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Posts posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. I finally read the book; not much about actual alchemy, more about random spiritual practices thrown together and modern ceremonial magick thrown in. Aside from this though, if one takes out all the extraneous filler, what is wrong with the book? Could you go into some detail giving actual examples please? It's really easy to say someone hasn't completed the work; we all say that about practitioners we don't like, but some specifics about what is wrong with his methods would be nice. I mean aside from the fact that the actual info never makes it into books sort of thing...

  2. Is it too late for me to jump in? I'm getting really into san ti standing and I could use the accountability. What are the rules? Just post what you practiced every day?


    Not to late at all :). Also you can post back to the day you posted this, if you can remember. Yep just a basic what you did each day. I prefer a list of each day, since saying "I practiced all last week" isn't quite that precise, as you may have missed a day... The rules are in the first post.

  3. Thank you guys :).


    I'm busily focusing on my various practices and my work/website... The internet can unfortunately take up way too much time, so I'm getting more focused on things not internet.


    Oh and teaching a few classes per week in person too.

  4. Apologies for Agrippa post slacking! My personal magical practiced has increased manyfold lately as I've been leading some group workings and etc. Also had to catch up on work over the holidays. I will be back posting Agrippa shortly (as in within a couple of weeks, still getting used to my new schedule)

  5. I FORGOT TO STRETCH THIS MORNING!!! ARRRGH!!! :lol: oh well, plenty of time to make up for that when i go to the park to walk in circles :lol:


    But the sunk walking has to count for something ;) it's nearly a mile from the house to the library :)


    Was it mindful sunk walking? ;) If not, I recommend doing it mindfully, without thinking about or focusing on anything else while you are doing it...

    • Like 1

  6. Manitou, awesome writing. In my experience there are two kinds of men, winners and losers. If the woman meets a looser, she will look for someone better, but she does not know that the destiny brought him into her life because of the lessons she needs to learn. But women always reject loosers and look for winners. I always was a looser, I loved my girl with all my heart but she broke mine. Girl, you gotta love your man!


    There are thousands of different types of men :).


    No, you have never been a loser, just some person (or perhaps people) helped you think that false belief about yourself.


    (I've met him in person, so I know! lol)




    Unless the woman, like myself, has a savior-complex and goes out of her way to find the ones she can fix. Also because she hadn't enough self-esteem, like myself, who ever felt that a winner was a good fit. I've rejected many really good men in my young life, particularly when I was working - good lawyers, doctors, cops, judges, a chief of police (who was the 'the one that got away' and whom I tended to measure others up to) - and yet my 30 year partner turned out to be a recovering skid row wino and ex-con. How strange this all works. He turned out to be the right fit after all. How odd.


    Exterior stuff, especially past exterior stuff, tends to be irrelevant I have found :).

    • Like 1

  8. well i am still at it, though my fanzhang sets have stagnated at 5 minutes each...

    I did 3 sets last night, and one this morning... My aim right now is to prolong my sets so that i am doing more reps, or moving slowly enough to spend twice as much time per set.


    But i am still at it! :D


    Christmas marked one whole year of bagua for me! :D


    Merry Bagua Christmas to All and to All a good Fight! :lol:


    You made it a year, congrats! :D


    Cool you are still practicing through the holidays too.


    Fan Zhang is awesome stuff.

    • Like 1

  9. I would recommend looking round this site



    or this book





    the best translation is by James P. Allen and also R.O. Faulkner (but these are expensive and Egyptological i.e. not much in the way of interpretation).


    I have acquired the Allen one, and the Wisdom of the Pyramid texts one I had bought awhile back, will put much higher on my to read list. For the Faulkner, those have been on my to buy list for ages! Do you know which volume/s this one is:


    I found a set of all 3 of his for $200, but... I just spent WAY too much over the holidays, so will have to wait a few months to get those.... Perhaps my local university library can help out; I have a scanner around here somewhere.


    Thank you for the reading suggestions :). That pyramid texts site is much easier to make use of than the ones I had found years ago when I first looked! Love modern technology :D.

  10. I could (and will if you like) describe them but it would take a long post and its late here. They are described in the pyramid texts essentially ... although I am sure much has been lost in terms of exact procedures the basic ideas are there once you learn to read the text properly (not easy).


    Yes please :D. I like long posts...


    Which version/book of the pyramid texts do you recommend? I have seen some versions online, and wow, it is quite a bit to get through them all.


    How would one best go about reading the properly? :)