8. Show us how to communicate the importance of proper lineage to those who are not interested in it, specifically the self-initiates. Hermit     Queen  of Swords    Off with their heads !   Or, has she just removed the head if the patriarchy ?      BUT ... se represents the watery part of air and its .... " power of transmission  "     The character, excellent in itself, cannot support interference. Foresight and prudence, care in preparation of action, are a safeguard (line i.) Advantage is to be won, moreover, by reliance on help from apparently unsuitable comrades (lines 2 and 5). This alien strength often supplies the defeat of inherent weakness, and may even create definite superiority to circumstance (line 4). In such an event, there may be temptation to undertake rash adventures, foredoomed to failure. But even so, no blame is incurred (line 6); the conditions of True Will have been satisfied, and the issue is compensated by the feeling that the right (however unfortunate) course has been adopted.             9. Show us what those focused on getting along need to know about lineage. Ace of  Cups  ....  a secret and original form of an elemental energy . It is the Yoni and Moon to the Ace of wands lingam and Sun . Ether becomes water. The dove descends into the cup   and consecrates the element .   10. Show us what those focused on proper lineage and teaching need to know about eclecticism. 5 Wands .  'Strife'  The symbol represents the wand of the Chief Adept, showing that the authority is derived from the superiors;       11. Show us what is important for everyone to know and understand that they don’t know they don’t understand about the need for integrity of training.   AEON  - new formations  ...  everything is different now in the world in which we operate The time for the birth of an Aeon seems to be indicated by great concentration of political power with the accompanying im provements in the means of travel and communication, with a general advance in philosophy and science, with a general need of consolida tion in religious thought. ... It is a thought far from comforting to the present generation, that 500 years of Dark Ages are likely to be upon us. But, if the analogy holds, that is the case. Fortunately, to-day we have brighter torches and more torch- bearers.   12. Show us the same about self-initiation.   Hanged Man.       13. Show us what is important to know about the forum that we aren't aware of.   Knight of Discs .... slow and steady  trudging at times  - but he gets there .    He rides through the fertile land; even the distant hills are cultivated fields. Those whom he symbolizes tend to be dull, heavy and pre- p.165 occupied with material things. They are laborious and patient, but would have little intellectual grasp even of matters which concern them most closely. Their success in these is due to instinct, to imita tion of Nature. They lack initiative; their fire is the smouldering fire of the process of growth. If ill-dignified, these people are hopelessly stupid, slavish, quite incapable of foresight even in their own affairs, or of taking an intelli gent interest in anything outside them. They are churlish, surly, and jealous (in a dull sort of way) of what they instinctively realize is the superior state of others; but they have not the courage or intelligence to better themselves. Yet they are always irritably meddling about petty matters; they interfere with, and inevitably spoil, whatever comes their way.   14. Show us what is helpful to begin a dialogue to talk about it right now (based off of answer to 13).    10 Cups  This card represents a conflicting element. On the one hand, it receives the influence of the Ten, Malkah the Virgin. The arrange ment of the cups is that of the Tree of Life. But, on the other hand, they are themselves unstable. They are tilted; they spill the water from the great Lotus which overhangs the whole system from one into the other. The work proper to water is complete: and disturbance is due. This comes from the influence of Mars in Pisces. Mars is the gross, violent and disruptive force which inevitably attacks every supposed perfection. His energy displays the greatest possible con trast with that of Pisces, which is both peaceful and spiritualized.   15. What is the #1 thing that TDB needs now?      Hexagram card     16. If there is something that we need to be asking that we all want to ask but don't know the words or what it is, show us what the question is and what the answer is.   Lovers    17. Anything else the MTLs want us to know before we close?    2 Cups  '  love  '      
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