
Voidisyinyang's posts on Light is Pure Awareness

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People want to see the Self as something. They desire to see it as a blazing light, etc. But how could that be? The Self is not light, not darkness, not any observed thing. The Self is ever the Witness. It is eternal and remains the same all along….Sages say that the state [or place] in which the thought ‘I’ [the ego] does not rise even in the least, alone is Silence [mouna] or Self [swarupa]. [That] silent Self alone is God; Self alone is the jiva; Self alone is this ancient world….Attending unceasingly and with a fully [concentrated] mind to Self, which is the non-dual perfect reality, alone is the pure supreme Silence;

—Ramana Maharshi

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Teachings and Practices of the Early Quanzhen Taoist Masters, The

Stephen Eskildsen - 2012 - ‎Philosophy
Qi is the mother of spirit. Spirit is the child of qi. Always make the child and mother guard each other without separating. Naturally, after many days, the spirit will become stable, and the way of im- mortality will be accomplished. [Stage] two: Once this has been attained, let go of your four great elements (or limbs?)47 [of your ...

The Way of Complete Perfection: A Quanzhen Daoist Anthology

2013 - ‎History
As the Yinfu jing (Scripture on the Hidden Talisman) says,l6 'Sacred accomplishment is born here; spiritual illumination emerges from this.' Qi is the mother of spirit; spirit is the child of qi.” If you can constantly guard spirit and qi together, without allowing separation, with time spirit becomes stabilized naturally, and the way of ...

Cultivating Perfection: Mysticism and Self-transformation in Early ...

Louis Komjathy - 2007 - ‎History
And, Qi is the mother of spirit; spirit is the child of qi. Like a hen incubating an egg, preserve spirit and nourish qi. Then you will never be separated from the Wondrous” (ibid.). 367 The black ox is also mentioned in section 7a above. 368 The Celestial Pass usually refers to a head location, perfected chongyang's instructions ...
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Liu Ming's xiuzhen houbian
tl Fabrizio Pregadio in Cultivating the Dao:

They are different from the precelestial qi of True Unity, which is indestructible for ten thousand kalpas, transcends all things, and is "the only Honored One." Neither life nor death adhere to it, neither Being nor Non-Being are established in it. This qi is the root of the postcelestial jing, qi, and shen, and the ruler of the precelestial jing, qi, and shen.

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Meditate on Brahma as made of light - a light consisting of OM, that is the luminous Jnana. When the kundalini joins the SELF she exits through the sockets of the eyes. This subtle jnana is to be kept secret.

Dr. James Mallinson



"The process of creation depends on Nada and Bindu from the union of which Siva and Shakti appear....Only Nada, manifested by the gross (and inaudible) varnas is the denote of meaning. ...primal unvoiced sound (Nada), in almost gross sound (Bindu)....hence the Nada becomes the power of Sakti....sound both as Siva and Sakti....Dualism comes under the literature created after the pluralistic amalgamation of Saivagamas, is not in the earlier Tamil works."

International Journal of Science and Research Publicatons, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2012, "The Concept of Nada and Bindu in Tirumantiram" pdf

Nirmala V., Dept. of Sanskrit Sahitya, Research Scholar, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala, India

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The ear collect the spiraling energy from the cosmos, this energy gives life to man, and we see this vitality in the light which shines forth from our eyes.


Tibetan medical doctor.

Tamil Tirumantiram excerpts



They traverse the spheres of sun and moon, pingala and ida, and see visions of past, present, and future. And in that full moon day the nectar, amrita, ripens. Until lowering into the external mind from kundalini heights, time stands still. 875
It is the light of Shiva that beams jnana....It is the light born of constant awareness of the pure sound Aum. 2686


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All phenomenal things are first heard - phenomenal things are known via sound; sights are seen via sound; scent is via sound; taste is known via sound - knowing is via sound. It is via sound that sound is known. “Shabda” [sound] - meaning: “Sh[a]” = Shiva + “b[a]” = throat + “d[a]” = the door at the region of the anus - all the sounds that resonate from the magnetism of the mortal body down to that point…and by which anything is cognized - that is what is called “shabda.”


Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya

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4 minutes ago, dwai said:


Ramana Maharshi:

People want to see the Self as something. They desire to see it as a blazing light, etc. But how could that be? The Self is not light, not darkness, not any observed thing.

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Ramanananda Saraswati), a very old disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Though a Telugu by birth he speaks English and ...... The satvic mind has to be admitted as a concession to argument. The satvic mind is in fact the Absolute ..... whereas the rajasic mind is full of them. The sattvic mind resolves itself into the Life-current.

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In his booklet “Who am I?” Ramana says:




 “It is this state, where there is not the slightest trace of the ‘I’-thought, that is the true Being of oneself. And that is called Quiescence or Mouna (Silence).”

  “Such mouna [silence] is not inertness but great activity. It is the most powerful speech.”




M.: “Mouna is not closing the mouth. It is eternal speech.”

D.: “I do not understand.”

M.: “That state which transcends speech and thought is mouna.”

D.: “How to achieve it?”

M.: “Hold some concept firmly and trace it back. By such concentration silence results. When practice becomes natural it will end in silence. Meditation without mental activity is silence. Subjugation of the mind is meditation. Deep meditation is eternal speech.”

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28 minutes ago, dwai said:


The property  of the awareness is to illuminate. In this manifestation, the first thing that is knowledge is that “I am”. This is the reflected light. Everything else follows this. 

Only as reflected light of I am.




First Poonjaji quote:


Let this I face the Source and facing the Source is called inquiry, when the I is facing, there is the inquiry. As mirror, in front of the mirror, is reflecting. When you see the mirror? See your face, a reflection. When you keep aside the mirror, where does the reflection go? Back to the face. So this I is inquiring from its own source, which was a reflection in the mind; mind to the senses; senses to the body; body to the senses; senses to the object. This universe is this thing. This is the method of maharshi. Striking at the root of the mind. Everything else, all the methods, ways described by others, people who teach any kind of sadhana, any kind of practice, are WITH the mind, and the result will be mental or like yoga, physical, the result will be physical. This is striking at the root of the mind, instantly.

Then science:


This phenomenon, called undulation, is familiar to everyone who has been watching streams of water on a rainy day. There one can often see standing ripples appearing on the flowing water. These are not standing waves—they are not waves at all, not oscillations in space and time, but only oscillatory patterns in space: they have zero frequency.... The latter occurred in a so-called black-hole laser [32] that uses two horizons, a white-hole and a black-hole horizon (the white-hole horizon is the time reverse of the black-hole horizon). The two horizons act as both the mirrors and the amplifying medium for Hawking radiation trapped inside. However, the dominating part of the radiation belongs to a wave of zero wavenumber, an undulation, that can be excited by any perturbation and the condensate used was highly non-stationary...Hawking radiation is a much more general phenomenon than originally anticipated; it belongs to a wide class of wave processes in moving media.... At the event horizon time stands still and so waves oscillate with wavelengths that become infinitely short....



This is not light - it is called "protoconsciousness" in quantum physics - it is also called "noncommutative phase" that is nonlocal. It is pure awareness that is NOT light.


So the MIRROR is NOT light.


It resonates as eternal speech or eternal listening - those are the two mirrors - or as zero frequency infinite time and infinite frequency zero time.


Edited by voidisyinyang

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Ramana Maharshi:



elemental ether within the flame of a lamp is known to fill without any difference and without any limit both the inside and the outside of the flame, so also the knowledge-ether that is within the Self-light in the heart, ...


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Quantum physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier call the protoconsciousnes:


"time-like hypertubes inside the light"


It is NOT light. It is quantum entanglement as the nonlocal protoconsciousness that is eternal motion of time and frequency as superluminal momentum.


