
Bodhicitta Vows

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A major force on the path to buddhahood is the altruistic intention expressed by vowed actions.  This chapter 40 of the Avatamsaka Sutra covers the ten vast vows of Samantabhadra Mahasattva.  He practiced them and suggests them to any aspirant on the bodhisattva path to buddhahood.



At that time Samantabhadra Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva, having praised  Tathāgatas’ merit, said to the Bodhisattvas and the youth Sudhana: “Good men, if Buddhas [in worlds] in the ten directions expound Tathāgatas’ merit continuously for as many kalpas as there are dust particles in innumerable Buddha Lands, they still can never finish their narrations. If one wants to go through this Merit Door, one should train in the ten great vowed actions. What are these ten?

First, make obeisance to Buddhas.

Second, praise Tathāgatas.

Third, make expansive offerings.

Fourth, repent of 
, the cause of 

Fifth, express sympathetic joy over others’ merits.

Sixth, request Buddhas to turn the 

Seventh, beseech Buddhas to abide in the world.

Eighth, always follow Buddhas to learn.

Ninth, forever support sentient beings.

Tenth, universally transfer all merits to others.

Edited by Bodhicitta
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A major force on the path to buddhahood is the altruistic intention expressed by vowed actions.  This chapter 40 of the Avatamsaka Sutra covers the ten vast vows of Samantabhadra Mahasattva.  He practiced them and suggests them to any aspirant on the bodhisattva path to buddhahood.

This was extremely helpful. Thank you. :)

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