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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. What are your favorite books on practical Alchemy?
  2. What are your favorite books on practical Alchemy?

    Since this thread has the attention of a few folks who practice physical alchemy, thought I would ask a question or two . Would making plant or oak salts, using my metalsmithing metal melting furnace (not yet used) or my kiln, still work? Or is it necessary to do a long slow incineration? Using the stove indoors smokes up and smells up the entire house, so looking for some alternatives. Also something which doesn't take all day would rock too. A bonfire in the backyard also isn't feasible at this time unfortunately (though perhaps one out in the woods). It looks like John Reids talks about using a kiln to heat up the rose quartz to make an oil of that. I of course also wonder if other non-toxic rocks make some interesting oils. Don't know how to use a soxhlet extractor though... youtube...
  3. Living off grid

    I'm on the offgrid folks' fb pages. Some really good stuff on there. Sure they are trying to sell property as their primary goal, but still good info and articles. I still wouldn't mind a fimo clay (looking) house, I mean if I lived somewhere with a lot less rain, and much warmer climate
  4. It is also amazing how relaxed the atmosphere is compared with here. Now funny is half of them want to move to north america to live the wonderful rich life we have. I tried to explain to the folks in Haiti that here in Canada we can't afford an entire bottle of rum for the Lwa every single day... they didn't get it lolololol.
  5. Living off grid

    I didn't want to start a new thread just for this, but check out these seriously awesome homes!
  6. $2000-$3000 per month? Holy hell! Perhaps figure out a way of living on half of that, so you have more options . I have found that the best way to get the exact life you want is to start it while you are still living the life you don't want, or even hate, but that pays the bills. Just up and quitting whatever it is and hoping and starting from scratch is far far more difficult from all I have seen. So perhaps work one of those soul sucking jobs for 4-5 years while saving up (eat lots of rice, with soy sauce , bike to work if you have to..). while starting your own business or night school courses on the side. That's on the physical level. Then on the other levels, making sure that your time away from work brings much fulfillment. Most folks I know who are pretty happy don't find enjoyment in their 9-5 job, but in all the other things they do after work, and the people they are around. They also tend to have side income from their hobbies as a retire early plan.
  7. Have you not found this when traveling internationally? The difference is so obvious it is amazing. I of course mean the % of people compared with the % of people, not every single person.
  8. Western medicine - what doesn't it know about energy?

    Well the problem is, you can't patent and sell energy.
  9. I have personally found this to be true, and seen it in others. Also interesting to note how much happier folks in third world countries seem to be than in first world ones. They tend to smile far more and show genuine happiness.
  10. Measuring it (success or happiness) seems silly, because then you get all sorts of "not have enough", "am I better or worse off than others" sorts of thoughts. Interesting to note, the person I know who owns 3 apartments and an extremely fancy car, is the most miserable person I know or have met in a long time. He likes to remind us regularly, how "successful" he is...
  11. What are your favorite books on practical Alchemy?

    Always better to find a teacher . So many things just can't be taught via a book, and also folks tend to leave the good stuff out of books... I'm still going to have a look through though, see if he goes into any details on the stones.
  12. Spirituality and dating in America...What's up?

    Typical stereotypes I see around TTBs a lot. *sigh* let me explain *again* Yes, we like guys who are able to pay their half of the rent and food. Not that we aren't sometimes lenient with this, but it gets old after awhile. You don't have to be rich, but a job is nice. Generally one as good as the lady has, so she isn't paying for the dinners out. Not many spiritual women? You mustn't have looked very hard.... I find that there are far more women than men in most spiritual movements, newage, buddhism, wicca... that's at least half the public ones. Then you have all the yoga ones who like to meditate.
  13. Taking a few days or a week off helps a lot sometimes .
  14. Happiness for self and others. All that other stuff, just things to keep us amused and busy. When people ask what I do, I list my hobbies. Drives them up the wall LOL.
  15. A year of Agrippa :)

  16. What are your favorite books on practical Alchemy?

    Wow! See you all in a few months...
  17. A year of Agrippa :)

    OK so, I finally found a copyright free copy of Agrippa that I can copy/paste from. It's not the best version (I have heard bad things about it) but it will have to do, and I can also point people to version for clarification. Just whatever you do, don't read Tyson's footnotes on/in his version of it! He pulls modern golden dawn correspondences and thinking and plugs them into Agrippa's work, assuming they are the same. They aren't. is where you can download a copy, but I will also be posting bits each day (when I am online that is) here, as well as on my website (using wordpress hehe). Here is a nice copy: Another: It may be interesting to compare and contrast each version too .
  18. Torn etheric double

    Practice qigong and internal martial arts (daily, even if a little bit) with an in person competent teacher. Also cleansing baths are good.
  19. What are your favorite books on practical Alchemy?

    I would love to take some of his in person lab alchemy classes!
  20. legit web designers?

    It's all about the plugins, templates and addons, to get fancy pages like that with wordpress. Just don't change anything ever! lol Or you will get the whole this new thing you are trying to do is not compatible with your theme, or plugin, or addon. Well that or one of them has stopped updating..... Oh and also don't add your own html, or shtml or php in there or things might break. My wordpress rant. When I volunteer to do sites for non profits it's always wordpress. They stick with wordpress so someone who doesn't know html etc. can keep it updated.
  21. Lower and Higher Mysteries

    Every single path, order, and beleif system I think has writings on this. Might try a search for outer and inner mysteries. Hmmm, I'm also pretty sure even the Buddhists have written extensively on such things, they just had to have!
  22. Lower and Higher Mysteries

    according to theosophists...
  23. mysql pw help? :(

    In cpanel I changed the mysql pw. I figure I either got it wrong (diff than what the folks who installed a template for me set), or it was supposed to have no pw). Well I tried the pw that was there before, didn't work. Tried to have it with no pw... and well that isn't an option. Now my newly installed shopping cart doesn't work . Help? I would just take it all out and re-install, but I paid someone to install it to save me a day of figuring it out in the first place, arg.
  24. mysql pw help? :(

    I got a new version zen cart, installed it, then installed the theme/template overtop of it myself. Voila, the newest updated version of zencart, and pretty template. Only took an hour. Why did I just not do this in the first place? Anyways, does anyone on here use zencart? When I tried another shopping cart ages back I was able to download the csv file, add a whole bunch of products using open office, then re-upload it via ftp. Instead of adding things one by one using the front end. I see that there are databases sitting there in phpmyadmin.... zencart seems much more confusing than the other shopping cart though with so many databases. Also I tried once and it didn't re-upload in a way which didn't break the whole site lol (I tried on a spare install, not my main one fortunately). I have over 1000 products to add if one includes all of the different options for some of them.... so don't want to do this one by one.
  25. legit web designers?

    Or do what many webdesigners, very unfortunately, do these days: install wordpress and use one of their templates.