Wun Yuen Gong

Deep breathing practices

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Aiya! Just when I had the no sugar thing down you gotta come along and take my soy sauce away!


I've noticed I now get a hangover the next morning if I eat more than a little processed sugar the day before, though fruit doesn't seem to cause the same effect. However, when I was back in the states visiting my parents I ate a very low sodium diet (my mother has high blood pressure) and it made me feel run down and edgy. Went out and bought a box of saltines and voila, back to normal. Drug withdrawal then? I know when I quit sugar I had to ride out a week of craving and low energy. But no soy sauce! No miso! Really no eating out. That's going to be harder. Eh, no rush other than the push of evolution.


What do you think of no grains? No simple carbohydrates that quickly convert to sugar within the body?


Also, do you think these are diets to follow after one's Jing is established or can they be beneficial while developing Jing. I love neigong and going deeper but having a well developed, strong, healthy body should be established right at the outset. This is the tradition anyway.

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