Louis de Broglie called it, to quote:


Professor Fabio Cardone:

The wave associated to a quantum object (to be meant according to the Einstein-de Broglie-Bohm interpretation, i.e. as a hollow – or pilot – wave) is a deformation of the Minkowskian space-time geometry. This hypothesis establishes a possible connection between the two seemingly unrelated questions of the real nature of the quantum wave in Quantum Mechanics, and of the possible breakdown of local Lorentz invariance in Special Relativity....a hollow wave is nothing but a local deformation of space-time geometry. By a metaphoric image we may picture the local deformed space-time, which is intimately bound to each photon, as the shadow of the photon. It is immaterial, like a shadow (since it carries neither energy nor momentum) and it can reach space regions far from the photon, exactly as a shadow fills space regions far from the body that casts it....This is essentially due (according to de Broglie and Andrade y Silva) to the interaction of quantum objects with all the pilot waves in a given space region, through their quantum potential.


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Meditation Upon the Soundless Sound - Surat Shabd Yoga
On the Anahat or Unstruck Melody
The perceiver of this Primal Word gains access into Sach Khand (the Realm of Pure Consciousness or Primeval Sound) and does not have to come again into this mortal world [does not have to reincarnate].

And, as even this Unstruck Melody is transcended, the Highest State, the Nameless [Anami], the Soundless State [Anadi, Pure or True State of God] is attained.


– Maharshi Mehi Paramhans

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the Absolute Void as eternal time that feeds on the light by breathing.

Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans – A Brief History

Charles H. Kahn

for Anaximander:

the heavenly bodies uttered a flute-like whistle



the circles that carry the stars have "flute-like" pipes with breathing holes through which the fire bursts forth when they are not blocked up. It seems certain that the pressurized fiery vapour escaping from these [ancient Greek] must make sounds or notes that reflect the size and diameter of the pipe, rather like the sound of huge pan pipes played across the dark and misty heavens.


The Void of Parmenides as Apeiron is the Siren that creates the energy of the Stars as the Hearth or Air that Feeds off the Light of the Universe


The World Soul as the Mother Goddess acts by counting as Harmonia. Knowledge (Light) feeds the soul through breathing as harmonic time.


Chronos was the Orphic name for, according to Pythagoras, the serpent psyche of the Universe, derived from "Time Unbounded" in Iranian Zurvan philosophy - Chronos Aion. Aion was the "procreative fluid with which psyche was identified, the spinal marrow believed to take serpent form." (Hamlet's Mill citing Onians). The classicist Richard Broxton Onians documents the Pythagoreans defining the heart as "the breath that was consciousness in the chest."


As Nada Yoga teaches, "the soundless sound, paranâda, whence arises the mantra Aum" out of the heart center.

Edited by voidisyinyang
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“harmonious sound is formless” (hesheng wu xiang) and “sound lacks constancy” (yinsheng wu chang), both of which point to two types of phenomena and both of which reveal JI Kang's reverence for Daoist naturalism....

Thus, we see yet again in JI Kang’s thought an adherence to Daoist principles of universal harmony through quiet non-deliberation (wuwei) as seen in Laozi's notion that “the highest note cannot be heard” and Zhuangzi’s preference for “patterning oneself after heaven.”....

one could even argue that music is not comprised of sound at all, for if we are to follow the logic of Zhuangzi, all sounds are a form of natural music (breath) whose notation and composition lies beyond the comprehensive capacity of the human mind....JI Kang believes that the five tones (wu yin) [from the Perfect Fifth/Fourth as yang/yin] came into being through the natural realm of heaven and earth and that there is one unchanging essence.


Musical Naturalism in the Thought of Ji Kang David Chai 2009

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The Holy Science by Swami Sri Yukteswar, 1949



(Meditation on)


, the divine sound of Aum, is the only way to Brahman (Spirit), salvation….This Holy Sound

Pranava Sabda manifests spontaneously through culture of Sraddha, the energetic tendency of the heart’s natural love; Virya, moral courage; Smiriti , true conception; and Samadhi, true concentration. pp 55-6.

