
Chuck Norris facts about the Tao

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Fact 1: Chuck Norris can see, hear and touch the Tao.


Fact 2: Chuck Norris is immortal, he'll live forever. Twice.


Fact 3: one day, Chuck Norris saw a crane and a snake fighting each other. The next day, he killed 100 enemies with his bare hands. Just like he did the day before, anyway.

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You'll have to do better than this:


Fact 2: Chuck Norris is immortal, he'll live forever. Twice.


There are many immortals. Some of them can be at several places at once. Some even before attaining immortality. Some can't even be called a person or entity, because they merge with the universe. Chuck Norris would totally get his ass kicked ... no ... disintegrated by beings that ARE the universe and thus HIM, too!!! I guess you could say: Chuck Norris... you got owned!


Hm... of course this also works the other way round: Maybe the universe kicks ass because Chuck Norris is part of it.


Oh my god! ... Chuck Norris is the universe! :blink:

... If not the Tao. :o


How about one of those native creation stories?:

The universe came into existence with the Big Bang. The Big Bang is what happened when Chuck Norris gave the Tao a roundhouse kick.

Edited by Hardyg

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