
The effect of beans on the libido and on sugar cravings

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I changed my diet two days ago. I started eating lots of green beans and green peas mixed with some meat because they contain a lot of protein. I did this experiment because i wanted to reduce my sugar intake (chocolate, muffins, honey etc). It worked well: for one whole day, i no longer had a craving for sweet foods.


However, I noticed that i got very horny. Normally, i can control myself easily. When i searched the web, i found out that beans belong to the food group of legumes. I also found out that legumes boost testosterone.

Its high concentration of furostanolic saponins makes it a good supplement for boosting testosterone levels

The major sources of dietary saponins are legumes, and many types of saponins can be present in the same bean.


Moreover, i found out, that soy beans have a contrary effect:

occasionally questions are raised about the possible "feminizing" effects of soyfoods, because of the estrogen-like effects of the isoflavones. There are concerns about the reduction in sperm count and testosterone levels


I worry much about hair loss. I think eating too much fat and sugar and ejaculating too often might contribute to hairloss in genetically predisposed men. This is why i try to ejaculate as little as possible. So, what should i do: eat less beans and eat more sugar? Should i eat everything in moderation? But then i get those cravings for fat and sugar again.

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I changed my diet two days ago. I started eating lots of green beans and green peas mixed with some meat because they contain a lot of protein. I did this experiment because i wanted to reduce my sugar intake (chocolate, muffins, honey etc). It worked well: for one whole day, i no longer had a craving for sweet foods.


However, I noticed that i got very horny. Normally, i can control myself easily. When i searched the web, i found out that beans belong to the food group of legumes. I also found out that legumes boost testosterone.




Moreover, i found out, that soy beans have a contrary effect:




I worry much about hair loss. I think eating too much fat and sugar and ejaculating too often might contribute to hairloss in genetically predisposed men. This is why i try to ejaculate as little as possible. So, what should i do: eat less beans and eat more sugar? Should i eat everything in moderation? But then i get those cravings for fat and sugar again.


Personally i've found unpasteurized milk from grass-fed cows to be of the utmost help in dealing with sugar cravings AND fat cravings. There were weeks where I would drink nothing but milk and I felt great on it. It really contains almost everything you need, amazing protein content (even though the concept of needed alot of protein is a myth), tons of minerals and vits (including the fat soluble vits and vit D), fat, and it's 80% water so you don't need much fluids on top of that. Raw milk is actually a "healing protocol" as well.


Also when you eat normally, don't eat warm/hot food (do it room temp) and don't over eat. Stop at 1/2 - 2/3 full. Lastly don't do anything that will spike your blood sugar. fruits and veggies have fiber to help slow the release, milk has fat. I noticed in myself that when my blood sugar goes up my body wants to ejaculate. Notice how the things you do in your life effect you and all problems will eventually be solved :)



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