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Posts posted by Songtsan

  1. Maybe because what you call 'spirits' are actually 'projected' parts of yourself , that might explain why they know your thoughts ?


    I've often wondered, but they also seem to have information and abilities that I dont possess. Too many stories of people with spirit familiars who have siddhis because of their connection to them....I never rule anything out


    Oh dear .....   you poor *******   . 


    Sounds like a guilt trip !   


    Yes and no. If it was true, I might make virtuous deeds more important in my day to day, vs being more self centered

  2. This sounds like it could also be a condition with the nerves or somehow related. The movements you describe dont sound like traditional kundalini kriyas, they sound more medical in nature. One way you could find out is to purposefully practice kriya yoga by completely relaxing your efferent nervous system and allowing any spontaneous movements to occur and noting their type and nature. Kriyas caused by kundalini are usually more intelligent in nature, not some random twitching...that sounds more like tardive dyskinesia or somesuch. Wouldnt hurt to visit your primary physician and having a complete blood panel, check thyroid, liver, kidney function...that'd be a start....

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  3. Do you think/feel that every thought one has ever had is somehow recorded? It would be easy to do. Spirits seem to be able to see our most private thoughts and even to be more aware of our unconscious than we are....I imagine that they exist on a different time continuum than we do....I often get the feeling that I will be judged and weighed for every little action I have made in this lifetime....

  4. Entheogens, etc. can be pivotal in teaching one the nature of delusional thinking. Whole delusional fantasy beliefs can be experienced, and then afterwards negated upon inspection. This is useful in everyday ordinary reality, in that one can then keep in mind the limitation of our electro-chemically mediated experiences as far as giving us a view of 'what is true.' We are always limited, and our belief constructs are only best fit models. I would recommend fast acting and short lived entheogens such as Salvia Divinorum, DMT, etc. to quickly enter and leave the delusional realms and experience the rapid shift that chemistry can bring. Also, disassociatives are great 'cheats' for experiencing what pratyahara is like if done correctly. There are many legal means for such quick entry into the noosphere that exists when senses are withdrawn. you can see the everpresent chaos/insanity which exists in the subconscious...

  5. Pataknjali's sutras mentions the use of 'herbs' for spiritual gain...


    "Five ways to thin the veil: Five methods are mentioned by which that barrier or veil of ignorance (2.3) is thinned, or eventually removed entirely, allowing Self-realization (1.3) and liberation (4.26). Here's the five ways of thinning the veil: 

    1. Birth (janman): Some rare ones are born with a natural ability to drop the veil between the conscious and unconscious. Recall that in sutras 1.19-1.20, two kinds of people were mentioned. First were those who naturally are predisposed by virtue of having attained a high level of experience in a previous life, though that experience was not complete. Second, were those who (like most of us) need to follow a path of faith, energy, memory, concentration, and knowledge. Here, in this part of the sutra, it is simply being acknowledged that some experience beyond the barrier or veil by virtue of birth.

    2. Herbs (ausadhi): There is said to be an ancient elixir that when ingested, breaks down the barrier. It is also said to be an inner elixir, in the subtle aspect of our own being. At a more surface level, we are all familiar with the way in which various drugs or chemicals break down the barrier between conscious and unconscious. Throughout spiritual and religious history of humanity, herbs have been used responsibly in this way by many cultures. While we are not suggesting drug use here as a means to spirituality, it would not be complete that it not be mentioned as one of the ways people can remove the barrier between conscious and unconscious. In light of herbs as a means of removing the barrier, it is imperative to remember that the foundation principles are of non-attachment and attaining a natural state of stable tranquility (1.12-1.16). The way in which the ancients used such herbs is vastly different from drug abuse and addiction. 

    .....etc. etc.

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  6. Sometimes anxiety can also just be physiological, with accompanying sensations such as feelings in the chest (probably overactive vagus nerve? not sure though), and although you might start thinking fearful, negative thoughts surrounding the feeling, in actuality they are just associated feelings with negative mind constructs. As in, what came first, the chicken or the egg? Did the physiological correlates begin first and lead to anxious thoughts, or did anxious thoughts lead to the physiological sensations? In my therapy groups, we learned to not focus on what we were thinking, and instead focus on what we were feeling in our energy bodies. Then we start to work on diffusing and relaxing them by noting where the sensations lie, not attaching any meaning to them, and maybe using the breath and awareness of tension and then going for even the slightest relaxation of the nervous tension....

  7. I am a 5, both from my birth name (gematria) and birth date (lifepath)...there is also a synchronicity with my horoscope (double gemini - double #5)...


    I used to see 11:11 a lot, but I long ago realized that I started looking for it too...

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  8. Of course, in reference to mine and Manitou's above posts, it is said that those people with DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder, which has various subclasses) can have walled off alternate versions of themselves, which can still interact with the main consciousness, but as separate beings, which can possess information that the main alter does not. However, this is their interpretation of course. It may be that people with internal voices or phenomena are simply experiencing alternate identities who are not united, or that there really are alternate identities. When the alternate identity really seems to do something paranormal it seems it would indicate true 'other.' 

  9. A really simple place to start is standing poses. Zhan zhuang. Even if you aren't good at the whole body meditation part, you can still take care of training your body to get used to the form. Another interesting place to start is to constantly become familiar with the bodies energy centers, sending awareness hither and thither, to experiencee the terrain. See if you can find where awareness stems from. That's a good one.

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    OK.  Hundred posts have passed by, and the topic has not yet covered  the a subject  that i was waiting  for.    I have couple of questions, since many have reported  interactions  with  other dimensional beings (higher or lower).   I think  this topic should cover  this part of the discussion as well.

    1. Have you had  this interaction when  you are NOT under the influence of substances ?  If so,  how did the other worldly being  present itself ? 



    -yes, for the last 20 years or so, anytime I want, all day long if I want. The otherworldly being/s present it/themselves as a presence that is aware of everything I am aware of consciously, and quite a lot that is subconscious and likely unconscious. Its expressions range from internal voices and sound effects, to physical movements (kriyas, etc.), energetic phenomena, emotional elicitation, visual effects, to causing the resurfacing of old forgotten memories.



    1. What makes  you so sure that it is not a play of the mind ? (hallucination or some such are commonly reported).


    -I test it all the time. It/they uses words that I have to look up in a dictionary (and they fit contextually), have performed advanced mudras I had no familiarity with, did stuff energetically I could not do, possessed information I did not possess which later showed to be true, and express an intelligence which indicates 'other.'  It still may be possible it is some type of walled off part of myself which has different abilities other than my own normal conscious self, but Occam's razor would indicate otherwise.

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