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I think its something practitioners have to watch out for and guard against. I've seen very experienced teachers get into cycles of paranoia and messianic pretensions and because they regarded such things as signs of advancement, didn't seek help until they alienated there friends and family.


When you first start meditating and experiencing a quiet mind, many people are amazed at how 'loud' paranoid and angry thoughts become. I think they were always there but once you begin quieting the mind, you hear them without the usual static. If you don't keep positive and grounded it can be a real problem. Delving into esoteric energy practices can exacerbate mental conditions.


When I feel negative, its time to take a news fast. Stop reading newspapers and the like, such concentrated doses of everything wrong and nasty in the world is bad for ones psyche. More walking, more nature, more sunlight. More karma yoga, ie going out of your way to help others.


Any mind state thats constantly indulged can become habitual. When its bad there are no easy answers. Sometimes talking to a professional is best.

Edited by thelerner
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paranoia is caused by bad entities in oneself, they cling to a person, thats why when there's a car accident or something tragic happens or when you have surgery, bad entities go into you, when you are sad or depressed, bad entities will come to you, even bad entities will cause the depression itself

Edited by becomethepath

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