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Hi everyone, I'm new to this website. I practice Mo Pai and a few other systems. Back in 2011 I had some serious health issues which I cured with my meditation practices. I'm healthy and fit now but if I even think about quitting my practices I do seem to get ill again. I guess I'm living proof that Chi Energy really does exist.

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Hello king_1980, and welcome to the forums!


Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of the Lobby and take a look at the forum terms and rules This covers all you need to know when getting started.


For the first week you will be restricted to five posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like.


Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you, maybe write a bit about your practice and what you did that you feel resolved your health issues? Sounds very interesting :)


SC and the TTB team

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