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Posts posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. It's a lot of fun, folks offer up their couches, or you offer up yours for folks to crash on while they are in town. I have a roomate, so can't have complete strangers on my couch presently (though random people I meet at dharma events, sure! lol)


    I tried it out when I was visiting Haiti. Really nice folks. They brought me around to a few places in the city I was visiting, and kept inviting me out dancing :). The only catch was that I had to pretend I wasn't there just to learn Vodou at the next stop lolol.


    Have to be careful though, many of the "couch surfing" opportunities on some of the third world countries (esp egypt) are just a scam to get money out of you for staying with them. Some are even youth hostels using it to advertise.

  2. I am a member of a torrent site which has mostly PUA vids and books (they also have martial arts and qigong stuff). I checked the forums out of curiosity. It looks like about 60% of the members on there who download that stuff think he's a douche and he definitely had it coming to him. The other 40% are either neutral, or neutral but hope the vids are saved, or actually think the "feminists" are out of hand.


    Many folks also seem to think that he is just creating drama for more publicity for himself. Seems likely reading some of the quotes.


    Personally what happens to him is irrelevant IMO,, but having the world reminded that treating people like crap is not OK, is a good thing.

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  3. Wha? Nah I think they only work on a very small % of women who are into that sort of thing, then on a greater percentage of women (still far from the majority though) who are not strong or assertive enough to say no, or push the guy away.


    Speaking of black magic, tempting to do a working to make sure he can't get it up ever again, however it is very likely he already has that problem and is compensating ;).

    • Like 1

  4. The worst bits are his advice for putting your hand around the person's throat and telling them to keep quiet, as well as the various forcing the person bodily in various ways (this is someone you just met). He also bragged about the time he raped a lady in one of his seminars. Pretty sick. I definitely hope the ethical PUA folks also shun him.


    Here is the petition to keep him out of Canada, please sign



    An American 'pickup artist' who was recently kicked out of Australia due to his lectures that advise men to assault women is receiving similar attention in Canada. The action was driven by a social media campaign, #TakeDownJulienBlanc, launched by Washington, D.C.-based activist Jenn Li.

    Julien Blanc and the company he works for, Real Social Dynamics, give seminars that teach men how to pick up women using language like "how to destroy her Bitch Shield" and how to make a girl "feel like you like them for more than just sex." Not surprisingly, Blanc and RSD have been blasted for employing and promoting objectifying and misogynistic tactics.

    Even more alarming is the physical violence Blanc also reportedly advocates. According to the Guardian, Blanc has posted many pictures online with the hashtag #ChokingGirlsAroundTheWorld (his Twitter account has since been made private). A YouTube video demonstrating this behaviour in Japan, as well as pushing women's faces towards his penis, is another part of his seminar, reports Jezebel.

    Now, with RSD events planned in Canada for the coming weeks, the hashtag #KeepJulienBlancOutOfCanada became a force over the weekend, and journalist Kate Wheeler of What She Said has started a petition on to keep him out of the country. (Update: Another petition, started by actress and acting coach Maria del Mar, is also on with a similar message.)




    A self-described pick-up artist who coaches men in the sexual abuse of women is being given a lesson in karma as a global internet campaign threatens to drive him out of business, permanently.

    If you’ve not yet come across the insidious ‘Pick-Up Artist’ community, lucky you. Basically, men pay other men like Julien Blanc up to $3,000 a course to learn how to emotionally, and in many cases, physically manipulate women into having sex with them.

    Blanc, a consultant for Real Social Dynamics (RSD), travels around the world dispensing this disturbing advice.

    One of Blanc’s tactics for ‘breaking the ice’ is to grab the heads of female strangers and thrust them toward his crotch. Another of his ‘approaches’ is to grab women in a choke-hold, while he puts his finger on his lips and whispers ‘Shh’.

    “If you’re a white male, you can do what you want. I’m just romping through the streets, just grabbing girls’ heads, just like, head, pfft on the dick.”

    At his seminar ‘How to Control Women’, Blanc shared this slide during a section entitled ‘How to Make her Stay'; he also posted it online on his social media account which you can see HERE.

    This is a manifesto for the physical and emotional abuse of women.

    But Blanc is not the RSD’s only sexual predator.

    Below is a video of RSD founder Owen Tyler gleefully recounting the time he raped a woman. He tells his audience of giggling, inadequate men:


    “She was Thai, she was a stripper. I just fucking hated that bitch.

    She was just a full slut whore slut.

    I fucked the shit out of her dude.

    The last time I fucked her…it was in the morning…she was in the shower…I think she didn’t wanna have sex again. But I just like fucking threw her on the bed.

    I remember, I put it in her…I could barely even get it in because she was totally not in the mood…

    And I was like ‘Fuck it! I’m never seeing this bitch again, I don’t care!’

    So I just like jam it in…it’s all like tight and dry (laughs) and I’m all like, make it quick cos she doesn’t even want it”

    He was clear she didn’t want sex, he physically dominated her to create the opportunity for sex, he knew she was not in a state of arousal as he penetrated her – and he chose to continue anyway. Why? Did it sound to you like he enjoyed this as a physically pleasurable sexual experience? Or was in an act of proprietous hatred?

