silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. This revenge and threat fantasy reads as coming from someone young and quite naive, if well meaning. Instead of power, I hope you find wisdom.
  2. No one mind is or can be the Arbiter of Right/Wrong or objectively knowing what is best for anyone else. Insofar as we are each an extension of The All. If you really want to influence The All, work on your self.
  3. Tien Shan Taoist Internal Arts - Steve Gray

    It's one book, self published under two titles. Dragon is the revised version. RIP steve
  4. What is your purpose for your practice?

    And you are not a qualified observer.
  5. Share music…

    Many pages of great shares in this thread... check it out. I've picked up many new artists over the last few years from it.
  6. What are you listening to?

    It took so long, for me to realize, How strong your heart is... and all this time my mind was working in... strange ways. Sweet Tides. Pools of Light. Your eyes are full of.... Sweet Tides... Pools of Light
  7. deleted

    Daniel... when he doesn't appear to be talking to himself, he's mansplaining. I only see when folks quote him any longer. another one on ignore
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Still makes me chuckle after all these years...
  9. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    You make a potent observation here. The basic form of perception is hallucination. All that we perceive is being recognized now as not direct observation, but interpretive hallucination. All human perception is an aproximation, not a direct experience. Our senses are triggered by signals and we interpret those signals into our perception of reality. We do not see/hear reality as it is... we transduce our aproximations of reality from signals through the conditioning of our perceptual process. Generally it seem when someone's confessed interpretations of the signals of life do not jive harmoniously with their native culture, (particularly when it makes the majority nervous or frightened), we seperate them and isolate them and treat them, to make ourselves feel better.
  10. Women in Eastern Tradition (taboo)

    @Dedicated that's an intriguing thought. Recently, duality for me no longer represents a manifestation of two distinct seperate 'things' of and to themselves; rather it represents the manner in which there are expressions of one dynamic process along a continuum of polarity.
  11. The point certainly doesn't seem to be interest in exploring the topic, but rant about unrelated personal opinions. Effectively a thread killer if they don't lose interest and move along to the next target. Unfortunate. Strong minds explore concepts. Average minds dwell on events. Small minds obsess over gossip.
  12. when should long time

    Or when should long time cynics take a break...
  13. Unpopular Opinions

    Luis Y Ana?
  14. coffee put into concrete

    So appreciate your contributions and presence here.
  15. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    you first.
  16. .

    I've been waiting and hoping for several decades for humans to begin approaching medicine through the fundamental use of sound and light, instead of carpentry which seems to be the current focus.
  17. Well done bob... you've just participated in a conversation for a brief moment, rather than project your fear onto others and assume you know what they derived from the book or what is possible to derive from the source that is Castaneda. And then you are back to assuming and projecting your assumption and fear onto the world about you and others. Not that it matters a whit... but I'd be far more intrigued to know what you derived from the books instead of your projected fears and anger about the man behind these insights. No need to fear for us bob, we're all experienced seekers, quite capable of engaging without "being a new ager who swallows anything in print". We don't need saving bub. We're just having a conversation and exploring a topic. Of course, if you need to vent... c'est la vie. But expect some push back, cuz that shit is low hanging fruit in my world and my tolerance for it is nill lately.
  18. Some folks feel the rain... others just get wet. Find a new hobby bob?
  19. .

    I have a similar device. It was used to stimulate bone growth and healing after two intense reconstructive surgeries. I was very grateful for it and still have it 18 years later. Very useful tech.