silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. That Dark Side stuff

    funny how she keeps describing herself... projection syndrome/attention/manipulation darkside byebye now
  2. funniest thing about the 72 virgins to me is.... they never specify what gender they are...
  3. FIFA World Cup 2014

    Hockey does a better job on flopping than any other major sport. NBA has become unwatchable for me and Soccer/Football is close behind. I'm still chuckling thinking about that GIF Joeblast... classic!
  4. As tongue in cheek as this may appear... I honestly think this is a great layout of a valid modern perspective of the straw dog aspect of the Tao.
  5. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    Is Dolly's Silicone Sacred? I bet her fans/hubby think so...
  6. FIFA World Cup 2014

  7. Don't think... feel.

    Reading your analogy of signal to noise ratio really resonates with me on this and was part of the equation for sure.
  8. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    Ha! Most Definitely!
  9. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    True enough. I am often building scenery outside in SoCal in 100+ weather, 12 hours a day for 60-90 days in a row... ugh don't remind me, another one is coming up soon. At work I can just focus on the work and it goes away for the most part. It bothers me more when I'm just hanging out. Although I have learned via experience and now follow a lesson from our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. I wear long sleeves and pants in the sun. All loose fitting, light material and light colored, with a Big Giant God Sized Hat! I don't even own shorts anymore and I live in Cali... ha! It always strikes me though, when working in that kind of heat, how much water we use. Drink gallons of water a day and never need to pee...
  10. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    hmm I wonder what Joe's sacred would be.... ?
  11. What can masculinism do for women?

    Good point! Roles is such a key word and it's totally artificial. If we quizzed each man about what a real man is, we'd get how many different answers? As many answers as men we ask. If we did the same for women, do we think there would ever be a real consensus? Read any news article about gender anything and there is the proof that there is no consensus. We are individuals within an amorphous system of conditions, constantly in flux seeking a solid unchanging definition of something that is always changing... I find much more peace when I stop trying to change everything else and simply allow things that are harming no one, to be as they are... but that's just me. "All groups are grammatical fictions; only individuals exist and each one is unique." RAW I meet everyone as an individual. Their actions and mine, dictate our reactions and thus define our relationship. When no harm is done, life thrives. When harm comes, it's time to stop it, or move on. edit: changed the you's to we's... I'm tired of my speech projecting onto others, trying to keep things closer to home.
  12. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    I avoid the midday sun as if I were a vampire... Pale Viking Loves the Sun... but from the shade of a big beautiful tree
  13. Outstanding Mate! Shine the light and let the rest deal with itself eh?
  14. Well this is the longest I've been able to maintain an interest in an MP thread; as it's the one I've experienced that had solid, clear, adult conversation about someone's actual experience within the system. I say had, because the dogma crew has crapped on the conversation and hijacked it again. *deep bow* and respect to Son of the Gods, for proving, at least for 12 pages or so, that real civil discourse and information can be shared about this topic on this site, if one has a footing from which to speak and a motivation to help understanding... there are interested people willing to read and ask questions and learn. It's hard to attack someone's personal experience with merit, but it's not hard to just attack for the sake of attacking. The part that is mystifying to me is that the MP followers claim that this site hates MP and yet, they keep clawing into the site to tell us all how much we hate it. The real revelation of motivation is that this now comes in the one thread where real conversation they all have been bitching couldn't happen because of bias, was flowing and real information was being disseminated. I've been places where I was legitimately not wanted... guess what? I left. Why be somewhere you feel you are not wanted? Unless you have another motivation... which is where I'm not mystified anymore, because in people's actions and words, their intent becomes very clear. It's just so obvious why the MP'rs keep clawing their way in, they are lashing out. The serious cultivators here all have thriving practices in open systems and lineages with clear instruction from teachers who have results as powerful as MP's demi-gods. My teacher has done much more than anything I've seen in a JC video, to my own body. I think this might have something to do with all the attacks. When you are desperate to learn from a system which you believe is the only legitimate one and it's been closed to you and you see others blossoming around you and flowing freely, it makes for some very negative feelings which engender some serious cognitive dissonance. That engenders the pain body and then we have the mess which MP is known for... Again, well done SotG! Thanks for some solid info on MP. My taste is fulfilled and now MP is no longer an issue for me on the site as the easiest thing for me to do about 'the MP problem' is simply not click on the threads. Thunder Out...
  15. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    I said straw man completely by mistake. I was intending to write straw dog and just wasn't paying attention. Sorry for any confusion there.
  16. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    So: Sacred essence lies in the letting go of form in innate voluntary sacrifice to the process of returning to the source which we never left... ? that works for me for now anyway, that is ridiculously beautiful and participatory and acknowledges awareness without clinging... going to sleep on that one... thanks!
  17. Adverse Effects of Contemplative Practices article

    Wow this resonated for me. Thanks! *deep bow*
  18. Water

    I was taught this as well and that distilled water being devoid of minerals by the distilling process will bond with and carry these particular inorganic excess minerals away. I've heard it provides relief for arthritis.
  19. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    The way I read about Straw Dogs and how I'm using the term applies to literal dogs made of straw, loosely tied together in a rough dog shape, carried around and set out for the day of a festival, then at the end of the festival they are all just discarded into the streets and revert back to normal straw to be tromped, shat and walked on with no thought whatsoever.
  20. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    Right on, so the essence of sacred would be the Sage's Virtue, which stems from his equal faithfulness to all. I can hang with that. but, purely devil's advocate here in the interest of chewing bones: This pops up... Say a tumor is on a patient's liver... the liver cells are sacred and the tumor is... How would a Sage view this? Is it just a matter of balance of Yin and Yang? I don't have much of a sacred view of viruses, or leeches, etc... Yet my son... family... friends... Somewhere in here is an inroad to be able to extend my compassion, but it's muddy, muddy water. Maybe it's not meant to be understood logically, but experienced... but I really enjoy chewing bones so... back to the tumor... Restore balance to the system and remove the conditions that allow the tumor to thrive? If so, then is balance considered sacred?
  21. What can masculinism do for women?

    I suspect that those who really fit the 'normal' gender roles in society are pretty few. Who doesn't have a few 'odd' habits and tendencies? So far, no one I've ever met and got to know even remotely well falls in line with 'normal'.
  22. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    I think humor is a great indicator of where the work lies. Wherever I am not permitted to laugh, it's bound to be that there is something to work on there. The humor to me reinforces the point he's making, since it 'demystifies' the topic, or 'brings it down' to the base, common level, much like water settling in its lowest point. The laughter in an of itself, to me, is proof to the non-sacred nature, for we are not permitted to laugh at the sacred are we? Aside from the Jesters, Fools and Heyokah, etc. The presence of this one in nearly all cultures, reminding us that these dogmas and clingons we support and prop up with 'strong belief' is naught but a straw dog. Albeit, maybe a really nice straw dog that we enjoy very much for a time. I really appreciate how he advances the hinge though, that there is life that is sacred and life that is not. Which gets me to my point about what is the definition of sacred. What does it mean to be sacred? Does it exist in anything/way other than in a thought?
  23. How and why do babies lose belly breath ?

    I don't? whoa, wait till my son hears
  24. How and why do babies lose belly breath ?

    Interesting question, but far more important to me is how to restore it?