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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. Thank you everyone

    follow your own bliss. (and try faking an orgasm!
  2. Thank you everyone

    some people are more sensitive to prolactin... ...try faking orgasm when you are inside's always fun, lol
  3. Thank you everyone

    I don't study with anyone, although I did first start practicing this after reading one of Chia's books, and it makes me feel great every day, like a boxer...certain mindsets and practices are needed though...and one can come every once and a while, but not that often... just my experiences
  4. Thank you everyone

    Not always...use the quick pull-out method, way before the tipping point...make it seem like you meant to do it for other reasons, like switching positions to something non-coital. Gain awesome control through practicing daily muscle contractions...know how to focus on the right areas to keep the energy from going out....
  5. Thank you everyone

    Wear her out with orgasm after orgasm, using all available methods...keep sticking to your guns. If she still complains, ask her if that 6 seconds of emission is really that pivotal a thing to get upset about in a relationship. If she says yes, well... move on...move on...
  6. This feels like a waste of time (making a post here!)

    I am more humble than anyone else here. Just sayin' You guys have a real role model to live up to....
  7. Antahkarana

    I still applaud the work put into it...even if it wasn't exact to reality. (so much isn't)
  8. Fluoride

    Unfortunately yes, plastic. Hopefully we will have a reverse osmosis system set up here sooner or later. I dont know toothpaste brands anymore. I thought Desert Essence had a good one, but I don't know if they are even still around.
  9. Fluoride

    There does seem something devious and underhanded about the ADA (and AMA). Mercury, fluoride....and of course cavities can heal themselves if you take care of them right....
  10. Fluoride

    fluoride can get absorbed directly into the mucosa of the gums, also into the veins under the tongue....I'm sure I get enough in the foods I eat, and occasional tap water drinking, and there is small amounts in just about any brand of spring water...
  11. Fluoride

    I make my own out of coconut oil, clove, and baking soda...never buy toothpaste again...I might also add calcium magnesium powder...and I dont spit it out, I swallow it...everything in it good for the system
  12. the three discoveries

    According to many Eastern traditions, our root existence is simply awareness. Awareness uncoupled with any particular thing....going from round to round in states of coupling with various things, such as bodies...who knows you know what lies beyond?
  13. the three discoveries

    com- Word Origin 1.a prefix meaning “with,” “together,” “in association,” and (with intensive force) “completely,” occurring in loanwords from Latin ( commit): used in the formation of compound words before b, p, m: combine; compare; commingle. ----------------------------------------------------------- passion [pash-uh n] 1.any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate. 2.strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor. 3.strong sexual desire; lust. instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire. 5.a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire. 6.a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything:a passion for music. 7.the object of such a fondness or desire:Accuracy became a passion with him. Origin of passion 1125-75; Middle English (< Old French) < Medieval Latin passiōn- (stem of passiō) Christ's sufferings on the cross, any of the Biblical accounts of these (> late Old English passiōn), special use of Late Latin passiō suffering, submission, derivative of Latin passus, past participle of patī to suffer, submit; see ------------------------------------------------- compassion [kuh m-pash-uh n] noun1.a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. verb (used with object)2.Archaic. to compassionate. ------------------------------------- Anyways, feelings are things that bodies have, which register to the senses, which also are things that bodies have. In the end, we don't take this body with where is compassion then? who knows?
  14. the three discoveries

    @Marblehead -> How can one be compassion, when compassion is a feeling and feelings require a body to produce said feeling? Even if it's a light body. Awareness can have many bodies, even if they are 'light bodies,' but what, if nothing else, is left if the bodies keep being shed? Egos are also programs kept in the body...ask me to describe and I will...
  15. The definition of space

    so we can't describe what it is in the definition? 'Cause I was gonna say that it's areas of low energy density...basically it doesn't exist in actuality, we only perceive it exists. Space is a myth....there is stuff everywhere, just more or less stuff in places, so what you are talking about is Yin...however Yang is within this is a relative view. What is Yin to one area can be Yang to another. So 'space' is relative to something else and is not a concrete variable.
  16. A nice knife, worn on the hip if it's of those little water purifier kits...perhaps some meds to cover diarhhea/dysentary (or whatever diseases might be present that locals are immune to but you aren't). Some say don't eat raw vegetables (diseases again), eat everything cooked as often as possible. Maybe don't shave - it makes you look tougher, and people less likely to mess with you. Don't really know actually...sunblock? It's equatorial, right? I had a bad experience in HI once (coming from NM, so thought I was used to it) where I got severely sunburned in a short time.
  17. Fluoride

    I was just joking...I try to avoid fluoride whenever possible. Don't even use toothpaste anymore....
  18. Meditating while texting

    In the movie, there is a scene where the monk is carving sutras on a wood deck.
  19. What ways do you transmute sexual energy?

    Instead of focusing the energy on some outer form separate from my own body, I limit it to being turned on by my own self, and feel the energy circulating throughout my body. Also, less time spent pursuing sexual delights = more time to spend cultivating..
  20. Fluoride

    I don't understand.
  21. Anger

    One step is to keep in mind that anger, the perception of, is the description given the awareness of an emotion. Emotions are electrochemical responses to stimuli which can be long lasting, like an adrenalin rush, for example. So knowing that the anger response will last a bit after the initial stimuli has passed, and can cloud awareness for some time, as it is based on the release of certain chemicals (catecholamines, adrenalin, noradrenalin), the activation of certain brain regions (amygdala, prefrontal cortex), as well as phsyiological effects such as increased heart rate/blood pressure, immediately tells you that its not a fight against the anger-inducing stimuli, but your own phsyiology. That's key. The prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain responsible for handling judgements, and is pivotal in suppressing the natural urge to destroy people, places, and things. Most people can handle not doing things that put them in jail, yet the uncomfortable results of the physiological stress responses can linger for days. This is where relaxation techniques and more advanced practices come in. So study relaxation techniques (e.g. progressive neuromuscular relaxation), perhaps biofeedback techniques, and especially learn how not to reify the scene that initially caused you to get angry. The rehashing of the event will contribute the most to carrying the undesirable effects forward. That's why tranquil abiding practices, one-pointed focus exercises, and emptiness meditation are pivotal in changing the physiological responses. I personally rate the difficulty of those practices in that exact order, from easiest to most difficult: relaxation techniques, biofeedback, calm abiding, one-pointed focus, and emptiness meditation. The three latter practices should work relatively equally as far as effectiveness in anger management IMO.
  22. There are also women who aren't so interested in having regular sex, who have and have always had a limited libido. Some even feel that they are asexual, yet they still might desire a life partner. These types of women won't care about your (perceived) lack. I also suggest that you search within a 'spiritual' community, meditation practitioners, etc. as these types are more often likely to be free of such 'needs.'
  23. Sound

    Reichian therapy uses sound...also isochronic tones might be neat for you (search on youtube)...
  24. Zhuan Falun (Turning The Law Wheel)

    Their leader is pretty loony sounding, but what do I know as I never practiced it. Also, its possible that the Chinese government spread lots of false rumors to attempt to make him seem more loony.
  25. Acrophobia & Vertigo

    Yeah, with heights and spiders, also dating! lol