silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Bias against New Age

    I don't feel the need to rely solely on the insight of mostly men from thousands of years ago. That doesn't mean I don't listen to/refer to classics and make use of what works. Just like I don't discount going outside and using my senses in the present moment to make progress on my path. Bias cuts you out of access points in the present moment.
  2. Anyone else get a 413 error when uploading 1-2mb files?

    Nope. I can't get anything above 1mb to take.

    The current structure of power in society, breeds a necessity for those in the highest places of power, to be the most psychotic in their need for power. Without this psychotic drive, they lack the necessary skills to deal with the constant assault of those who wish to take their power away and to effectively acquire more themselves. The world is run by the most power desperate people. In a very few exceptional cases, we see a difference maker, who is working from a higher paradigm and is not a slave to power, but an aware leader. Sadly, these people, by the nature of their awareness, will not engage in many of the activities and skills that could keep them in power. It's just how conditions are now. It can be very disheartening to focus too much on the global impact of it for me. I find it's more productive for me to focus on things locally, where I can have an impact and allow the rest to flow as it will.
  4. R'yleh / Angkor Wat in my garden

    Great stuff, thanks for sharing. This in particular resonates for me. I haven't thought about this or played with it in a while. I've always been fascinated by the invisible zone. That place where I'm obviously in the world but not quite of it and one passes without trace. Sometimes remaining unseen when sitting right in front of, or next to one who's looking for me. It's happened for me on the seeking/unable to find end with places a few times... it's disorientingly odd, to realize you were staring right at a place while realizing you could not find it. Our tools for perception are so filter dependent, that it's possible to effectively operate in everyday life, yet in an invisible zone to many folks, if you can present information that is incongruent with their expectations. I'm sure this is what is being affected in hypnotic states.
  5. The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

    All you need is football, beer and arguments about abortion, or gay marriage. simple indeed.
  6. My solfeggio - Solfa - (Soul - Fa)

    LOVE IT! edit: one of my favorite solfeggio pieces
  7. simultaneous expansion and contraction

  8. The Spiral Path

    toroidal shifting field of awareness. internal expansion merging with external contraction simultaneous progressive repetition heart field awareness
  9. Spirals, Sacred Geometry and Intelligent Design.

    Caterpillars are Alchemists plain and simple. edit: or helpless test subjects... hmm
  10. Good science does what few other paradigms will do... Change its perspective in the face of new information or experience.
  11. Big Bang was first put forth by a catholic priest if I'm not pulling a politician move and 'misremembering'.
  12. History channel going rogue is one of the last straws that made me get rid of tv all together.
  13. The Spiral Path

    I freaking love that movie.
  14. The Spiral Path

    Totally. A natural expression, effortless as water flowing. Nature follows Tao.
  15. The Spiral Path

  16. This ought to be good. Marking that for later watching...
  17. recital of her experience

    That was very powerful. Thank you for sharing. Many blessings for you and your family.
  18. Pineal Gland my experience, and yours.

    I haven't done anything more than a couple of hours in the box. Though I've done a week and more at a time alone in the wilderness, I have yet to go full deprivation in a cave. I look forward to when the timing is right on that... that makes me wake up inside just thinking of it.
  19. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    I love Wudang: Fire Hands
  20. Pineal Gland my experience, and yours.

    I've done a fair amount of dark box meditation. Eyes open in a completely dark environment yields quite the light show almost immediately. The majority of the time, it starts with flashing colored light, blues and violets, then quickly I get sacred geometric patterns that kaleidoscope inward and outward. On occasion I'll get full images and scenes that appear as flashes. Sometimes I can see where they are relevant to my life and other times, they just appear random to my waking mind. These days, I'll get the geometric patterns upon closing my eyes any time of day. I find it entertaining and comforting, but other than that, I don't put much into it, other than observe and enjoy it.