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Found 129 results

  1. Dream work has been on my to do list for a long time. Unfortunately when I get serious about it, I end up with insomnia. Its also a mountain I'll have to climb one day. Ultimately it can become a portal to another world. Whether that world is 'just' internal or external I don't know. What are you guys doing and how advanced? Michael
  2. In my final semester, I am studying and engaging in dialogue with Taoists, peace activists and educators. I am also keeping a journal of these interactions and studying journal learning. All of this is being studied in relation to my undergraduate work (in holism, peace studies and holistic medicine, or progressive education). So my questions for Tao bums are: Do you keep a journal? If so, briefly explain your experience/s? Resources about this topic? Same for dialogue. Do you engage in effective or global, or inner dialogue (well everyone uses inner dialog, I guess the question, then, is: How often is it conscious?) and what are your experiences of this? How do you feel about dialogue in general? Here is a good one: What are some of the greatest dialogues you have experience or participated in? What are your thoughts about these questions? Thank you for helping my project!!!
  3. 2008 China Dream Trip

    Yoda, Sean and I are are going on the 2008 China Trip with Michael Winn. It's like a month long(including 1 week meditating in Mt.Hua Shan) and also visiting Sacred Wudan Mountain(and other places). If any other Tao Bums are interested email Michael Winn to be put on the advanced list. [email protected] peace
  4. What's your dream job?

    Pretend there are no limits. If you could be or do anything you wanted in life, what would it be? A friend of mine owns a MMA clothing company and also holds BJJ and MMA tournaments and whenever we talk I always like to get into who should fight who next in UFC, PRIDE, or BJJ/Submission wrestling. So I think one of the coolest jobs for me would to be the matchmaker for a big show like Pride or UFC. And I also think I would be really good at this. As a backup to this I would want to own my own business that gives me enough time and money to do what I like: Qigong and martial arts and whatever else I feel like. Which is sort of what I am on track to do now. Anyone have a dream job that they would love to do? What is preventing you from doing it?