silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    I thought so at first, but according to the creators of the test, the colors are not evenly divided. It's a cheat prevention I assume, so when using the test for actual scientific results they can throw out answers greater than 39 so this doesn't throw off the data, due to people's desire to 'score better' by deducing how many colors are present that they think they should be able to see, when they can't actually perceive them, (not sure why anyone would try and cheat on this anyway, since it only indicates the number of receptors in your eyes and thus has no bearing on the outcome and won't change vision. It's just an interesting way to uncover a bit more about one's self and how our perception works). Those who made the diagram claim they made it with 39 distinct hues.
  2. It hit me very simply one day. So simply, that the realization simply stripped away a lot of the bull shit I carry around and create for myself moment by moment, decade by decade in my mind. Thoughts aren't real. They're not inherently real, true, or even important. I no longer believe everything I think.
  3. Fascinating stuff. Thanks to all contributing. Aside from Niwan and the nine palaces of the head... has anyone here had any experiences with the 'back mirror'?
  4. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    I found it interesting that my innate dislike of yellow is not unusual among tetrachromes. It always seems harsh to me. Sunlight is a real bugger for me out here in Southern California lol. On some of these tests, I have noticed slippery areas in the orange hues for me. I counted 37. For the record, there are 39 colors in that diagram... according to those who produced the image.
  5. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    Yea light and color is always fascinating to me too. I particularly enjoy the optical illusions widely available now, that point out just how much 'interpretation' is involved in our optical process and how much variance there is person to person. I appreciate how they illustrate that my perceptual tools are filtered, interpreted and extrapolated from the incoming raw information into internal projections that do not match exactly what is 'out there'. Sure it's impressive, and is close enough that we don't often bump into things... but we do not 'see the exact truth'. We filter and interpret it. We navigate the ocean of energy largely through our senses and just how much of what is there do we actually perceive? And how much of what we perceive do we perceive accurately? Fascinating stuff. I was originally looked into this after my wife and a good buddy were consistently seeing blue cars, where I perceived purple, or blue where I saw distinct greenish tones. This became a running joke with us over the decades... and it turns out, even among the non-color blind, we do not all perceive the same colors or all the potential gradations and variants of the various hues. This was also pointed up to me over the years while working on scenery with Scenic Painters... It is a mark of distinction if you are capable of mixing colors for prep, as not all folks on the crew are capable. They have to test you, as some folks just can't perceive subtle variations in some hues. Dichromats comprise aproximately 25% of the population and have two color receptors. Trichromats comprise 50% of the population and have three, while Tetrachromats the remaining 25% have four. The more cones, the more subtle variations within certain hues can be distinguished. quick test: see how many distinct hues you perceive.
  6. simplify

  7. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    yup, the sad, unavoidability of self fulfilling prophecy. Ouroboros As you said very succinctly... one can share information, but cannot make anyone understand. When I read a book, or have a conversation and have a ping pong ball sized awareness... I garner a ping pong ball understanding of the book, no matter how many learned masters, professors and co-readers share their insights. Learning is an active process. No one pours knowledge or experience into another. When my awareness expands to a basket ball and I reread that book, or revisit a conversation... well then, whole new dimensions come into play. Who knows what seeds are being planted and if they will bear fruit in the soil they land in... all I seem to know, is that those here, who are willing to share with authentic intent, are displaying the very highest ideals and core foundations of of the very nature of the process Master Chang realized and that was taught to me by Zhou Ting-Jue and Wang Li Ping. Quiet heart. Calm heart. Sincere heart. With these, every act of the day is practice and life is the art. Without them... all the sitting and qi gong is mearely waving hands in the air. or something like that.
  8. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    yea this sums up my reaction to the entire process of this thread... haven't seen a troll fed this well in a long while. My son taught me a profound lesson when he was a toddler. That the only thing i truly possess... is my attention and my presence. It is the only actual thing of value I may share with anyone else. In that respect. I am profoundly touched at the level of care and compassion I am witnessing here in this thread exhibited by those who are still willing to share their most valuable commodity with someone I deemed unworthy and put on ignore after their third comment. I continue to try and absorb the wisdom shown by these accomplished masters. Also... It seems i still have some grubby desire to witness the aftermath of slow motion accidents in process. But then, I know i'm a mess.
  9. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    That makes logical sense to me. But it doesn't reconcile with my experience. I paint and work with color mixing and still and in spite of the practice and theory of light and color... pink is a bridge for me. Which is another awesome example of why I no longer believe everything I think and can't any more assume taht what I perceive is real. Thanks mate. As always, your education, experience and inclination to share is deeply apprectiated. p.s. pink is a bridge
  10. Trolling

    Trollhunter was good fun! Imaginitive stuff. Another really great Adult Norwegian Folk Tale, regarding the Fairy/Troll folk is Thale Same production company I believe that did Valhalla Rising (incredible depiction of 13th century viking view of fate) and Trollhunter. Some really engaging, good stuff coming from that group recently list of them here.
  11. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    I always considered pink a bridge from purple back to red. The completion of a cycle. As you lighten purple (red and blue) into lavender it eventually hues pink to me, which when saturated returns to red. So pink to me is a transition in perception of the return of perceived colors back to red. This Time article on the color pink considers it a fabrication of our perception process and that it technically doesn't exist... not sure how they get to that semantic conclusion myself... but then, I don't believe everything I think, let alone believe everything I perceive is real. Interesting stuff.
  12. Defusing a thread with humor

    One of my markers for my process is based on laughter. Wherever, whatever I encounter in my life, where I consider I am not permitted to laugh... here is my work.
  13. Defusing a thread with humor

    Humor is potent. I have witnessed Masters wield it to immensely great effect in my experience. Or, when unskilled, they cut themselves and others clumsily. And then, no matter how skillfully it is used, how it lays down to those involved is always up to the interpretation of everyone involved. Intent seems so much more important to me the more I continue as this being. Intent is the hinge pin for me. Skillful use of humor can ease the sting of derisive comments, painful realizations and hurtful intent in a conversation/situation, de-escalating and acting as a carrier interrupt signal that gives those involved a brief pause in the flow of a situation. This pause can initiate a shift out of hurtful and back into the productive. Or it can be wielded like a weapon to cause discomfort and pain. Or it can be frivolous and meaningless and chaotic. or ______________________________________. or ______________________________________. or ______________________________________. As with anything, it's up to each of us, how we respond, how we accept, and perhaps most importantly how we interpret whatever we encounter in our awareness.
  14. The ethics of revenge

    Yup, that resonates with my experience and was really well stated mate, nice and simple. Easy enough even for my muddled monkey to follow. Thanks for that. I realized to my extreme relief and that of those around me, somewhere along the way that I have only so much energy under my conscious direction. I can spend it on hating shit from the past, worrying about shit from the future, or I can spend it nurturing what I love in the now. I choose love now... whenever I can.
  15. Serious?!    No I'm not serious!  I am however, completely sincere.

  16. simplify

  17. simplify

    Gummy Bear
  18. simplify

  19. I will find the center of the pain and then saturate this place with my awareness. In, saturate and through... pain dissolves leaving only awareness.
  20. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” Mark Twain
  21. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Husserl: Ideas Jonathan Livingston Seagull and just ordered my first play in a few years... The Seafarer by Conor McPherson
  22. The Perils of Meditation

    While my practice and my process have cultivated an abiding peace, love and nurturing. The process is cyclical and often, far from pleasant. They are saturated in the pain of the stripping away of assumptions, presumptions, projections and illusory beliefs. This quote resonates deeply with my process. "Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretence. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true." ~Asyashanti