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The birthday and Father's Day of Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance

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Amazingly qigong master Jim Nance has his birthday on Father's Day in the U.S. haha.


He spent the day with me at my house and cabin by the river.


I give the details above -- we had some very amazing discussions and Jim shared new information with me.



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another great read, these talks with Jim always go in some unexpected directions. It's cool you guys have become close friends. what sort of exercises are you practicing to help with the blockages you mentioned?

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Yeah just focusing on the Emptiness - instead of using my mind to transmit energy. haha.


It's kind of a trip. I used to use my mind to transmit energy all the time - and so that is the cause -- ummm-- just need to keep going deeper into the Emptiness.


As Jim said - when you have built up enough love energy in the heart then other people's blockages will not seem like a hurricane but more like a gentle breeze.

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O.K. we finally got all three podcasts on one website and people are already sending me questions/comments to ask qigong master Jim Nance at our next chat - two weeks away.


So feel free to PM me questions/comments for qigong master Jim Nance or post them here on the thread or on my blog, etc.



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Thanks! Yeah I had a great feeling of love for qigong master Jim Nance -- and he actually called me again today as he healed my friend and his wife in Brazil - this cyber-friend of 10 years had set up a podcast website for qigong master Jim Nance but then there was miscommunication between our friend in Spain and me and then the friend in Brazil. haha. So then qigong master Jim Nance had me email the friend in Brazil to give him free qigong healing!!


He said - well the friend in Brazil stil wants to pay but he doesn't realize that I do this all the time! haha.


Anyway I said how he had a painting that the friend in Brazil did of Jim - and so I think that will be his payment.


Ummm - so Jim is doing one more healing of them on Friday.


There's another taobums person who PM'd me who is getting a Jim Nance healing on Weds. and the person said they would definitely share their experience for thetaobums.


Ummm..... another person on thetaobums just got a group healing with Jim - felt some energy but not alot but they have two more one-to-one healings from Jim set up. So I'm sure will be hearing more about that also.


Anyway I did not mention when Jim and I were hanging out on our deck -- then it seemed from the forest there was a bad smell that kept -- like when the wind picked up - all of a sudden we got a waft.


My sister goes - smells like caca, is it from the baby? I smell the diapers. Nope. haha.


Jim goes - yeah I smell it but you know with the woods you never know what's going on. haha.


So then the next day I'm mowing the lawn with the push mower and I realize it was the bird bath! So embarrassing. We got tons of rain so I never checked the bird bath but this wild turkey had left a big one in the water. haha.


No wonder we had not been getting many birds later.


Oh well -- that stuff always happens to me - something really hilariously embarrassing. I'm used to it now.


Jim didn't seem to be bothered - he can probably tune smells out like cats can do.


But anyway he told me today I had "extraordinary potential" for the qigong training and that I just "gotta keep working at it."


At first I said - when you say "you" - do you mean you like everyone you or... and he goes - no I mean you -- just you. haha.


So yeah I am obligated to practice more now but I am also transcribing his qi-talks - that is slow work to get it right.


So this is a dream come true for me -- Jim says he wants me to be able to meditate more and so this qi-talk project is part of that plan.

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