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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. Supplements you use

    I forgot to add bioperin- its a black pepper extract which inflames the microvilli of the small intestine, thereby increasing nutrient absorption by opening up the little holes on the microvilli. I have also considered drinking my own urine, as it must contain some expensive stuff in it....haven't really explored that practice yet!
  2. Supplements you use

    I do! I eat pretty damn well actually....when it comes to things I put in my body, I am a health nut 75% of the time...other times I eat things I shouldn't, like ice cream or pizza....
  3. A subforum off of Mount Kunlun, perhaps titled 'Dual cultivation,' for discussion of everything relationship oriented, whether it be man-woman, man-man, women-women, etc. etc...interesting to discuss such energetic stuff - to study the will boggle the minds of peoples I am sure!
  4. Yet another request! LOL

    Agreed. I am zany and overzealous. What happened was that yesterday I got in yet another big fight with my girlfriend, and also with my most recent ex-girlfriend over the phone about some past issues...then I basically spun out... It was a pressure-release valve, avoidance move on my part. I apologize...oh, and I'm moving in about two weeks...its compounded stress explosion. Plus I am sick, laying in bed mostly....
  5. Can we have...

    Nah, I like being out in the open- you guys know how I be....I making up for years of introversion.... Its the swing the other way...just a few years ago I was like silent'll balance out soon I think. Really what it is is that I want to be a writer...I think because I rarely ever look at PPDs, I don't like to post there...I guess there is a season for all things...sometimes I post like nuts, then I won't even come to the forums for weeks or months....I bet as soon as I actually start training I will use the PPD...
  6. Supplements you use

    I am generally excessive in the supplements department. I am experimenting with my body like its a laboratory....
  7. I might change my avatar to a cat at some point...join in the fun!
  8. Can we have...

    I don't know why I am so averse to the PPD...I will change my ways.....
  9. Yet another request! LOL

    Not entirely...more like relationship dynamics, power exchange, roles, and also good old fashioned discussion of how to coexist peacefully without all the push/pull that the Yin Yang imbalances create...
  10. I want to be a man now ;)

    Yes, it does feel like we are being subtly manipulated....perhaps to create as much agony as possible? The agony and the ecstasy! It's a funny world....
  11. I want to be a man now ;)

    I think that the next World Shaking Buddha should be Intersexed...born with both dangly bits....what a neat body to be born into, and so rare! I pray that my next life I will be born thus, should I need to return..
  12. I want to be a man now ;)

    I remember when I was working out at the gym heavily...I weighed almost 230 I am thin and waify...When I was more built I felt more masculine and Yang...I think that is the ticket really...time to put on some beef! I about 203 lbs right now and slender as hell...maybe thats why I feel girlish. I was taking NIA in Portland at a place called Body Moves, now called NIA Space I think....NIA is sort of like Tae Bo or similar classes but more feminine...I used to be the only guy in class, with like 20 women....I bet a lot of the women on TDB think some scary dude, but I have always run with the women....they are like my Wolf Pack..LOL....same with when I used to take African Dance...there would be like 2 guys in a class of 20 people....And my whole extended family is mostly girls - my grandmother had 6 maybe, because I am such as empath/chameleon, I picked up a lot of feminine energy/ways....I probably just need to bulk up and go train gongfu with a bunch of dudes....absorb some more masculine energy.... Also, this one long term relationship I had with an older women who had three really fierce Amazonian girls really influenced me....I really think that's it! I hae mainl hung out with women my whole fact, any time I had roommates, they were almost always girls.... I dated an esthetician for a couple years as well, and became very Metrosexual as they say....I file and buff my nails now. I guess I am into masculine beauty, with a heavy dose of femininity. I do like dressing up in drag. Did I mention that I won best shemale at Portland's annual 'Prom Disaster' party? Its where all the guys go as girls, and girls as girlfriend, who is the one mentioned above, won best 'man'...she is like 6' current girlfriend (semi - we keep breaking up and making up) is 5' 10" and very dominant.... Very strange life I have led!
  13. Air Drinking

