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Posts posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. Just picking up from a PM conversation I'm having with Nungali. I studied the Pyramid Texts for a long time and reached some conclusions about this.


    The Duat is the inner space of dreams, after death and shamanic journeys etc. Usually translated as Underworld or Netherworld but the word actually means something like 'star realm'. Dua can mean star or door or 'giving praise'. And the 't' ending signifies a place or similar as well as being a feminine ending. So Dua-t.


    Early peoples found that there were natural geological sites that produced shifts in consciousness. Sacred sites. Could be caves, or rivers, or rocks, hills or even the landscape generally. After some time they began to 'enhance' these sites by deliberately placing stones, sometimes carved, sometimes natural at key points. For instance an recent BBC docu on Stonehenge showed that although the main henge is more less contemporary with the Great Pyramid (2500 BC) the wider site was used back into the mesolithic because of specific natural features. the same is true of the older Egyptian sites so there is no doubt that the Great Pyramid itself or at least the site its on goes back well towards to end of the last ice age maybe 10 or 12,000 BC.


    The site in Turkey/Armenia Gobekli Tepe demonstrates stone working skill existed form these early times.


    So the initial purpose of the pyramids was to focus and make use of naturally occurring energy features of the earth to enable certain practices.


    We don't have anything written down by the Egyptians till 2350BC the date of the Pyramid of Unas (Wenis) at the end of the 5th Dynasty. His was a small pyramid because Egypt was in decline having lost the economic power of the Old Kingdom through progressive poor harvests arising probably from climate change. After the 6th Dynasty it fell in the First Intermediate period of complete social collapse.


    But the Pyramid texts show us that the pyramid was used for a process which involved the constituent parts of a person, the body, the ka, the ba and the shade. This was a process if transformation, purification, revivification and reintegration to form an entity called the 'akh' which was seen as a luminous 'effective' spirit. 'Effective' because it was capable of action.


    The texts were placed on the various walls of the different chambers of the Pyramid and the whole structure forms a kind of 3D map of the Duat. By moving through the different chambers and performing magical acts the 'akh' was formed. Not just after death but in life also.


    Although Egypt subsequently fell into decline, the practices were preserved. Middle Kingdom tombs have copies of the pyramid Texts and some Coffins of the Middle Kingdom have maps of the Book of the Two Ways' which also map out the Duat. In the New Kingdom this idea was continued int he form the Amduat which charts the sun gods journey through the Duat.


    I finally found some free time to read this over again :).


    Any recommended books for further info on this?


    When I was in Egypt, seeing some of the writings in person was pretty amazing! Also a bit eerie in a way for some reason. Compared with other temples, tombs, writings and etc.

  2. So I got a KOBO :). Finding one in perfect condition on craigslist for $20 was the deciding factor. Well actually I looked at e-readers in a few local stores first, and liked the whole lack of backlit aspect of those.


    The folks who sold it to me were this older chinese couple a 15 minute walk from me. The wife spent some time showing me how to use it. Apparently they have a lot more features than the one I bought for a friend 5 years ago. The neatest bit is that the local libraries will loan out books for them for 3 weeks, then when your loan period is up, the book just vanishes from the ereader. How neat is that?


    Now to see how many PDFs I can fit on this thing ;).

    • Like 1

  3. The point is more about how those martial arts have been changed and watered down beyond belief through each generation. Sort of like yoga has, but different. Also the qi has always been there, just wasn't used as a sales pitch before, and was more seriously trained.

    • Like 1

  4. Its varied from tradition to tradition.

    Most are kept secret, although there are some titles we use in place of the actual names, like 'Rose Queen' or 'Master'.


    Then there are the saints or saint gloss' that we use to conceal the original spirit or deity.


    I found these aspects quite surprising when I was comparing notes with a TW friend of mine (his teacher OKed it). Even more surprising is who some of the original Deities are! :)

  5. That's really interesting. What sort of practice does Fetch mastery actually involve? Are there particular rituals, etc, which can be used?


    How can someone negotiate the difference between a Fetch mastery lifestyle and a 'I'm just gonna be decadant and selfish and not give a f***' lifestyle of instant gratification? I can imagine people getting that wrong.


    And then, what does letting the Daemonic Fire in actually involve, in terms of practices?


    A teacher really helps with that, letting you know when you have your head planted firmly up your behind :D.

