silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. The most powerful Qigong exercise you've experienced

    Fire Hands... Dragon Gate On the few occasions I've done Pranayama... BOOM!
  2. How do you surrender yourself to whatever your doing?

    I release into the present moment through relaxed body/breath awareness.
  3. This really resonates with me. Awareness can be completely relaxed to me. Mindfulness connotes a certain level of effort or intention that to me, removes me a step from base, raw awareness.
  4. That concept has affected the course of my conscious life like few others. Love it!
  5. I've had so many incredibly realistic and vivid experiences in the dream scape that my suspicion is that the awakening buddha speaks of and the tao intimates, is akin to becoming lucid during 'waking life'.
  6. Cool stuff, thanks for sharing. Had my first OOBE at age four. Have had several since, but never at my own direction. I no longer feel compelled to convince or defend anything to those without the experience, as it's pointless. Their reality tunnel will not accommodate the information, so until experience comes to them, I smile and wish them well. Having such an experience so early though, was a massive gift. For me, there can be no fear of death in the face of such an experience. edit to add: explaining OOBE to one who has never experienced it is like explaining sex to a toddler.
  7. How do you apply taoism to your everyday life?

    I have two that I'm concretely able to use daily. 1. Awareness of the breath. Integrating awareness of breath and the affect on the body moment to moment while going about my life. Really focusing as I inhale, on the sensations of my entire body. Following the breath out and releasing sensations into complete relaxation within whatever I am doing. My intention is to become awake in the moment of my breathing as I am transitioning actions, as there is an innate pause in the mind between actions. Trying to take advantage of this gap, whenever this occurs I go into body awareness and focus purely on sensations as I become aware of my breathing. As my intention persists, this sudden awareness occurs more frequently. Powerful presence awareness. 2. The other is silence. Allowing silence to be my response instead of always offering an opinion or blurting out thoughts. This leads to greater listening and attention to the speaker, which increases and reinforces number 1 while creating greater connections to those I spend time with... edit: spelling
  8. Normalcy is over-rated? what do you do?

    I have never met a normal person.
  9. Arcing Spheres of Light - Visual Phenomenon

    I've been experiencing these for many years. It's very clear they are not on the eye, when they pass behind/beyond the window I am gazing at them through. The last time I really noticed them was aboard a plane, I became aware of them as I was watching the Rockies pass by underneath, then picked one at a time and watched its path until it would pass outside the window. Interesting.
  10. Cave Temples

    So honoring the other side of the temples in high places... here are some ultimate cave temples
  11. The only real immortals are:

    Doorway to the Otherside. Outstanding!
  12. Cave Temples

  13. dragons

    Outstanding! I've been hearing the call of a bearded dragon for a while now...
  14. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I find so much treasure living the questions...
  15. odd bold text issue

    Yea, many reboots. This has been going on for over a week, I'm just getting around to playing with it.
  16. dragons

    I really dig that you share your art and thoughts skydog.
  17. Colors of Dragons

    I had an incredible dream featuring a white dragon some years ago: it still gives me shivers when I recall it. I become lucid when I realize I'm standing in a long line which is looping through a shadowy basement/warehouse space. The queue snakes through something of a maze of empty metal shelving units. I can peer through the empty shelves to the center of the room and the front of the line where a single overhead bulb, illuminates a simple metal table holding a large white egg. Each person in line has an opportunity to hold the egg and try to hatch it. As I'm standing in line I am almost oblivious to the other people in line, seeing no faces. My focus is the egg. As I begin to near the front of the line, I start to trill softly to the egg in my mind. A soft, loving, comforting sound. As I approach the egg, I hear a second harmonizing trill in my mind coming from the egg. As the egg is placed in my hands the sounds merge and crescendo... at their peak the egg shell vibrates and evaporates in light and sitting in my hands is a white dragon. Her mother-of-pearl scales shimmering with lavender and blue highlights as she breaths. She is staring at me with emerald eyes, so bright with love, they shine with light. As the harmonic sound of our connection peaks again, I wake up. I can see her bright eyes in my mind's eye as clearly as if I just awoke.
  18. odd bold text issue

    I can get the bold off the text on a page when I go into inspect element and uncheck the box next to font under ip_boardbody. It resets though as a default when I close and reopen the browser. Interesting.
  19. odd bold text issue

    It's pretty odd. My next check is to see if some of my fonts are corrupted. I like puzzles, this is random and fun.
  20. What has TaoBums taught you?

    I am very grateful for this site. What a gem. What an amazing gathering of seeker/philosopher/cultivator/odd/awesome/fringe folk. I've learned some real nuts and bolts stuff and plenty of good theory (and some not) from other people's direct experience that has helped me put into a frame of reference some of the experiences I've had in my practice. This is especially helpful due to the language barrier with my teacher and the infrequency that we are able to meet. To use the word especially again, I especially appreciate all genuine sharing of direct experience as I find this to be the most reliable and valuable information in life and this site is teeming with it. I've also learned to embody more patience and to not always respond to something just because words come into my head. It's been an interesting way to work on silence that is having an affect on me when I'm speaking as well. This site continually amazes me. edit: spelling/grammar
  21. Impossible to say until I'm in the moment. Hard to believe what you experienced though chegg, that is some hard core disconnect.
  22. This image/concept pretty much sums it up for me.
  23. Spiritual Light

    spiritual light to me means awareness