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Posts posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. Please understand that one really really needs to go train in person with someone to fully understand what is written.  The simple words which can be expressed in a book, or expanded upon in great detail in person.  Also, more advanced techniques beyond visualization are given after one has completed the more basic ones and not screwed themselves up.  Further, some things just aren't put it public, even by Johnson who puts more than most ;). 


    Further, what may seem like a visualization, when taught in person, is much more than that.  If one is only at the level of visualization that is how they would read and understand it, but if they are at a level of more physical things, that is how they would read it.  Again though, in person please.  Doesn't have to be with JaJ obviously, but look for someone legit.  Book learning really isn't the way to advance very far or very well. 

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  2. Unless you are in your 20's I'd recomend listening to your teacher and not healing in that way.  There are several reasons to not give up your personal energy when working with others.  Some for your well being and health, and some for theirs.  Your own personal energy is not what should be used anyways, and most definitely not without training. 


    I have seen a couple of healers end up extreely ill from giving too much of themselves.  Basially your life force is getting taken; the thing you need to stay healthy.  Instead of giving less of yourself away, you do sitting down Zhan Zhuang instead of standing... may want to do some internal work to check into why you give too much of yourself.  Personal boundaries are extremely important (not too little nor too much) and they tend to be out of whack for various reasons, things which have happened in our past which shouldn't have, generally. 

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  3. Just for fun:




    Chapter xxxviii. How we may draw not only Celestiall, and vitall, but also certain Intellectuall, and divine gifts from above.Magicians teach that Celestial gifts may through inferiors being conformable to superiors be drawn down by opportune influencies of the Heaven; and so also by these Celestial [gifts], the Celestial Angels, as they are servants of the Stars, may be procured, and conveyed to us. Iamblichus, Proclus, and Synesius, with the whole School of Platonists confirm, that not only Celestiall, and vitall, but also certain Intellectuall, Angelicall, and divine gifts may be received from above by some certain matters, having a naturall power of divinity (i.e.) which have a naturall correspondency with the superiors, being rightly received, and opportunely gathered together according to the rules of Naturall Philosophy, and Astronomy: And Mercurius Trismegistus writes, that an Image rightly made of certain proper things, appropriated to any one certain Angel, will presently be animated by that Angel. Of the same also Austin [st. Augustine] makes mention in his eighth book De Civitate Dei [the City of God]. For this is the harmony of the world, that things supercelestiall be drawn down by the Celestiall, and the super-naturall [supernatural] by naturall, because there is one operative vertue that is diffused through all kinds of things, by which vertue indeed, as manifest things are produced out of occult causes; so a Magician doth make use of things manifest, to draw forth things that are occult, viz. through the rays of the Stars, through fumes, lights, sounds, and naturall things, which are agreeable to Celestiall: in which, besides corporeall qualities, there is a kind of reason, sense, and harmony, and incorporeall, and divine measures, and orders. So we read that the Ancients were wont often to receive some divine, and wonderfull thing by certain naturall things: so the stone that is bred in the Apple of the eye of a Civet Cat, held under the tongue of a man, is said to make him to divine, or prophesie [prophesy]: The same is Selenite, the Moon stone [moonstone], reported to do, so they say that the Images of Gods may be called up by the stone called Anchitis, and that the Ghosts of the dead may be, being called up, kept up by the stone Synochitis. The like doth the Hearb [herb] Aglauphotis do, which is called Marmorites, growing upon the Marbles of Arabia, as saith Pliny, and the which Magicians use. Also there is an Hearb [herb] called Rheangelida, which Magicians drinking of, can prophesie [prophesy]. Moreover there are some Hearbs [herbs] by which the dead are raised to life; whence Xanthus the Historian tels, that with a certain Hearb [herb] called Balus, a young Dragon being killed, was made alive again, also that by the same a certain man of Tillum, whom a Dragon killed, was restored to life: and Juba reports, that in Arabia a certain man was by a certain Hearb [herb] restored to life. But whether or no any such things can be done indeed upon man by the vertue of Hearbs [herbs], or any other naturall thing, we shall discourse in the following Chapter. Now it is certain, and manifest that such things can be done upon other animals. So if flies, that are drowned, be put into warm ashes, they revive. And Bees being drowned, do in like manner recover life in the juice of the hearb Nip [herb catnip]; and Eels being dead for want of water, if with their whole bodies they be put under mud in vineger [vinegar], and the blood of a Vultur [vulture] being put to them, will all of them in a few dayes recover life. They say that if the fish Echeneis be cut into peices [pieces], and cast into the sea, the parts will within a little time come together, and live. Also we know that the Pellican [pelican] doth restore her yong [young] to life, being killed, with her own blood.

