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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. Hello Dark Night my Old Friend

    You definitely seem to be going through a rough time, and hope you can find some resolution. Keep in mind though, that things heal bit by bit, and not overnight, or overmonth necessarily. Here's some suggestions which might help. Also many of the members here have experience with healing, whether it be self or others, or both; so be sure to listen to carefully to any advice given . I have noticed that you seem to think in extremes... it is either all for naught and you can't do anything, or you have to have a full blown career and do extremely well. I recommend some smaller goals at first. Neutral thinking for a day perhaps. Or just any old job for a month. Also you said you practice qigong etc., I recommend asking your teacher for help with this. There is much in qigong which can clear out the crap and bring in energies which get you moving again. It is possible to find teachers for very low cost or free if you look around. Just explain your financial situation. As far as therapy, if it helped even a bit, most countries have programs which offer free therapy for low income folks. If you are a taoist/buddhist adept, I recommend using that to clear out the thoughts and energy which is making you so miserable; it doesn't exist anyways (as you well know) .
  2. Incense

    Hey body odor has never given anyone migraines before, but many chemical scents these days do unfortunately. Folks who smell from BO, it's because they don't change or wash their clothes. Also most of them don't have a place to live nor shower, so I have more patience for them than someone who douses themselves with lots of chemical perfume or cologne without thinking about others. More recently a friend was staying with some folks overseas, in Europe, and they could only shower twice per week due to water shortages! I can't imagine how they keep people doing that, folks here don't even follow the lawn watering restrictions...
  3. Incense

    The problem with perfumes and colognes is that they are all fake scents these days, even the well known, and quite expensive ones. More and more places are scent free zones now due to many people allergic to the new crap they are making these products with.
  4. I.Q. -- is it important?

    I have found that quite often people with extremely high IQs tend to lack other things, social skills primarily (difficult to do the small talk thing they seem to dislike), wisdom, and common sense. Obviously this isn't always the case, but I find that these qualities are important as well for day to day living. Also folks with lower IQs often have other skills in which they can run circles around the high IQ folks with. As far as employment goes.... well not necessarily. High IQ folks often go in directions which are different than your standard average cookie cutter career person. Lots of folks with university degrees working at minimum wage jobs. I think day to day life takes quite a bit more than intellectual ability, or even further, ability to score high on IQ tests . Folks with high IQs are a lot more fun to talk with though, and I don't get bored hanging around them .
  5. mysql pw help? :(

    Have it 90% figured out.... on my other site.... how to upgrade the template myself. Good thing, not like I have a spare $350 (and if I did, I would pay it to anyone but the people who sold and charged me extra to install, a very out of date template). Guess I should have just installed it myself, wouldn't have had this try to upgrade things problem *grumble*. Have installed it and the newest zen cart on 2 of my other sites for figuring things out purposes.
  6. Ancient Sites

    These look fun
  7. Why yes, it was an entire 3 days of speakers about Entheogns. If you are wondering what entheogens are (as most of my friends didn't know the term either), think ayahuasca or peyote and you are most of the way there. For all the times I tell people dabbling isn't good, it is sort of funny that I come to such things as a dabbler . One only has so much free time to take a few days off for a proper working with such things. However if we include all my experimentation over the years (lots in my early years lol) I guess it would add up to a lot. Scary was when I had more information on many things and was able to answer some questions. These days I only do such journeys about once per year. They are rather intense, sometimes take some physical recuperation time and just don't fit as well into my schedule these days. Damn I must be getting old . The first thing I learned, and prepared beforehand, was to be even more open minded to all things and all people. Just because I had met some folks who had brought themselves to some very not good life situations in the past with such practices, didn't mean that was always the case, or perhaps ever the case, they could have just been the exceptions to the rule. I was quite amazed at the quality of the speakers and the information they shared. About 20 different PHD folks, who have been doing such practices quite seriously for 40 plus years. Well this was most of the speakers anyways. What fun, doing a doctoral thesis about the ayahuasca practices in the jungles of Peru, but having to live there for a few years and participate in their ceremonies to do so. Apparently these folks also have quite a strong magical culture as well as most definitely utilize it quite a bit, with and without aya. I also learned that in most of the indigenous cultures that folks start using the various plants in ceremony at a very young age. Anywhere from right away, to their teenagehood rite of passage. Then onwards throughout their life. I also learned some really unfortunate things such as ayahuasca tourism and popularity really killing off the vines and in the future likely not leaving enough for the traditional folks there to be able to use it. Fortunately they are now cultivating it as well as the admixture plants in Hawaii. I don't recall how many tonnes they export each year, but enough that there are organizations taking steps to try to fix matters there. Also the corporations who are completely obliterating large areas to grow palm trees are completely devastating the natural vegetation. The growth of soy is also a problem (it's used to feed cattle so much of it is grown). What I enjoyed most about the conference was an entire few hundred folks who have figured out how to work with such things, but also able to lead a functional and coherent life. Unfortunately throughout the decades I have met far to many "urban shamans" who were so completely non-functional that they could no longer be active in the regular mundane world if they wished to, but also could not practice magic in any healthy for them way, due to having messed up their energy bodies so severely . This unfortunately is far to prevalent. Enough so that I tend to avoid all such gatherings. However the speakers and their topics looked interesting enough I thought I would give it a go. Glad I did. I also learned quite a bit about the studies being done, and had been done over the decades about the use of various entheogens in therapy (by Psychiatrists and psychologists). There has been much research about lsd in therapy, some good and some bad depending on the approach. Some of the government experiments didn't go so well... setting is important. But also such things as iboga to eliminate cravings and addictions is quite interesting. Some folks have also been working with ayahuasca (done in a proper traditional ceremonial context) in such scenerios, in studies with small communities. They found quite positive results with this. The catch being is that the plants take over during the journey and bring out the internal things the person needs to most work on, for 6-12 hours straight. Most definitely not for everyone (even if they were more legal in all countries). I also have learned that with ayahuasca (and some others to some extent) tourism, there aren't always awesome outcomes either. Of course 99% of the time it turns out well, but there is that 1% where shamans have been known to have sex with a participant during the ceremony. Definitely not cool in a group, not agreed on beforehand, setting. Also not everyone has the means or the patience to thoroughly checkout the good and legit shamans vs the not so awesome ones. I also learned more about the importance of the setting and rituals with these things. This part is pretty obvious, but perhaps not for newer folks. Interesting was that most of the folks there do not partake of such things, even weed in some cases, in a mundane setting ever. This makes perfect sense to me. I don't tend to bring my altar accouterments out to parties either . It was really neat to see so many folks working so closely with plants in a major way .
  8. On a side note, I did a search for iboga to find this thread. I was surprised at how many other threads came up in the search, some pretty interesting ones!
  9. Vajra strands

