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Posts posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. yesterday was pathetic, and barely made it up to 5 minutes :\ im calling it 5 anyways :lol: but i made up for it with walking today. made sure to stay low and sunk and keep my roots down; every time i caught myself not feeling sunk, i'd sink lower, but i cant say if i was catching myself floating up or jsut getting too comfortable and not sunk low enough :lol:


    Plus 10 minutes of standing waiting for the library to open, i did a light and gentle horse stance :P so basically, not good enough, but still doing, and that's what's important, right? :D


    Hey a light and gentle horse stance (is there such a thing? lol) is much better than no horse stance at all! Also 5 minutes is way better than no minutes :).

    • Like 1

  2. hurray ... nice to discover this forum ..


    i practice flying phoenix almost daily ... yesterday we drove from tucson to calif ... 9 hours no practice the first time in several weeks i have not oh also today was a recovery day so no practice except for a little cloud hands ... chen and yang style maybe 15 min

    i practice FP nearly daily 20 min, Ba duan jin 15 min TCC 1 hour (teaching) and some other Fp forms finally 2 -3 times a week i do some standing Zhan Zhuang up to 45 min per session.

    I am trying to keep a diary and will post here when I can


    thanks for starting this forum


    Many of us are nearly daily, so please just post which days you do practice (or have practiced so far since the start date as well) :).


    Hey I traveled 14 hours yesterday... yeah I didn't practice either lolol. Still recooping today, going to have some nice before dinner practice (because we all know what happens if one plans for after dinner practice *smirk*)

  3. I've traveled most of the US by car and the ratio of good to bad encounters is astronomically in favor of the good. I mean, for thousands and thousands of encounters, there are a handful of negative. I'd have to scrape hard to find even ten. (edit to add: this is increased in magnitudes for the seven years I lived in NYC and the fourteen I've spent in LA...)


    This goes for anywhere I've visited. I think the problem is that the tiny percentage of the population that makes the vast majority of the trouble, gets so much attention, precisely because it's so rare, it stands out. That, and we seem to love to obsess on negative spectacle as a species. It's one of the most common addictions in modern humans, we just don't recognize it as such because you can't get fat or drunk off of it... but its influence is intense.


    On any given, mundane/boring day, there are literally thousands and thousands of small events that go completely unnoticed. Near misses, almost dropped somethings, nearly clipped a car but both stopped in time. These are so common, they are most entirely forgotten and disregarded as 'normal'. But recently for me, there is nothing normal about a completely boring, average day. They are bliss and amazing. It's those rare occasions where we stub the toe, or don't catch the falling cup that stand out, because they are so rare and because we like to share, nasty, scary or sinister stories. We love the reaction it gets...


    Hmmm, I've never judged a place by the number of bad things that happen to me; I had never thought of it that way for some reason. More like the bad things which happen to others, or just the vibe in general, how people get fired from their jobs for their religious beliefs for example. But most importantly which place has more awesome things :).


    However, people in excruciating pain for years only because they can't afford health care (one example) is abhorrent to me. I'm glad there are some slight improvements in this.


    USA's yelp rating: "was alright to live in, many financial opportunities, but watch out if you do not fit the standard population's idea of who you should be and how you should act. I would instead recommend Europe." 3 stars.



  4. not sure where in usa ya'll are at or visited; saying there are no friendly or helpful people ?

    everywhere i have traveled in usa total strangers were willing to lend a helping hand with a smile on their face.

    i have never once traveled inside the usa to a place i would consider unfriendly,


    some threads on ttb mention mirrors or reflecting,, maybe sth to that afterall


    I'm assuming *compared with other countries*, was meant... Awesome, and not so awesome people everywhere. It's more a matter of how awesome, and % of awesome compared to the other ;).

  5. Over here the appropriate miser minister has termed it 'taking the cake off the table'.


    And next week a big expose is coming ; the new arrangement of disability and welfare ... we just cant afford it anymore ... iron-ore price is low at the moment ( due to China's growth not escalating at a dizzying exponential rate ... that means a 'down turn' apparently :huh: ) - we need the money we have left for more important stuff ;





    I wonder why Canada is not listed here?

  6. I lived in the USA for 8 years, didn't like it much. I found not as open minded about... well anything. Places such as Egypt, well the open mindedness could use a lot of work, but the people there are much much more open and loving in general to make up for it.

    • Like 1

  7. This is a nice summary. A few remarks:



    I know of people projecting starlight into water by a telescope and marketing the products as "Starlight Elixirs". They rock...



    Except that the intellectual world for Agrippa is something that far transcends our mental boundaries and has an objective reality - it's the mind of God; it's His concepts!



    It's probably true that everything has all the "virtues" in it, but to varying degrees.



    That's a good clarification.









    Yes, he most certainly had to be careful not to get grilled. :ph34r:


    To clarify, by mental/intellectual third/plane etc. I include such things as the astral plane, and magic using with thought/mind.


    Neat idea about using a telescope :). Based off the older idea of using clear crystals I figure... and perhaps stronger?


