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Hi my names Emily :)


So I was in search of a cool forum that had to do with taoism and I stumbled apon you guys ! hehe I love the name of the forum BTW :P !

Anyways lets see ..I guess I will tell you all a little about me , I'm 15 , and my parents never really practiced any sort of religion , I am a very open minded person ...ever since like I was 11-12 I've been on this big search of like my path and what kind of person i want to be. At first i started with wicca , but that really didn't quite fit it was to sketchy lots of fluff you have to sort through ..then i started researching paganism . nope not my thing either. From there I read about buddhism and Hinduism and tao/daoism. Thats when things started to come into place and I really just felt like it was my place, really where I'm supposed to be right now specifically taoism. I've started taking yoga classes which are great and I do plan on meditating :unsure: so thats where I am right now . I do kind of want to settle on eventually one of the practices (buddhism,taoism or hinduism) each fascinates me ... I live in new york state in a very secluded town so I don't get to go to the bookstore very often :P .


So I don't know I guess It will come, all in good time :)


I look forward to talking with you all, makin' friends and such


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