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Hi all,


I train I-Chuan. I do taiji and hsing-i too, but really when me and my classmates are doing these forms, we are truly just doing I-Chuan in a different package. I registered this account because I see a lot of misinformation and poor examples of I-Chuan and the internal martial arts on the internet and I hope to maybe turn people with open ears in the right path. I hope I don't offend too many people, but I believe the decline in the IMA globe is a serious problem for future and current generations alike.



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Hi ZL,


Welcome to the 'bums. We usually have a few good MA discussions here.


I'm sure you will have fun.

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I look forward to your contributions. I continue to have problems finding detailed internal martial arts information or internal work in general. Most of it is just physically described, so I don't get the internal work part.


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