    No not actually drinking air, but drinking liquids at home. I was contemplating how much energy/time we waste washing cups and how if everyone practiced 'air drinking' (let me know if you have a better name for it), how much time/energy would be saved. You know, when you tilt the bottle and let the liquid fall into your mouth, without touching the bottle/container...just trying to do the math: if the average person uses 2 cups/glasses per day, that is 14 objects to wash per week. I cannot accurately determine exactly how many gallons of water this will save, or much time would be saved, but I will make a conservative estimate at 3 gallons of water per week per person and 5 minutes time. Multiply that by 6 billion people (I'm not including the youngsters as they may not have the skill to do it), and that is 18 billion gallons of water a week saved, and 30 billion minutes per week saved. I haven't researched the energy cost per gallon, but y'all know that this could be significant! Whose with me!? Air-drinkers of the world unite!
  14. Air Drinking

    Honestly, I still love to move to the NW again...that place has neat energy....
  15. If I had known....

    I think I might have skimmed over and I are so similar. It'd be fun for us to co-write a book together.....
  16. I want to be a man now ;)

    My mother once said that I was a prima Donna when I was 16 or so...honestly, I like feeling girlish and dainty, LOL...its like I'm a blooming fairy...when I sublimate it gets even worse....what a strange life...When I was like 7 yrs old I would wrap a towel around myself and pretend it was a interesting....
  17. I want to be a man now ;)

    @Blue Eyed: you seem relatively stable so far! But I don't 'know' you that well because you joined relatively recently. I like your energy though- you seem pretty relaxed and fun to interact with...
  18. I want to be a man now ;)

    I love staying up late, though I know it's 'bad' for me...I feel so feminine inside though, it comes out in my physical mannerisms though, which you guys can't see. I was walking down the street one time, and this one guy made fun of me and said 'walk like a man bro,' and there have been plenty of times that other guys have made remarks that I acted like a girl. Even on other forums...its difficult to explain...
  19. Problem is I'm on a tablet and I don't know how, or even if I can, copy/paste things...I have some good art I got from the Nityananda institute in Portland I wanted to post, some if which is in an album on my FB....I will go to the library though and see what I can do....
  20. I want to be a man now ;)

    I don't know, now I am thinking back to my original plan, to try and hyperpolarize to being more rooted in one gender identity. It just seems more stable. Not only do I feel it in my gut, it makes logical sense. Those of mixed internal gender often seemed the most unhappy. There are higher rates of suicide among such people. I was born this way, it seems, so I am not sure how much path working is an option...I've seen the stress more, the lack of balance, in other posters on this board, such as Vanir or DB....I am not sure how to proceed honestly. Should I try testosterone supplements? I've never heard of any techniques on approaching hyperpolarization... It seems like many of the more stable members in the board are comfortably situated in their sexuality...
  21. Turning vegetarian - need advice

    Oh wait...I skipped from the OP to you aren't doing vegetarian anymore then?
  22. Turning vegetarian - need advice

    I too have been considering this. I went vegetarian for a year once and I think I was the most peaceful I've ever been. In fact, I had a food allergy test once and found out I am allergic to red meats. IgG and IgA reactions can cause all sorts of delayed inflammatory reactions which can result in depression and mania. In fact, stupid me has been eating beef and pork the last few days and been feeling more and more manic. Go figure!
  23. awesome post Apech....I better get out of here before I spontaneously combust...LOL
  24. OK...I'm feeling fried right now, but I will start a thread somewhere, maybe in Mount Kunlun, titled 'Relationships'....or maybe we need a subforum for discussing relationships...oh wait, is there one for dual cultivation? Ima go look
  25. interesting....i noticed you were still in here reading, and i edited my post...did the edit magically show up as you were read/writing?