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Posts posted by death2cowards

  1. Is Taoism as open to members of non-Chinese and non-East Asian races as, say, Christianity or Buddhism? Does Taoism have the ability to have a universal appeal?


    Are there any prejudices against non-Chinese who are interested in Taoism, particularly in Chinese countries or communities? For example, do Westerners who have interest in Taoism find doors closed to them based upon their race? Say for example if a Westerner desired to join a Quanzhen monastic community, would there be any hesitation or desire to keep foreigners out by the Chinese?


    Related to these questions is the folk religion aspect of Taoism. From what I understand, the separation between "religious" and "philosophical" Taoism is misrepresentation of the reality of Taoism as it is actually practiced. So for a Westerner who wishes to be a Taoist, would he have to venerate Guan Yu for example? Do all Chinese Taoists venerate Guan Yu or other such cultural heroes/gods or are there Chinese Taoists that simply focus on cultivation, meditation, and living in accordance with Taoist philosophy and virtues?


    I ask because I wonder how "accepted" Westerners (assuming they become fluent in Mandarin) are by the Chinese Taoists. I also wonder because for me personally, I'd like to avoid the sort of New Age flavored "Neo-Taoism" and discover what authentic Taoism is, but I am not sure such a spiritual world is even open to non-Chinese (or non-East Asians.) I especially wouldn't like to impose on a community that doesn't want me or interfere with their harmony with my presence as I sincerely respect their spiritual quest.


    Thanks for any information anyone can provide on these topics.


    If you see yourself as a "westerner" and not just a "human being", do you think others will see you as just another "human being" and not just a "westerner"


    If a society or organization can't get past its prejudices to see what kind of person you truly are, then do you think such a society or organization is worthy of your time in the first place?


    The way I see it.. if a "westerner" is not accepted as a student of asian teachers.. then there must be two issues here..


    first issue is that the "westerner" doesn't have sufficient redeeming qualities of being that teacher's student.. second issue is that the teacher is incapable of seeing past skin issues and thus not worthy of being the "westerner"'s teacher.. both issues clearing showing that the "westerner" shouldn't waste time with such a teacher anymore..


    just to reveal something about asian societies here.. many asian teachers have no problem rejecting students of their own race and have done so on too many occasions.. "westerners" or "non-asians" shouldn't feel that they should be given special treatment just because they are of a different race color..


    a truly enlightened teacher will see past any person's skin color to the person deep inside that particular human, regardless of his skin color..

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