    Magic is a faculty of wonderful virtue, full of most high mysteries, containing the most profound contemplation of most secret things, together with the nature, power, quality, substance and virtues thereof, as also the knowledge of whole Nature, and it doth instruct us concerning the differing and agreement of things amongst themselves,


    This last bit is interesting, "it doth instruct us concerning the differing and agreement of things amongst themselves". This could speak of how to work with various things in multiples which get along and work well together, to enhance their properties, create something entirely new from mixing two or more things which work well together, or even to create something based on how the items differ from one another. One can purposefully make use of items which do not get along, or are opposed to one another, for various magical purposes ;).



    whence it produceth its wonderful effects, by uniting the virtues of things through the application of them one to the other, and to their inferior suitable subjects, joining and knitting them together thoroughly by the powers and virtues of the superior Bodies.


    So combine various ingredients, then get the stars, planets, elements, or spirits involved :). Yep, that sums up much of magical practice.



    This is the most perfect and chief Science, that sacred and sublimer kind of Philosophy, and lastly the most absolute perfection of all most excellent Philosophy. For seeing that all regulative Philosophy is divided into Natural, Mathematical and Theological: (Natural Philosophy teacheth the nature of those things which are in the world, searching and inquiring into their causes, effects, times, places, fashions, events, their whole and parts, also The Number and the Nature of those things,


    So the various plants and stones and etc., and the Divine force and spiritual workings... but I unfortunately am not sure what he means by mathematical; astronomy perhaps?



    Called Elements—what Fire, Earth, Aire forth brings; From ivhence the Heavens their beginnings had; Whence Tide, whence Bainboiu, in gay colors clad. What makes the Clouds that gathered are, and black, To send forth Lightnings, and a Thundering crack; What doth the Nightly Flames, and Comets make; Whiat makes the Earth to swell, and then to quake; What is the Seed of Metals, and of Gold; What Virtues, Wealth, doth Nature^s Coffer hold.


    Here he is obviously talking about the physical nature of these elements, but we already know there are 3 levels to each element (from the first chapter), so we can see this on a deeper level, which combines the 3 important principals of nature. Elemental, celestial and intellectual.



    All these things doth Natural Philosophy, the viewer of Nature, contain, teaching us, according to Virgil’s Muse:


    Whence all things flow—

    Whence Mankind, Beast; whence Fire, whence Rain and Snow;

    Whence Earthquakes are; why the whole Ocean beats

    Over his banks and then again retreats;

    Whence strength of Herbs, whence Courage, rage of Brutes

    All kinds of Stone, of creeping Things, and Fruits,

    But Mathematical Philosophy teacheth us to know the quantity of natural bodies, as extended into three dimensions, as also to conceive of the motion and course of celestial bodies.

    As in great haste,

    What makes the golden Stars to march so fast?

    What makes the Moon sometimes to mask her face.

    The Sun also, as if in some disgrace?

    And, as Virgil sings:

    How the Sun doth rule with twelve Zodiac Signs,

    The Orb thats measured round about with Lines—

    It doth the Heavens^ Starry Way make known,

    And strange Eclipses of the Sun and Moon;

    Arcturns also, and the Stars of Bain,

    The Seven Stars likewise, and Charles, his wain;

    Why Winter Suns make towards the West so fast;

    What makes the Nights so long ere they be past?

    All which are understood by Mathematical Philosophy.

    Hence, by the Heavens ive may foreknow

    The Seasons all; times for to reap and sow.

    And when ’tis fit to launch into the deep.

    And when to war, and when in peace to sleep;

    And when to dig up trees, and them again

    To set, that they may bring forth amain.


    So astrology in relation to the timing of various works. To me it seems as though he is again talking of how some things are considered lesser parts of other things; the stones and herbs (etc.) as "lesser" (perhaps meaning not as refined or specific) parts of the stars, planets, etc. Also it seems to say that the stars are parts of the sun, so that whole lesser and greater thing again.



    Now Theological Philosophy, or Divinity, teacheth what God is, what the Mind, what an Intelligence, what an Angel, what a Devil, what the Soul, what Religion, what sacred Institutions, Rites, Temples, Observations, and sacred Mysteries are.


    Seems we have Agrippa's definition of theological practice here :).



    It instructs us also concerning Faith, Miracles, the virtues of Words and Figures, the secret operations and mysteries of Seals; and, as Apuleius saith, it teacheth us rightly to understand and to be skilled in the Ceremonial Laws, the equity of Holy things and rule of Religions. But to recollect myself.)


    How words, figures and seals (and most likely talismans as well under figures or seals), are used. Awesome, those are some fun chapters :). So, so far we have magic is done by and is the divine, the angels, then the various stars and planets, and elements (and perhaps more in this category), utilized as well as shown through the elements, then down to the herbs, stones and other physical objects containing said specific energy, and how to work with these forces utilizing seals, symbols and the like. Sounds good (and standard magical practice) so far.


    Second half coming later....

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  9. Here are my personal interpretations of what Agrippa says



    How Magicians Collect Virtues from the Three-fold Worlds is Declared in these Three Books.


