silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Dantian vs Dhammakaya light 💡 orb

    i've been experiencing mild to strong magnetic pulsation, a stirring or pulsation of intense bliss and bouyancy and a sensation of liquid flowing that is centered on this location for many years. It arises and ceases tzujan (of itself) without my prompting or seeking and i do not use local awareness toward it in any way other than observing it. i do not seek to hinder, nor bolster it... my only action is to release into awareness of it and allow it to be as it is. There were times on retreat with Wang Liping where it became so intense it blotted out all other phenomenon or noumenon in awareness and made following or attempting the formal praxis or placing awareness on anything else, impossible.
  2. Who or what is the god of this world?

    Awareness to me seems the central pivot of ultimate stillness and the endless varieties of manifestation and motion. So, were I to offer a suggested direction of further exploration or possible refuge... Awareness would be it. Anything encountered, imagined or experienced, will be in Awareness.
  3. What are you listening to?

    Say what you will about them as musicians, or as men... they nudged and poked the Western Psyche as few others did... Back then... and now. talk about alchemy!
  4. Quest for Longevity

    At this point I'm no longer clinging to extending life and I'm no longer concerned with avoiding death. It's a bit like Wei Wu Along The Way or now and then....?
  5. Gaming Corner- What's your game

    My son loves his Occulus. I love watching his view on the monitor while he plays. It's second gen and still baby steps but it's really impressive to me. There's only one game I play on it, which is Aircar. You get to drive one of the police cruisers from Bladerunner around an open future city in the rain with a stellar soundtrack playing. It's so immersive I sometimes get vertigo while cruising. Great stuff. I'm looking forward to upgrading in another generation or two. My wife and I got back into online gaming a year ago and now she and I are currently running an end game content guild in the MMO Elder Scrolls Online. We've gathered a group of fantastic gamer folks from around the globe. We meet twice a week for scheduled hard mode runs, then fill out spots during the rest of the week with dungeons and achievement runs, or just hang out in chat and talk shop and life. It's pretty remarkable what gaming has become in my lifetime... (from pong and Monopoly to VR and world wide gaming runs). In our scheduled weekly roster runs we have folks from Germany, Australia and India along with a couple Canadians in addition to the US crowd. We've also picked up a solid group of retired and elder folks and it's been amazing to see the benefit they get from not only socializing, but the rather intricate needs of each person in a 12 man roster needing to fill specific tasks and roles in order for the group to succeed. It's team work, communication and a hell of a lot of laughter. Play for love, play for joy.
  6. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    "I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." ~Hamlet (by way of Shakespeare)
  7. Share music…

  8. The concept of God

    almost always... c'est la vie.
  9. The concept of God

  10. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    When you read a line that is so well written, you just close the book and stare at the wall for a minute. ~Anonymous
  11. Dropping pearls mate. Appreciate you.
  12. New Thoughts On MaoShan Spirit Fighting

  13. This revenge and threat fantasy reads as coming from someone young and quite naive, if well meaning. Instead of power, I hope you find wisdom.
  14. No one mind is or can be the Arbiter of Right/Wrong or objectively knowing what is best for anyone else. Insofar as we are each an extension of The All. If you really want to influence The All, work on your self.
  15. Tien Shan Taoist Internal Arts - Steve Gray

    It's one book, self published under two titles. Dragon is the revised version. RIP steve
  16. What is your purpose for your practice?

    And you are not a qualified observer.
  17. Share music…

    Many pages of great shares in this thread... check it out. I've picked up many new artists over the last few years from it.
  18. What are you listening to?

    It took so long, for me to realize, How strong your heart is... and all this time my mind was working in... strange ways. Sweet Tides. Pools of Light. Your eyes are full of.... Sweet Tides... Pools of Light
  19. deleted

    Daniel... when he doesn't appear to be talking to himself, he's mansplaining. I only see when folks quote him any longer. another one on ignore
  20. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Still makes me chuckle after all these years...
  21. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    You make a potent observation here. The basic form of perception is hallucination. All that we perceive is being recognized now as not direct observation, but interpretive hallucination. All human perception is an aproximation, not a direct experience. Our senses are triggered by signals and we interpret those signals into our perception of reality. We do not see/hear reality as it is... we transduce our aproximations of reality from signals through the conditioning of our perceptual process. Generally it seem when someone's confessed interpretations of the signals of life do not jive harmoniously with their native culture, (particularly when it makes the majority nervous or frightened), we seperate them and isolate them and treat them, to make ourselves feel better.