  6. Ummm ... yeah ... I restrained myself from describing those big sluggy leech like back of the neck suckers ... ugh indeed.


    (How come one cant even find those very long handles tools for the job on the internet anymore - they used to come up if you typed in 'Tibetan demon queller set' , when I sold Tibetan stuff, my supplier had some amazing sets of them! - knife, tongs, scraper, phurba, bell, dorje, all very ornate and jeweled and on very long handles, I have only seen one painting of them in use; a group of monks had them and were surrounding a demon, one had the large tongs around the demons waist, another had smaller tongs holding his mouth open, while a third was holding rolled up sutras in another object and shoving them down the demons throat, other monks were holding the shafts of their weapons and sticking them at him { all from a distance - hence the very long handles} ; bell dorje etc. - But now they seem to have disappeared from the market ? )




    yes, you may be right, the could be 'accretions'


    Those sound handy! Have any images?


    How about a modern DIY version? :D

  7. So you are saying that magic is real? Magic as in the supposed ability to manipulate massive ammounts of "external" energy through the control of thought patterns and attention?


    It seems incredible considering that my person can't even hold my pee for longer than a few hours (maybe) or stop my heart from beating. Heck, my person can't even exist singularly!! BLA BLA


    Here is a good definition of magic:




    Again, you have been reading far to many books. Really shitty books ;). Perhaps start a thread about what books folks would recommend on magic. (since you would likely annoy an in person group/teacher :D.

  8. If you can logically prove to me that there is an objective reality then I might be persuaded.


    Why on earth would anyone care to persuade you???? I think that sort of thing is more for major religions and such. What others believe and experience isn't all that important, as long as they are happy and such. Most of my answers were based on the thought that perhaps you were curious about such practices for some reason.

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  9. Ohh touchy subject...


    It causes quite some contention in theTW communities.


    Some very inclusive people just say yes, but we lean towards this idea of active soul and active spirit. Everyone has soul and spirit, but only the Witch (or shaman, mystic, mage...) has 'active' soul {Fetch} and 'active' spirit, {Daemonic fire}.


    Not saying that a person who does not have 'active' soul and spirit will always be like this, but who knows?


    The idea that only some have received fire, have it in the blood, and so on is not always popular. But it does seem that not everyone is 'driven' to pursue these arts, not everyone is 'chosen' by the spirits, and there are people out there who just seem to have zero aptitude for magic.


    I think that you need both, to have the natural fetch (and that not all do) and to do some form of practice, or have some pretty odd/intense experience to.... awaken? it. Though I have to say, I could be wrong on this, and it's likely that you know way more than I about such things. Definitely an interesting thread. Also interesting is that the TW community actually talks about it! (I hope not too much though)

  10. I'm for keeping the traditional stuff secret and out of books.


    I have a few reasons for this. I mean aside from recipes handed down through families and lineages sort of reasoning.


    1. The lady in a small town who we saw from time to time, who would get possessed by dead folks on the odd occasion from messing around far too much with such things. Well one evening it all got the better of her and she committed suicide while in the possessed state. Yes actual spirits, no not just crazy only.


    2. The magicians who while cursing do it irresponsibly and without enough experience who fuck up an entire neighborhood, older people, babies and so forth, because they got their hands on some legit info somehow.


    3. The practitioners who go insane from working with things they can't deal with.


    4. Yes some are smart/dumb enough to take lighter or neutral workings and use the info for very dark workings.


    5. Teenagers read magic books and go on the internet too.


    I might come up with a few more later....


    Oh yeah!


    Some of em totally out of control and morphed into .... well ... I am thinking of a shaman woman I know ( an Amerindian one) who recently healed someone by removing a 'spirit weasel ' that had been gnawing on internal organs.


    I see those as something entirely different. Ugh, removing that stuff, ugh. Or in this case do you mean it came in/her with the person? I have never seen any like that, just ones that join in later. Ugh.

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  12. We see it as part of us in one manner yet as having its own intelligence. It works as a protective spirit, often without us consciously needing to understand or know what is going on. In other words 'It just does stuff' yet we can call it, ride it, fly out as it....


    I like that 'just not part of our mental construct' :)


    I'm curious if you folks feel that everyone has one, or just some folks?


    Think they get some mundanes into trouble?