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Living with the I Ching...

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I have been working with the Yi Jing for ahwile now, casting often but not obsessive... and trying to apply the read into my daily life. I was hopeing to hear from other casters as in how they cast, what questions they ask, and how they incorporate the reads into their lifes...

Edited by Stone

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Hi there Stone, I use the I Ching hardly ever, but when I do I clearly need help, I dont have much knowledge of its use other than as a divinational tool, i am pretty much a barbarian on this one! I generally use it for my spiritual direction, sometimes my judgement can be a little clouded in this respect, often the I Ching will give me the feedback I need as to wether a certain practice or teacher that i am interested in would be beneficial for my growth or direction. I also sometimes consult when im just lacking focus. I find it good to have a few different commentarys that you like to relate to sometimes, as they can give you some different angles. I generally try and go into casting with the right motivation and properly worded inquiry+ an attitude of respect, reverence and gratitude and a commitment to thouroughly investigate and find the meaning of whatever outcome you recieve. The I Ching does not seem to like it if I ask the same questions again, or am unsure of myself and will give answers accordingly. It is a very deep and dense subject, but it has been very helpful over the years even with my very limited knowledge and elementary approach. I do generally try to find my own inner answer to my enquiry before using the I Ching because often we already know the answer, anyway hope theres something in my post thats of use. james

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