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Healed in a dream? (inside a dream)

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I had a dream where I met someone resembling a guy I used to be pals with back in the uni. In the dream we were is a sort of warehouse, and there he  casually jumped off the rafters that were above head height, and I confessed I was wary of doing that, since I have pains and problems with my knees. Than someone else joined in -- and I told them about a cutting pains I have, running down the line from my upper jaw down to the neck and right chest area and to the liver I think? I pulled on it and a sort of a worm came out, or that was the concept I was trying to convey, and they sort of rolled their eyes and went with it - yeah, it's sort of like that. So the worm got tossed out, and they extended palms toward me, I felt warmth. Some unfamiliar music was playing, 5 clean tones played in a loop on a string instrument and two chords on a different string instrument.


So the cutting pains have stopped, and the painful swollen lymph nodule I had on the underside of the jaw is gone. I could remember the melody for a while after waking up, but I am not trained in writing down music, so it is gradually drowned out.


He had a set of prayer beads with him at times, and more sensitive than most of us were, so he often took his time before speaking, and at times when you got fired up or angry guy would just snicker at you, and you felt like a dolt. I wonder how is he? Didn't hear from him in years.


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Well, mulling over it again I have the following interpretations :


1. Doing some tai-chi exercises the day before cleared blockage in the nerve channel (sort of like removing a clamp). Some sources say that healing properties of sleep are attributed to brain function reaching lower frequencies aka Theta state, and the autonomous nervous system does the healing.


A familiar vet told me cats can excrete a needle they swallow by accident without experiencing any harm, so the body's innate potential for healing is very high.


The dream itself, it that case, would be "a finger pointing to the moon".


2. I got a dream visit from someone nice and benevolent C:


3. I was doing this and that the night before (didn't come), so the episode had something to do with sublimation of DA SEX JUICE. 


I love dreaming! I used to have many dreams where I could pseudo-fly by propelling myself in the air like a jellyfish, was able to run around on all fours and leap several meters in the air. An interesting dream was particularly vivid dream was one I got sometime in my first year after graduation, in winter : an education official was praising we for graduating, and the dream me had tears streaming from his eyes, grabbed the official by the collar and yelled : 'You don't get it! I want to become the sun!'.


I mulled over it for several years, since the interpretation of the Sun in our school physics seemed out of question. The breakthrough was when I encountered the reading of Rider Waite Tarot called Journey of the Fool, where The Sun corresponds to embodying effortless effort. That's what led to TTC.


Edited by Aspen

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