  4. There is a local bunch of people who wish to go through Agrippa as well.  This will keep me motivated to post a bit again.  Now just to remember which copyright free edition I had been using.... (that isn't the Tyson one). 


    With the in person group, we will discuss the chapters in order, part 1 chapter 1 from book one and on, but also to keep things lively and interesting, we will covering random chapters from part 2 of book one, so we all have something to go home and work on. 


    Would the folks here prefer I just stick with the order we have been doing, or whould I add the part 2 bits as well as we cover them in person? 

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  5. ..... and all the posts here that tagged the concept throughout history and through different cultures (with references)  ? 


    Breaking the concept out of the GD / Crowley box is what we have been doing (although the term and wording of the post topic term HGA is going to be inclusive of the GD / AC view as well).


    Well I have to say that beleifs such as "once one hits portal it is Abramelin time" or "magickians are supposed to do the Abramelin rite" are quite a good thing I must say.


    Though also there is the whole shortcut can do it in 2 months without changing one's life much approach, I think doesn't quite go as far as 6-18 months, with quite a bit of seclusion and hundreds of hours of practice. 

  6. So has anyone started up the next challenge yet?  A new thread so people can find it would likely help...


    Also, I have NAJA's address, if the 2 others who practiced most of those days could send me their address that would really help.  I have been quite busy with work and practice, not getting online much lately. 


    How about an outdoor activities which aren't work 100 day challenge for us all? :D

  7. Anyone here have experience of a spiritual dark night?  


    I'm not talking about depression, which is usually for some obvious reason.


    I'm talking about that terrible dry feeling where it seems like nothing in the world can satisfy you or give you joy,  Where you go through life feeling like a robot, with no inclination for anything, and no particular aversion either.  Just feeling like you alone in this world and seem unable to see the point in it all, like you on the brink of death, but strangely aren't at all suicidal.


    I'm sure some of you guys know this feeling!


    Well how did it end for you? How did you know you were out of it? What are the tell-tale signs?


    Thanks to you all!


    That sounds more like depression than dark night of the soul to me personally; though each person does have a unique experience of this.


    As to how does it end... well it gets far far worse than you described first.... for me it ended sort of slowly bit by bit.  I was much spiritually sronger after. 


    There are some mini dark nights, and also 1-2 really big ones I have found (so far lol).  The paths like to test us ;). 

  8. It's a fancy term for God; or the part of you that is part of God, neither/nor, but not an angel per fact that term is misleading.


    Maybe read some Corbin or Evola for the 'bigger picture' - it's good to break out of the Golden Dawn/Crowley box.


    I would completely and entirely disagree.  Well aside from the perspective of every single thing is god, including my coffee table.  The tradition comes from much much earlier than the GD/Crowley approach (and neither are my bag of tea at all).  Have you read the Abramelin books?  The Greek Magical Papyri? 

  9. So anyone post more than 37 days of practice? :)  Going through this thread to see what qualifies as martial arts, qigong or neigong (just regular meditation doesn't count, walking down the street doesn't count, trampolines don't count :D), would take forever... so I figure each person can count up their own....


    So NAJA, would that be a qigong book or a buddhist book?  PM me your mailing address. 

  10. Give or take (+/-2) 37 total days of practicing at least once at more than 15 minutes (and one of those days was 3 5 minute sessions in one day, and i threw it in there for face, if nothing else).


    better than a quarter of the days.  i did better than i thought i did :)


    Awesome :).  And 3.5 minutes for 4 times per day definitely counts.  There are some exercises where if you can last more than 3.5 minutes you are doing it wrong :D. 

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  11. Is the contest running through today? I did some sungazing and tai chi in the park... I've been up for almost 3 days straight, so I dunno if that counts as 1 day? Or 3 days?


    Anyway, I really like having 100 day blocks of training accountability. Can we start up another one? I have some Xing Yi and Tai Chi training DVDs I could offer up as a prize?


    Uhm, if you practiced each day for all 3 days it counts as 3 days, if you practiced only one day for those 3, it counts as one.  Not sleeping doesn't count as martial arts or neigong for this contest. 


    Another one, oh definitely :).  Now to think of some good peramiters.....

  12. A lot of concepts in here that sound more like an ego/self getting in the way than HGA guidance. 


    Though on the internet these days, everything is HGA, and everything one combines with the HGA is all good...


    imo, not everything is HGA, it is not our higher self, etc. etc.


