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Hello one and all!

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Hello everyone, my name is....well, my name isn't important, but I have long been interested in Taoism and I have been searching for a place to meet others who are interested in Taoism so it looks as if I stumbled upon the right place. I first became interested back in 2005 after I got into a religious debate with a friend (I'm not religios) and I decided that I was going to study different religions and way's of life, during this time I stumbled upon a non-religious way of life called Taoism/Daoism and I decided to research it. I bought I Ching as well as another Taoist book full of ancient teachings and other things and became further interested, unfortunately a series of events caused my attention elsewhere and I never followed through. I'm still interested and decided to come here to discuss this way of life with others who share it, I'll have questions along the way I'm sure so please bear with me, but I just wanted to drop in here and say hi to everyone.

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