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Two/too cool schools

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The director of which, recently took this training:


Talking about the religious taoist sects/orders and the fact that now for some reason the veil seems to be lifted yet more. Here are some resources:


Here's an interesting site that I found yesterday.

This guy comes from Western Heaven Upper Sect. Here's his blog on talismans.

This guy have books in the pipeline that obviously are going to blow of the roof of some of the lineage secrets that up until now have been reserved for initiated taoist priests. For what reasons I asked myself? Maybe the time is ripe now to release this kind of material to the world as we wenture further and further into kali yuga.

Don't like how thin the line seems to be between right and left hand path practices within "religious taoism".

Wouldn't mind checking out his book on mudras when it comes out though.


Here's another dodgy website selling books on taoist magic. I get a dodgy feel from this although the index have some extremely interesting headings. I mean, what kind of vibe do you portray when you call the subtitle of you book "The art of getting even"?! Check at your own risk.


Furthermore, this guy seems also to have opened a door for initiation into one of the sects of religious daoism.

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Cool! The one on the mudras, that will come out, should be awesome.


I seen a cool mudra on one part of the site: just cupping the hands like you were to drink water.


Anyone, let us know if you get into any of those book!?


As for the second site, yeah that looked very questionable.


The other one did have interesting titles, but didnt float my boat--a book on chinese money secrets? how to marry into money, start a secret society of money...the one on military prophecy was real funny in that it talks about how we will live under water! hahaha

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