    I think I'll stop here :).  I sometimes tend to rant a lot...  Just a caution of not assuming things/feelings/experiences/info you recieve/etc. are one's HGA; this will bring the magician a long way. 

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  13. two days left, i am at an estimated 4.5 hours total, and i have an hour to do tonight yet! :lol:



    I'm honestly not sure if i did worth a damn, but i kept it up for a while, then it tapered off, and then i did 3 days in a row of 1 straight hour each day, and then missed th next 3 days...  >.<   lol i'm still in the game, but i'm not sure if i compare to anyone...


    5 hours in 100 days?  that's pathetic... :(


    Your lack of reading comprehension for the rules of this contest is what concerns me.... ;)


    It is  not how many hours, it is how many DAYS of practice (of at least 15 minutes per day). 


    One of the reasons I put 15 minutes per day is to get us all into a good habit of practicing. If you tell folks do an hour per day, most can't keep that up for 100 days straight.  However if you stick with 15 per day, well most people can muster that.


    Well or maybe not :D.  But we all have to start somewhere :). 

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  14. I was doing my Kunlun today and I found my mind drifting into the concept of vengeful spells, kind of on its own. It's something I've always had a huge aversion to, because I've always believed that an act of vengeance or so-called darkness probably opens one up to some bad repercussions.


    That's why I found it so strange to suddenly feel this new perspective, which just kind of came to me as intuition during my spontaneous movement. The perspective is the idea that "hexes" or whatever you may wish to call them perhaps act as a medium to force others to come face to face with their own karma.


    Some people go through life boldly facing their own demons through purification, but others go through life completely ignorant of the ill effects they have on others. What if, for those people, it is in fact purifying to be confronted with a spell that torments them until they deal with their sins and better themselves? Something like the Taoist "disturbing ghosts" spell, something that affects peoples' dreams and forces them to empathize with the pain they've caused others, at which point said torment ceases? This would, ultimately, cause a form of self-improvement where otherwise they may never have stopped to think about where they need betterment.


    I don't know, just some weird thoughts that came to me out of the blue. I'm no spellworker by any means, nor do I necessarily intend to pursue it - what do the more experienced folks around here think of this musing?    


    Sounds like a justification to me.  Folks come up with sorts of fancy "I'm not really doing black magic because of such and such"; but should just admit it.  Obviously one would have to have some attachment to the situation and the person to even give a crap in the first place, but further have the person bother you so much you feel they must suffer!


    Not that I think it's always a bad thing in the first place, I've just spent a few decades watching people justify, using different reasons, how and why they can curse someone to make the person's life miserable, because that person most obviously deserves it.  No one is perfect, everyone has done imperfect acts.  What is to make us think the other person is any worse than we are?  Usually not, whenever I hear people talk about it.  How about a spell where both the caster and the person being cast upon get what's coming? :D 


    Or just admit one wants to see that person suffer, then do some inner work and figure out why one feels that way.  Or just open up the galdrabok and make a proper go of it instead of whitewashing things ;). 

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  15. Only 10 days to go! :)  I think I know who the winners are already, but I'm wondering if folks can help me out a bit and add up their days of practice of NEIGONG, QIGONG or MARTIAL ARTS?  The other practices are awesome too of course, but don't count for this particular contest.  Also unless you have a severe physical disability, less than 10 minutes of practice on that particular day doesn't count either.... Also has to be solo practice not teaching time; class time as a student can be counted 2x per week). Hey these are going to be good books, so I'm being strict ;).  This was all mentioned in the first post.  I have most definitely practiced magic once or twice per day for about 85 or more of these days, but that doesn't count for this particular contest.  I managed about 30 days of martial arts/qigong (my worst slacking ever since I started 6-7 years ago!), but I didn't post all the days, so again, so only the ones I have posted count. 


    Anyways, 10 days left, which should be enough time to come out ahead of the others if you practice each day for 10 days.


    Apparently with myself, only 10 more days and I can start practicing again or something lololololol. 


    For those who have practiced quite a bit, think about whether you would like a Buddhist, Daoist or Bruce Frantzis book :).  Or perhaps something else if you have enough days in ;). 

  16. I'm falling fast behind... :( Ahh....... meant to do some make-up training last night, but instead entangled myself in false hope and the subsequent severing of (all) hope involved :\ i cant take it, and i'm trying to go back to some exercises that can help with the emotional blockage, stagnation, and flooding i have experienced for so damn long...


    And with hope that doing so will better aide me in returning to consistent practice, with emotional resolution.


    The awesome and amazing thing about Bagua is, that with all the twisting and turning, it tends to wring you out, just like a wet towel all twisted up to get the water out.... ;)

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