Sorry but Ill repeat myself..IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY   What you are describing is someone doing something.....What chang did 30 odd years ago is not that   In order to prove it would need to   1. Test him....not find an alternative method of demonstrating a similar result and then claiming it is what he did too...that's just not the way falsifying things work.   Is there any evidence of liquid on the video? I don't think so   Is there any evidence the researcher ( Dr Lawrence Blair) provided liquid? I don't think so?   Did the scientist and physician lie too? On camera? Risking careers and reputation? I doubt it   What about the consistent electric shocks the patients get? pushing the chopsticks through the table...mcmillans telekentic performance...and the fact that when his method leaked, it was revealed to be an inner door teaching, and confirmed by others?   So if there is no evidence to suggest have to try a little harder to prove there was some   Do you think he did? Please recall he's not a public demonstrator, and outside of his students...That is the only documented footage of him doing anything from what I know of   You don't sound very familiar...more like a typical western skeptic if im is irrelevant... that is how you present yourself....Try going to Thailand during the Nine Emperor Gods Festival....There'll be a bunch of people there invoking spirits and mutilating themselves to massive extents.....Might be fun for you to find a few more "liars" and "street performers"   I attached one such example below....another liar, correct?   Honestly, your lack of understanding of the metaphysics of spiritual teachings is baffling, considering you claim to be well versed