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What is Flapping?

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Four monks were meditating in a monastery. All of a sudden, the prayer flag on the roof started flapping. The younger monk came out of his meditation and said: "Flag is flapping". A more experienced monk said: "Wind is flapping". A third monk who had been there for more than 20 years said: "mind is flapping". The fourth monk who was the eldest said, visibly annoyed: "Mouths are flapping!".


After I read this I couldn't stop laughing!


I kind of agree with the first monk (maybe because I'm a newbie) but it's obvious that the flag is flapping (and the mouths) and not the wind. The wind is causing the flag to flap but I don't think the wind itself could flap, I'm assuming it's not dense enough.


What does everyone think?

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After I read this I couldn't stop laughing!


I kind of agree with the first monk (maybe because I'm a newbie) but it's obvious that the flag is flapping (and the mouths) and not the wind. The wind is causing the flag to flap but I don't think the wind itself could flap, I'm assuming it's not dense enough.


What does everyone think?


LOL,Love it , thanks!

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That's so funny. :lol:


It's like Zeno's arrow and the Buddhist teaching about the flame and the candle which is all kinda paradoxical. I figure all the monks are right and you'll note that:

1. The flag is obviously the monkey mind.

2. They are all monks.

3. The eldest is the one that delivers the punch-line.

4. In the moment of laughter you transcend duality and paradox.

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