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The perfect sleeping schedule

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I know there are already a few topics on this here, but I read them and couldn't fully understand (probably cuz me is stupid).


What do Taoists, Buddhists, Yogi etc. think are the best hours to sleep. I've always slept like 10 hours and seems like I always need more as if I am in hibernation mode or something like that. Day's too short to sleep more than 5 hours. What's the trick to sleeping little and feeling rested ?

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It's eat when hungry, sleep when tired.


Speaking of perfect, that's a weakness for you and just about everyone in this group. Because when we talk about things being perfect, it triggers all of our experiences of being imperfect.


So I'm saying there is no perfect sleeping schedule. It's a myth because everyone is a little different and each situation is different. It's really a question of time, place, and person.

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I feel better going to sleep before/at midnight and not getting up later than mid day.

I think if you just bring some awareness to your own schedule and shift it about for a few weeks you will figure out what helps you feel the best.


From a naturalist perspective, sleep when it gets dark and rise with the sun :). Don't think i have the discipline to shift to that!!

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