
Why Diet is a Personal Thing

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As a sufferer of food intolerances this sounds like a really interesting theory to me. Where does the idea of body typing come from? And how does blood type fit into dietary needs?

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Hi Kathryn,


Body typing really goes back to ancient times, with the doshas of Ayurveda. Then I think it was around the 1960's and '70's, that Dr. William Sheldon described body types as endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph. More recently in the 1980's, Dr. Abravanel related this to diet. First he found that most people have one particular endocrine gland more dominant than the others, and this accounts for the way the person is propoortioned and the pattern of fat distribution.


Certain foods are stimulating to each gland, and these are the foods that we crave, so the gland eventually becomes exhausted. We crave the foods that give us the stimulation we need, although it's a vicious cycle - those are the very foods that keep weakening the dominant gland,and we're stuck in that downward spiral.


When we start eating foods that support the dominant gland without stimulating it, and support the other recessive glands, we can break the pattern of food cravings leading to poor health.


About blood type diets - they were made popular with Dr. D'Adamo's work, but Dr. Laura Power has given us a more scientific basis for it. Foods contain proteins that interact with each blood type - each blood type evolved around a certian type of diet (Type O being hunter-gatherers, and Type A being more agrarian, for example).


Certain foods will cause your blood to agglutinate (clump) and set in motion a cascade of immune reactions, which can have far-reaching effects on health. The blood type diet is often just a matter of making a few strategic changes - like cutting out dairy products and wheat, for example.


The Diet Therapy software integrates the systems so that you get a list of foods that are right for your blood type AND body type. It also can factor in any particular organs and systems you need to support, and particular health conditions that you want your diet to help with rather than exacerbate.


If you have food intolerances, it would be good to not only eliminate the foods that give you obvious symptoms, but to start to support your body in a way that it won't need to be so reactive anymore.



Edited by karen

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