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Posts posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. Man, if I were a wizard, I would go live in a hut in Siberia in the middle of nowhere, with a tribe of silent sincere human beings that don't take crap from none and will stab you if you start being too stupid. As a matter of fact, that is where I would live if I ever could make the choice of living somewhere else than I do.


    There is no reason to learn magic and shwitz. I bet the peasants from 1000 years ago were 100 times happier and freer than the average consumer nowadays. We don't need magic, we need reality. The f***ing Tao man...


    If that is the case, how come you don't start planning, and saving up to have the life you most want? Well also some networking to find the silent and sincere folks.... Half of magic is first figuring out wtf you want (most people have no idea what they really want) then getting to work on both the magical as well as physical plane.


    Don't need to be a wizard to pull off the hut thing though.

  2. Well yeah. Most of it they got from the hindus and taoists and tibetans, although I dont know how much of it is genuine and how much of it is made up because even Hinduism in its actual form is very different from its original (some scholars say that Hinduism began in the 20th century)


    Ultimately the whole magic deal is based on exactly the same dualistic system of storytelling as the monotheistic dictatorships. The wizards are very smart, they have secret knowledge and no worries theyre perfectly at peace but they continued to struggle throught the ages and they need your support. and then you ask: why do they try so hard if it doesn't matter? and then they start making up stuff about dragons and pneumatic babes.


    This is still based on paths learned and taught from books though. You skipped over the African Traditional Religious magical paths too... Nah, just the newage crap is loosely based on modern Hinduism. PS Amorc's website isn't the best source about magic ;).

  3. Okay, but it does seem connected to 'us' so how is it not part of our psyche ... what do you think it is? Some type of ... entity, spirit, existence ... outside of the human psyche ?


    I was referring mostly to what Seth seems to be describing .... he seems to connect it with the psyche.


    Oh I definitely see it as part of ourselves, just not part of our mental construct, or even deep mental construct. Human, not necessarily. I'm just offering a slightly different perspective. I say slightly different since to me most of what Seth described seems exactly the same.

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  4. I dont get that ... how can it not be an aspect of one's psyche (considering all that is written about it above) ..... perhaps you mean it is not just an aspect of our psyche ?


    I don't necessarily agree with all of what is written above about it, most especially the offsite links.

  5. Thanks again for the replies Seth, :)


    And in regards to your reply below:

    "End' is not really emphasized to us like it is in others. I don't really see the same focus on an 'End' like there is in the big religions."


    I meant more as a main goal or main motive, for instance King Solomon had great power and knowledge in the world and also to whatever degree in magic and in the "astral" realms, but came to the conclusion that those as his main motive were not enough or would end in up in "vanity" (per the book of Ecclesiastes) since they could not give answer to or satisfy complete spiritual meaning for the whole kit and caboodle and one's place in it.


    In comparison I'd say the Navajo Indians learned more than Solomon per their saying below:


    Walking In Beauty (Blessing)


    "Today I will walk out, today everything unnecessary will leave me,

    I will be as I was before, I will have a cool breeze over my body.

    I will have a light body, I will be happy forever,

    nothing will hinder me.

    I walk with beauty before me. I walk with beauty behind me.

    I walk with beauty below me. I walk with beauty above me.

    I walk with beauty around me. My words will be beautiful.

    In beauty all day long may I walk.

    Through the returning seasons, may I walk.

    On the trail marked with pollen may I walk.

    With dew about my feet, may I walk.

    With beauty before me may I walk.

    With beauty behind me may I walk.

    With beauty below me may I walk.

    With beauty above me may I walk.

    With beauty all around me may I walk.

    In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk.

    In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk.

    My words will be beautiful."


    Then King Solomon went and summoned many demons to build his temple for him :).

    • Like 1

  6. So what did you read that made you conclude the magic and occultism are bull? What is the connection between those two things and Freemasonry? Why did you bring up George Bush? And why do you think magic and occultism are connected to telekinesis?




    Prob something from Llewelynn ;)

    • Like 1

  7. Well, Freemasonry is basically the star around which all other occult groups gravitate. It is the most powerful magician's school in the world. So if freemasonry isn't magical then all the other ones that imitate it are also not magical.


    Nah, just modern ceremonial magick or wicca (though wicca has some other roots as well; I don't mean the crap book wicca), but not the many many other traditional paths. Also freemasonry is also Western based, there are so many magic groups and so much magic out there which are very much not western based nor influenced (thank the gods! lol)

  8. If you read all of his posts, you will notice that they all are only for the sole purpose of trying to start arguments. No personal experience or practice, just bored internet.... person.