    So what's introduction?
  10. Bonewits

    Give it to a nice tree, after you ask first of course . Other options are qi dispersal. Try out the cleansing baths mentioned above too...
  11. I'm thinking of charging that much per hour to get rid of unwanted spirits out of people's houses. Means everyone will stop asking .
  12. Bonewits

    For healing others, the first thing to do is get past your "self". You don't do the healing, since we are limited; the person doesn't need our energy and crap, and we can get stuck with stuff after. One neat method I discovered for a bit (well more like some entity taught me), is I would go in, find the problem, let the person's energy body and higher self know what was up and what the problem was, and suggest that they heal themselves. Worked very well . Something interesting I learned in medical qigong though... we tend to only take on things from others and catch things from others if we are pre-disposed towards them, or our imbalances are in line with them. I mean for longer than a few hours or a few days that is.
  13. Incense

    Time for some shameless self promotion I sell dragonsblood for less than most, and no fillers. You need those little round incense charcoals to burn the incenses though; I don't make stick incense. But please, not 100 questions to go with the order, my prices are pretty low considering the quality of what goes in them.
  14. Incense

    Not glue usually, just manure as the base, then fake scents. Even my (and others apparently lol) Nag Champa.
  15. Incense

    Magic bullet works really well for grinding up herbs, roots, woods, resins and etc. .
  16. mysql pw help? :(

    Only for those of us who own the online shops... *sigh* lol.
  17. mysql pw help? :(

    $350 for an update? If I could do it in cpanel with fantastico, it would have only taken 30 seconds . I'm definitely not paying someone $350 for something that doesn't require coding. Most especially since people shouldn't be selling out of date templates without warning folks. I have both the template files, as well as the newest zen cart update files. I'll have to look through them... it tells me that my database needs patching to a higher level. What would I need a pw for? I'm hoping there isn't another passworded section. If you mean the original question, found it .
  18. I shared a couple of experiences already in this thread . Since my journeys are very specific personal focus, or a specific magical focus, not really something I would be writing in public about... On a side note, looking around, I think someone could make quite a good career out of leading ayahuasca retreats! lol
  19. Daemons just don't have the free time or inclination to hang around folks on this plane and spook them. However lesser spirits, or even dead folks do. Usually an aspect of oneself taking form. Also we tend to attract what we fear. So whatever a person's greatest fears are, would be either what they are, or their traits. If someone gets a bad feeling from them, they are not useful for any work, since obviously they wouldn't be healthy for them to have around. If however they feel like positive spirits, then both inner and outer work can be accomplished. . Either way, could be a good introspective exercise to figure out what they were .
  20. mysql pw help? :(

    Zen cart. They said it would be an extra $350 if I want their pretty template to work with the newest version of Zen. They can go fuck themselves. (the template cost $150 to begin with). I have it half upgraded, just need to figure out which files I can replace and which I cannot. The template uses different sized tables, and also different graphics of course. It's worth figuring it out to save $350.
  21. Water

    I'm starting to wonder if anyone drinks tapwater anymore? Let it sit for a bit to get rid of the chlorine. We are lucky here because there is no fluoride. Some places in the US have a law where untreated water must be offered, so you can find spring water taps for the public to use in some counties . Here there are places you can go collect spring water as well, but not as fancy of a setup as in the USA. The tap water in california is pretty scary though, not sure what they add to it, but it made me ill.
  22. Water

    Best water ever, the spring water in the Albanian mountains . There is so much of it pouring out that folks wash their cars in it. Really. Please don't tell the bottled water companies though, thanks.
  23. I'm thinking of becoming a knight-errant

    I'm curious how your daily food acquisition and such will transpire? There was no mention of goodly smithing, or other tradesskills in your description .
  24. Incense

    I prefer natural herbs myself over those made in a lab put over..... well just guess how stick incense is made; I'll spare everyone the details, it's sort of funny though . I recommend everyone try making some of their own incenses as well .
  25. mysql pw help? :(

    Thank you! The folks who installed the template didn't think it was necessary to you know, email me the pw they used. I found it, and changed the cpanel configuration to reflect it. While I was at it, I thought I would look in WHM, and, oh hey, might as well upgrade mysql while I'm there, since I get nag screens to do it... there went the server! LOL Found out later was supposed to upgrade something else too to go along with mysql; fortunately the nice folks at my hosting company did that part for me lol. Now I have to figure out which files to replace to make my shopping cart the latest version, but not screw up the nice fancy template that was just installed (jerks used an old version of the software and didn't update it for me). Next up, downloading and changing the products database files, then re-uploading them . All seems good to go accept things like "name of product" isn't anywhere to be found.... I could swear there was something better I could have been doing today... like posting on TTBS .