    Basically to collect the properties and energies from. For example bringing the energy and power (for specific magical influence of course) from say a particular star, into a particular stone, water, tincture, or etc.



    Seeing there is a Three-fold World—Elementary, Celestial and Intellectual—


    Yep the elements and the physical, the various divine (and perhaps not so divine) beings, and us/our minds/concepts/the intellectual world we have created. Hmmm slightly similar to the Daoist body, spirit and mind? ;)




    and every inferior is governed by its superior, and receiveth the influence of the virtues thereof, so that the very Original and Chief Worker of all doth by angels, the heavens, stars, elements, animals, plants, metals and stones convey from Himself the virtues of His Omnipotency upon us, for whose service He made and created all these things:


    Sure this could be seen as that whole hierarchy of beings thing, I see it a bit further than that even (if that in the first place; I'm not sure yet). So take the star of Algol for example... we have some herbs, and some stones, and some symbols which all have a bit of Algol within them, I mean more than other stones, plants etc. which aren't related at all, or less related. So in the sense of Algol (or any other star, or planet, or element, or force) it comes in degrees. Also any spirits of Algol (only speaking of one particular type of spirit is limiting perhaps), including Angels, are also part of the forces of Algol, which can be worked with to bring about the influence of Algol into your life (if you are bored and want to wreak havoc that is lol).


    As we know already, from Agrippa's writings, as well as about everyone else's writings, most view that the Divine or whatever you want to call it, is within every single thing. So in this case, we are just calling upon and utilizing very specific aspects, slices, or bits of this force/being/deity/god/omipotance.


    Also within each plant, metal, animal, etc. we could perhaps be speak of the varying degrees of Algolness, as in alchemical transformations of such substances.



    Wise men conceive it no way irrational that it should be possible for us to ascend by the same degrees through each World, to the same very original World itself, the Maker of all things and First Cause, from whence all things are and proceed;


    In this thread there was mention of the standard 9 spheres; still wondering if Agrippa used this particular number (there were many different layouts back in the day, anywhere from 7 to 30, or perhaps not even meaning a layout with the planets being a sphere each and in a particular order of one each. There are an infinite number of things which one would refer to as "worlds" when exploring the magical universe. For example, this is very similar to experiences many magicians have had: There are also various worlds which house various spirits, energies and such.


    From this, we can also assume that each world Agrippa is speaking of, would also have Algol aspects and items within it.



    and also to enjoy not only these virtues, which are already in the more excellent kind of things, but also besides these, to draw new virtues from above.


    So in other words, bring the energies you are wanting to work with, in directly from Source. And also perhaps utilize these for the alchemical transformations of the materials mentioned earlier (and oneself too in the process of course).



    Hence it is that they seek after the virtues of the Elementary World, through the help of physic, and natural philosophy in the various mixtions of natural things; then of the Celestial World in the rays, and influences thereof,


    So we are basically finding, bringing forth, and utilizing the virtues of the specific plants, animals, metals, etc. for the particular work we are after. Interesting he talks about mixtions, so combining plant, animal, metal, stone would perhaps be the ideal operation. Of course then utilizing the stars and/or planets and/or Angels and Divine being/s to enhance things.



    according to the rules of Astrologers, and the doctrines of mathematicians, joining the Celestial virtues to the former:


    The Angels of the particular stars and astrological signs being called upon alongside (to enhance, deepen and expand) the particular energies of these forces I figure.



    Moreover, they ratify and confirm all these with the powers of divers Intelligences, through the sacred ceremonies of religions.


    Call up the old Gods to help out ;). They didn't name a heap of them after the planets for nothing... Well also he is referring to the various magical ceremonies, which go back to ancient times, when they were used in a religious context.



    The order and process of all these I shall endeavor to deliver in these three books : Whereof the first contains Natural Magic, the second Celestial, and the third Ceremonial. But I know not whether it be an unpardonable presumption in me, that I, a man of so little judgment and learning, should in my very youth so confidently set upon a business so difficult, so hard and intricate as this is. Wherefore, whatsoever things have here already, and shall afterward be said by me, I would not have anyone assent to them, nor shall I myself, any further than they shall be approved of by the universal church and the congregation of the faithful.


    While Agrippa was most likely actually Christian.... one must also keep in mind that he would have been burned, jailed or hung if he wrote from a perspective which was not very very Christian flavored. Though I figure anyone who could write a book such as this easily saw beyond one particular beleif system or structure.

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  10. Larxene, I was thinking something like that myself.


    I wouldn't say that this or other TTB threads are messy, but since most people here are spontaneous Daoists uttering whatever comes to their mind, the threads easily get a little... non-linear. :P


    For reasons of progress with the topic, it's good to have an organized thinker like you on board.


    BKA, what if you would open up a new thread when you post a new chapter? This way, people can keep commenting on earlier chapters, when they have new insights, while the focus will be on the latest thread which will be easier to keep neat.


    So 50 Agrippa threads? Not that I mind that, but might be difficult to find the right one when needed....