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Yijing Divination

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Lately I have been having some amazingly pertinent outcomes from my Yijing divinations.


I cast using the 3 coin method and mainly refer to the Thomas Cleary translation of Liu I-ming's Commentary on the Yijing (1796).


I was just wondering what resources people use for reference, what divination methods you use, and any good stories concerning advice from the Yijing.


It is an amazing "book" and i just want to hear what you all have to to say.

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I use two different translations when doing my readings (Alfred Huang and Deng Ming-Dao) and also use the three coins method, although my coins are three different Mardi Gras coins I got during my time living in New Orleans (two are wood and one is metal).


I have done the yarrow method before. My only qualm with it, is that it takes so much longer to do.


I also keep a journal of all my readings, mostly because it makes me write down my question and I feel that it's importance and significance really sink in when I have to actually write it down.

Edited by hod
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