
Unbalance Between Career & Spirituality?

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Wow, I can't seem to type UNDER quotes anymore. Must be this new browser or something. Lame.


Anyway, woah...this is quite radical. About a year ago, I was ready to quit and put on a robe...but some part of me just couldn't do it. And I'm thankful...I needed exploration, but not to the extreme. And it helped BIG time. If anything, it enhanced my career.


But your experience too sounds priceless...for you. And for the sacrifice you made, I applaud you.


Thanks :) Yes when we cut the ties to our habits and our old life it is somewhat the same as when we cut the ties to our parents and move from home. Just now the journey is to our "spiritual home".. I also learned when you have a higher purpose the material things settles by themselves. I never had to worry about basic needs.. things got solved sometimes in miraculous ways.

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