
What is the energetic significance of piercings/gauges?

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i see so many pictures of deities and whatnot with gauged ears. Sometimes the plugs are in, but most of the time they are out. What is the reason of having the holes if you are just going to not wear anything in them? i doubt that the deities "just got it because it is cool" and then decided later to take them out like i did.


i looked it up once and all i got was "there are nadis there"


so uhh...that is nice and all but i would like a little bit more information. someone told me that it stimulates energy flow, and some others have told me that getting a piercing will destroy a channel. the "destroy your channels" theory seems a little....silly to me.


so what is everyone's take on this?

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Piercings cause blockages, removing them frees it up, but it won't "destroy" a channel". It will just obstruct the flow of Qi.

"Destroyed" channel means death. lol Blocked energy will eventually equal death.Stagnant energy, a slow, slow death. Deficient energy, even a slower, and annoying death.


I had my tongue pierced 3 times as a young teen. Messed up my heart. hahaha Took it out, had some herbs, and happy as can be. Ear piercing, had them too. Took those out as well...just didn't feel right in my head. hahaha doesn't mean all is dandy up there now. And a nose piercing I removed for fear of getting punched in the nose, if that were to be, and then having more damage than usual. Oh, and also because I felt uncomfortable in my head too. Then again, I am a bit sensitive to these things and the most subtle thing is very obvious to me, while to everyone else, its like a butterfly whisking past one's ear.



*** Added:


Some cultures utilize piercings as part of their historical traditions.

Edited by 林愛偉

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Sometimes resultant effects from things people do to their bodies and mind dont manifest till age catches up. While young, there are too many distractions to occupy awareness, but when one is older and things become less appealing, the body begins to settle, mind begins to notice more, to feel more acutely on itself, and this is when the past pulls up alongside and holler... howdy mate, its reaping time! Perhaps then you will know for sure whether piercings and what nots have been a help or a hindrance.

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