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Little insight please.

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I am feeling a conjoining numbness* i am wondering if this is a similar affect from full lotus position.

My big toes are together while the outside edges of my feet are on the ground and they feel like they are literally only single sensation.Do full lotus practitioners sense a numbness in the position, as if their waists are supporting the weight of their lower body?

My toes feel very heavy but also light. it's more like a vibration, like a magnet hovering between north and south being drawn back and forth very violently. I only feel it in my feet right now but i believe a full lotus position would make me feel as if my upper body is literally above my legs. I feel like a numbness of tensions up the waists would feel MUCH more comfortable. I can't comfortably hold full lotus and honestly can't see myself flexing enough to accomplish full lotus, any time soon. Does anybody understand exactly what I'm talking about?

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