
New here and had come seeking information about a home altar.

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Hello to everyone here. I am happy to have found this forum and will likely return many times to it. As for my reason for being here I had come looking for information about my home altar. My altar in question is dedicated to Tu'er Shen also known as the Rabbit God. Being a lesser known god not many manufacturers nor craftsmen sell statues of him so I have resorted to useing a image as a icon for paying respect to him and praying.  Though I believe that this works I am not so sure. Either way I hope I have shown respect but I am still unsure if this is proper. I know that within Daoism there are few set in stone rules but I feel I should still ask. 

Edited by BaileyO'Boston

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I know this is an extremely old inactive post, my apologies if it's against the rules to revive things like this. But, it's one of the few posts that popped up for me when I searched Tu'er Shen so I thought I'd contribute to the conversation incase anyone else stumbles upon this post the same way that I did. 


Personally, I decorate my altar with any rabbit statues I can find. This lunar year being year of the rabbit made them pretty easy to find, otherwise I always try to hit the clearance Easter decorations. I think what's important is having things that are symbolic of the god, even if you can't get a direct literal representation of them. An image should be fine, too, though! I can only speak to my own practice, but I believe intention is everything. If you are intentionally calling out to a certain god, they're likely to take notice

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