When man direct all his organs of sense toward their common center…. and hears the peculiar “knocking” sound, Pranava Sabda, the Word of God. p. 75

and hears the holy Sound (Amen, Aum) like a stream or river; and being absorbed or baptized in it, begins to move back toward his Divinity….p. 80

By culture of regulation of the breath as directed by the Spiritual Preceptor (Sat-Guru), the holy Word (Pranava or Sabda) spontaneously appears and becomes audible. When this mantra (Word, Pranava) appears, the breath becomes regulated and checks the decay of the material body. This


appears in different forms at different stages of advancement, according to the purification of the heart (Chitta). p. 88



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The key is being open to listening, that's the hardest thing. If you get five seconds of focus you're doing something. You slow yourself down, to maintain your focus, breathing is an important part, if you can pull the visualization without losing the connection, then it's much easier to shift the energy. If I inhale and exhale and be more objective, not so subjectively pulled into the experience, it would be like taking a snap-shot, looking at the snap-shot, keeping it steady while I was breathing. I could then keep my focus on something for an extended period of time. All I had to do was wait and the energy would shift on its own.

Qigong master Jim Nance

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3 hours ago, dwai said:

Absence of light is in reflected awareness, where darkness and light interplay. But really there is no absence at all. Because can awareness be aware of its absence? 


To know there is no awareness takes awareness. If that is the case, what is that absence? This happens in reflected awareness only. 

Ramana Maharshi:



Pure ether can not take reflections....

Similarly Pure 
Knowledge does not contain objects in it 
nor reflect objects.


D. : So then the mind is the mirror.
Ramana Maharshi 

Mind - mind what is it?
It is a mixture of Chit (intelligence) and sankalpas (thoughts).
Therefore it forms all these -
the mirror, light, darkness and the reflections.

D. : But I do not see it. 
Ramana Maharshi 

Chidakasa (chit-ether) is Pure Knowledge only, It is the source of mind.


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"There is a fine structure in spacetime, exactly as there is a fine structure in spectrals [frequencies].... The idea is to replace a geometric space with an algebra, as an inverse of the Dirac operator, by sending a wave with a constraint on the vibration of the wave, can not vibrate faster than 1, the commutator of the Dirac Operator is less than 1....The spectrum of the Dirac Operator...space is not simply a manifold but multiplied by a noncommutative finite space. There is behind the scene, there is a square root and when you take a square root there is an ambiguity and the ambiguity that is there is from the spin structure....Finite space which is there is essentially the simplest finite space which has dimension zero, as far as the [frequency] spectrum is concerned...."

Alain Connes on Music youtube lecture

Alain Connes:


a “universal scaling system”, ... this discrete scaling manifests itself in acoustic systems, as is well known in western classical music, where the two scalings correspond, respectively, to passing to the octave (frequency ratio of 2) and transposition (the perfect fifth is the frequency ratio 3/2), with the approximate value log(3)/ log(2) ∼ 19/12 responsible for the difference between the “circulating temperament” of the Well Tempered
Clavier and the “equal temperament” of XIX century music. It is precisely the irrationality of log(3)/ log(2) which is responsible for the noncommutative [complementary opposites as yin/yang] nature of the quotient corresponding to the three places {2, 3,∞}.

-Alain Connes

Our brain is an incredible ....perceives things in momentum space of the photons we receive and manufactures a mental picture. Which is geometric. But what I am telling you is that I think ...that the fundamental thing is spectral [frequency]....And somehow in order to think we have to do an enormous Fourier Transform...on geometry. By talking about the "music of shapes" is really a fourier transform of shape and the fact that we have to do it in reverse.

Alain Connes, Fields Medal Math Professor

"If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three(14) from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?"


- Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE

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8 hours ago, dwai said:

What is Light? That which illuminates. 


What illuminates? Awareness. 


Awareness is Light. Awareness is not consciousness. Consciousness is reflected awareness. Pure empty Consciousness is Awareness.


Consciousness (of things) is like the moon, reflecting the light of the sun. Awareness is like the sun.


Feel free to discuss :) 


the true ones are one's innate nature and one's
embodiment of the One Breath (yiqi
一氣 ) of the Dao.


the Breath of the Dao (daoqi).


