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Stillness movement in China

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I am starting this thread to find if there are teachers in China for qi gong system similar to stillness movement taught by Michael Lomax in US. This may be helpful for those staying in the other part of the world and can't make it to US for attending workshops.

Please share your ideas.



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Thanks Leif.

I tried to google but could find only this at best

From here, it seems the courses are taught by someone by name Dr.  Paola Conti. (because Hu Lijuan is too old?)

Is there any better website which tells more about the practices, how long it takes, what one can expect at the end of it, and maybe any more demo videos?



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I don't know much sorry. I'm aware that there were some workshops in Italy, and that they were teaching in China, that's all.

I'd expect there'll be more info available on Chinese internet.

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