    Online activist Jenn Li was so appalled by what she saw in these videos that she made a decision – she was going to take on Julien Blanc and RSD. It was not enough to be mad; someone needed to take responsibility for ending this outrage. So she did.

    She launched an online petition, writing:

    “Julien Blanc is a sexist and racist “pick up artist,” who has made a living by teaching men how to violate women through physical and emotional abuse.

    “Do not associate your hotel’s good name with a man who chokes women around the world as part of his pick up game. Please stand with the women of Australia and women everywhere, and do not host an event where men are being taught how to violate and harass women.”

    More than 30,000 people have signed the petition so far, and thousands more from across the world joined her at #TakeDownJulienBlanc.

    The activists have successfully ended his Australian tour.

    Online feminist groups such as Destroy the Joint launched viral campaigns lobbying venues and ticketing websites to drop Blanc’s events, and they won.

    Firstly, EventBrite will no longer sell tickets for Blanc’s seminars, then Marriot Hotel and other venues began cancelling events, and finally the Australian Immigration actually removed Blanc’s Visa, kicking him out of the country entirely.

    The immigration minister, Scott Morrison, said Blanc’s visa was cancelled Thursday night.

    “The matter was raised with us and we had it investigated and this fellow looked at,” Morrison told Sky News on Friday.

    “This guy wasn’t putting forward political ideas, he was putting forward abuse that was derogatory to women and that’s just something, those are values abhorred in this country.”


    The pair had planned to stay until December.

    With the Australia tour over, the fight against Blanc will chase him around the globe. The campaign is committed to make it impossible for this hate-filled wretch, RSD and their fellow sexual predators to profit from the abuse of women.

    We must ask ourselves too: what kind of society is it that produces such men, and how do we stop?




    I really do hope that one day all people will come to respect all other people. In the meantime though...


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  5. Except one more to apologize :)


    I got a little carried away. People were engaging me on stuff so I started talking too much and lost perspective.


    To anyone who has experienced hardship, sorry I've been acting as though my problems are serious. I know they are not. I got caught up feeling that people with security were preaching against security, speaking about discomfort from a place of comfort, and it annoyed me.


    If I came off as though I can speak for hardship just because I don't have a job, I'm sorry. That's lame.


    If I'm going to offend people by venting my frustrations of insignificant (significant to me, but not to anyone else) problems, I should do it with friends and family and not strangers on the internet.


    I've used a couple people, indirectly, as examples of who shouldn't be talking about living simply, and I'm sorry for that.


    I have asked around, people who work in the psyche field, and healing field and so on. So I asked what about people who are rich with perfect lives, do they have stress too? Apparently yes, just as much as others, but over different things. Their job mostly, relationships, and little tiny things get to them far more than it does your average person.


    Btw, no worries, I wasn't personally offended... but... calm down on the generalizing a bit will ya :).


    I hope things turn around to the way you most want, soon! On a side note, times like you are going through now tend to have to happen for MAJOR life changes to occur, we as humans are really bad sometimes at figuring out what we want, making that change needed to get it, and going for it.


    Well I'm off for the weekend, yeah no laptop!

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  6. You're one of the very few who is giving advice, who has actually lived it. If this is sounding like a pity part I apologize. I already pointed out I'm talking 1st world problems.


    My problems are problems a lot of people would wish to have. I know that.


    I realize this has gotten a bit out of hand and maybe I'm not sure what I'm arguing anymore.


    What's kept me posting is that I have the feeling that most of the people advising others to live simply and be happy with nothing, are living a life far from that.


    I'll stop now.


    I have a feeling that it is more like most are not willing to admit their hardships, especially around a large group of people. We are all trained to at least appear that everything is perfect, we are doing well, we are making lots of money and so forth. I know this for a fact with at least a couple of members...

  7. Those are a lot of assumptions you have there!


    I did live outdoors, in the forest for a total of 3-4 years of my life :). Once was in a shelter with no walls. The snowy season was pretty cold! The other time was in a camper. Though both times there were hot showers nearby, so cheating a bit.... It perhaps would have sucked, but, waking up each morning to a huge forest all around was pretty awesome.


    Worrying about where your next meal is coming from; I think everyone has gone through that for at least awhile in their lives... at least while they were a student if nothing else. I don't think I can eat ramen every again lololol. Then there was that season I ate nothing but blackberries (amazing how it was the best bumper crop for the area in about 20 years :D).


    Oh and during most of my life pain as bad as labor pains more hours on than off. So just having to live with your parents for awhile? If that is the worst thing that has ever happened, that's pretty good. No really. A few other TaoBums have ended up with no roof nor hot water for a time.


    Money in the bank? I only know one person in person who isn't living paycheque to paycheque (and most of them with maxed out credit cards too).


    Also keep in mind, anyone who is online a lot either is retired (low income), has serious health problems preventing them from working, or is in IT or some computer field where they can go online at work.


    Your replies are getting a bit offensive actually. Perhaps ending the pitty party would help to bring positive things in ;).