Liu Yiming emphasizes that this embodiment
occurs in the first place within
the One Breath (yiqi 一氣) of the
Dao, the state of Unity prior to multiplicity. Being not manifested
in space and time,
this embodiment "preserves itself for numberless
eons," and for it "life and death are equal."


Fabrizio Pregadio  Daoism: Religion, History and Society, No. 6 (2014)

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God SAID "let there be light."


On the quantum "self-teleportation" probability of a human body: 2017 pdf link:

Let me explain. An elementary entity, such as a proton, an electron, or an entire hydrogen atom, spends most of its time in a non-spatial (non-local) condition, unless it is incorporated into a macroscopic structure.
It is perhaps this in-depth-direction that has been traveled (at least in part) by those individuals that have tried, in the ambit of so-called inner (re)search , to access more universal forms of quantumness, at the price of learning how to silence all possible forms of decohering disturbances.

Think for instance of the practice of sensorial isolation known as pratyahara , the fifth element among the eight stages of Patanjalis Yoga(Ravindra, 2009). We can think of it as a gateway, created by a specific inner technology, to pass from the experience of (spatial) “external” states to (non-spatial) “internal” states, with the latter to be further stabilized and deepened by the successive practice of concentration ( dharana) and abstract meditation (dhyana). It is maybe no surprise then to observe that inner researchers frequently report of the encounter with rich and abundant life forms and cultures, in the course of their inner (in-depth-direction) journeys, some of which are also described as being more advanced than ours Diederik Aerts et. al.

Now, if ordinary laboratories are equipped with technological tools, consciential laboratories are equipped with paratechnologies, i.e. inner technologies. These include the different methodologies the consciousness employs in its work of self-research and development, as well as the possibility to create and maintain in situ an adequate (subtle) energetic field, properly informed, which can enhance the effects of the work done. Quantum Self-Research
This macroscopic quantum behavior is crucially dependent on the spin of the considered entity. However, the spin is not a property that can be fit well into the wave-particle explanation, it is neither a wave nor a particle,

Quantum Theory and Human perception by Diederik Aerts 2014

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To sum up, within this conception it is considered that even microsystems can be endowed with “internal states of consciousness” (or “protoconsciousness”, whatever this may be) that are elements of a basic, not publicly accessible, reality, rather than of empirical reality.”

Professor Bernard d’Espagnat, “A tentative new approach to the Schroedinger cat problem,”

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That gravitational field warps spacetime a bit. Now if it is put into superposition, now you see the two channels deviating and the spacetime does not fit together properly.
The point is in Planck's Unit, (Planck's Constant over 2pi) is put equal to 1 and the gravitational constant is put equal to 1 and the speed of light is put equal to 1. That is perfectly alright. It is a measure of spacetime splitting - how much volume is there in that....In current quantum mechanics this is a purely random process. What I'm saying is it's something much more subtle. Something that is not computable. It looks random but it's not necessarily random. It's a moment of proto-consciousness - it's the building block of what consciousness is made. I'm not saying this is conscious - it's just an element of what you need to build consciousness.


Sir Roger Penrose
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Quantum professor Basil J. Hiley, 2016: "Quantum Trajectories: Dirac, Moyal and Bohm"


 In many ways it seemed to be a new form of inner energy possessed by the particle, organising the flow lines in a novel way and suggesting a 'formative' cause rather than the traditional efficient cause.

....quantum phenomena emerged from a non-commutative phase space.


 Bohm's Approach and Individuality, 2016, Oxford University Press: Basil J. Hiley:


 "There we see that if one of the particles enters the field of a Stern-Gerlach magnet, it is then deflected either "up" or "down" depending on the positions of each particle at the time just before the particle enters the magnetic field. The particle in this field has its trajectory changed, while the other particle continues in a straight line. At the same time both spin components become well defined. This is a surprising result, but clearly shows that the individual parts cannot be thought of as isolated "little spinning spheres," a point that was emphasized by Weyl (1931)."


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