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  1. Hello Dear Dao People, I remembered your forum as trying to find out the answer to the above question. The fact is that i know this forum for quite a while know because i got into qi-gong like more than 10 years ago. I studied it diligently (every single day) back then during more than 2 years. Following the teaching from The Doctor Yang-Jwing Ming 's literature and DVDs. I left the practice let's say due to better living conditions or not feeling the need as strong as before. However , it turns out that today i have been diagnosed quite an annoying illness (hypertyroïdia) and i am thus coming back strongly to my loved practice in order to get back on the path of healing. As my heartrate is getting higher due to this illness, i am getting down to meditation and breathing exercices. (slow abnominal breathing for instance) I found on the internet that the best way to lower the heart rate is to exhale longer than inhaling. On Youtube everyone is saying like taking a 4sec inhale and having a 8 sec exhale for example. I found also this article on the web: They say that exhaling is enhancing PSNS (parasympathetic nervous system) and Inhaling is enhancing SNS (sympathetic nervous system). In other words,they also say that when Inhaling , heart rate speeds up and when exhaling heart rate slows down. Which suits what they say on youtube. We then can say that Inhaling is Yang according to their satement and that Exhaling is Yin. But when i look back in my litterature, Dr Yang Jwing Ming says that Inhaling is Yin (Water Qi) and that Exhaling is Yang (Fire Qi)... How come that there's such a contradiction ? As far as i know, i don't remember Qi-gong focussing specifically on lowering the heart rate. I think that it is said that it comes when breathing is slow and deep, and that inhale and exhale are getting longer and longer. But why isn't there the other piece information that is given about exahlation being longer than inhalation ? When it comes to my own experience, i know that my heart rate reduces at once but just for a few seconds, when i perform a full breath (unlocking the breath that goes to the abdomen). So in fact, it happens on an inhale and not on an exhale. What is your opinion, experience and/or conclusions about that matter? Is there something i didn't get ? Thank you for your interest and sharing, Newcomer