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Experiments with meditation...

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Hello bums, I am here today to reveal to you some crazy insights of my own experience experimenting with a few theories on meditation as a whole.


I think the spirals (fingertips, toes, soles and crown) of the human anatomy might be "chi" magnets to flushing out the somatic entanglements in the body itself! My mindset and practice is similar to Bruce Lee's:


“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own.”


I have been experimenting on my own with meditation (more leaning towards daoism than others) and have found that with my mind focused on breathing in, I can absorb external energy from my fingertips (spirals), my thumb "closes" one of the fingers off when I press against it. I rotate my thumb to each finger when I breathe out. I feel the energy up my arms through my thyroid and down my spine to my groin. I do this in full-lotus and when I exhale, I feel the energy run out of the spirals from my toes and my soles. As I continue to do this I feel energy slowly run through the crown of my head into my brain down to my belly and eventually into my balls (cultivation?).


I was wondering if anybody else has come across this.


What are your thoughts?

I will continue this "experiment" and let you guys knows how it goes.

Edited by coglet
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The energy from my crown was "different". I don't know how to explain it though.


I think chi might be "recyclable" energy.


This would explain its eternal presence in the universe.

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