicity because I decided a little while earlier that I will start making some talk videos since I'm such a slow writer.
  21. There be Dragons

    I looked on her website and can't see how to contact her. I fosmeone could find that forme I would appreciate it. Also, I was hoping to find the video movie Woochi the Taoist Wizard with the English subtitles. If someone can lead me to that I will be grateful. It's a wonderful movie because it showed so well the raw sincerity and spontaneous right action of enlightened masters, very good acting, and a very fun movie too.
  22. There be Dragons

    Very interesting, and it fits what had come to me. I have no idea who the white one is, but I will ponder it maybe. The one I saw looked a lot more like a dinosaur than a humanoid, just in the face as I saw no body. A bit like the last one shown in the video but with the big frill. She describes the white one as having a frill, doesn't she?
  23. No way, but it's possible to sense when someone is aiming something at you ... and there are ways of foiling this ability. And to the clever fellow who asked what a master would do if someone sprayed pepper spray at them: It's kind of like this: If you can't read the person's intent from a distance, and if you don't see that they have something concealed in their hand, and if you don't see them raise their hand into firing position or prevent it, and if you don't see them push the trigger, and if you don't close your eyes tightly, and if you don't exhale, duck, and jump away quickly, then you get what you got coming. Awareness.
  24. The Enlightened Sage

    Yes, that is always a serious catch 22, but it doesn't hold water at all because it's someone who can see talking to or about someone who is blind. The blind can't tell which is which.