    Magic is not learned, nor explained in books. Those are just around to keep the public, mundanes and newbies per-occupied.

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  9. From my personal experiences with, the teachings I have received about, and from what I understand of the fetch.... no it is not as aspect of one's psyche, not it is not just energy, it is not an intellectual concept whatsoever and no it is not a magician doing dark stuff/nightside work (that is irrelevant to fetch or lack of fetch).

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  10. Please re-read the original post; a couple of teachers on here including their teaching time as practice. Not counting that towards the who wins the book stuff (though love to hear about it), since it is a bit of an unfair advantage. Also, you don't go as deep when you are with others....


    Also Taoist practices please, not just meditation nor mundane exercise :).


    Btw, I'm recooping from a shoulder injury from practice *grumble*, which hurts enough ZZ (or walking down the street) isn't even possible *grumble*. At least you guys will get more days in than I do :D.

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  11. I'm sort of a trust fund kid,...although Spirit (through a well aspected Jupiter in the 8th House) created the fund for me.


    "Follow Spirit without hesitation, or end up following hesitation without spirit."


    Of course, one can only follow Spirit from their Natal predicament. For me, my trust fund has been enough to sustain me,...which may not have been the case for others. More than many millionaires are still stuck in Maslow's Lowerarchy of Safety and Basic Physiological Needs.


    For me, I cherish the Taoist-like motto, "relate with what will never leave you, and from which you can never leave."


    Nice focus you have taken with that. There are plenty of trust fund kids on th islands around here who do nothing but smoke dope all day.. by nothing I mean smoke and don't even get all creative or do anything after. Nothing wrong with that for awhile or once in awhile I figure, but for decades well not much forward motion imo.

  12. I agree, but for beginners I don't think its all that bad if they start off with community center yoga, meditation, tai chi etc., I'd rather see a beginner exposed to that then to wait for an ascended master to teach them or rare kung fu style. It can be a pity if they stay at the community center level, but such can be a good place to begin.


    In the internet age we can become so informationally headstrong that we don't begin any practice.


    The only problem with that is if they choose to go further later on, there are many years of unlearning. With some teachers/paths, there is also a lot of damage to clean up by the new teacher.


    Of course there should be places for those who are OK with keeping on the surface of things (my digital SLR camera has a fully automatic mode which I use, and I'm fine with that), but I feel people should know there are different levels of path, and some just are not the same as others. Many folks would have no interest in the time commitment and practice involved in the more traditional paths anyways. But to say it doesn't matter (as many do) or all paths are the same (most seem to feel this way), is fudging quite a bit I think.


    Though I have had a past teacher say it is about the person's karma when I ask what about the folks who end up with a teacher who's students end up pissing blood and such after a bit of practice... So there is room for everyone, and different teachers/paths for different people/needs/wants, but still, at least I know there is a higher level of photography while I take snapshots off centered off the surroundings with my camera ;).

  13. While it's currently popular to think that all paths are equal, this is simply not true, and we know it. However it is not politically correct to point out otherwise. Some paths/teachers simply are better. The author/teacher who just made up some teachings last week is just not as good (and the practices could be outright dangerous), compared with someone who has been properly taught through a lineage. Also many teachers are purely book learned, never having had in person instruction, or never having had in person instruction from someone who purely has learned from books. These types of things are very bad for the students IMO.


    However bragging about one's path or self is pretty boring and tiresome too.

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  14. Hello Seth,


    Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to share that information!


    It sounds like a feeding of the "fetch" to me and if so (?) where would the fetch fit in with the following saying?


    "One evening, an elderly

    cherokee brave told his

    grandson about a battle that

    goes on inside people.

    he said "my son, the battle is

    between two 'wolves' inside us all.

    one is evil. it is anger,

    envy, jealousy, sorrow,

    regret, greed, arrogance,

    self-pity, guilt, resentment,

    inferiority, lies, false pride,

    superiority, and ego.

    the other is good.

    it is joy, peace love, hope serenity,

    humility, kindness, benevolence,

    empathy, generosity,

    truth, compassion and faith."

    the grandson though about

    it for a minute and then asked

    his grandfather:

    "which wolf wins?..."

    the old cherokee simply replied,

    "the one that you feed""


    The "wolves" in this are more regular waking human ideas about things.


    It is more like asking what would a regular wolf be like, not one where human values are put on them. Wolves just are, animals, not with good and bad, unless one has rabies or something, or something has gone really wrong. Where would a regular wolf in its natural habitat fit in saying?

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