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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chant

    I guess I used the wrong terms...not looking for the English meaning....looking for the pronunciation....but I will keep listening with headphones and see if I can enter into those noise gates
  2. Super Smoothies

    Need to stock up on extracts, like: Chai Tea, Vanilla, Lemon, and so on.....anyone know any good places for buying awesome tasty extracts? I am familiar with Liberty Naturals and a few others.....
  3. Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chant

    I think I should find someone who speaks Tibetan and ask them to help me out....I live just a few blocks from a Tibetan Buddhist Temple now, ahh yeah! Plus I live a few blocks from here:
  4. Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chant

    this one I want to find too:
  5. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    I view physical partners as the first stage in Tantra....I am also co-practicing the internal Tantra with Dakinis at the same time. I aim to get an initiation into the practices within the next few years....Have a bucket list of things including Chod Powha and Vajrasattva....
  6. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Both combined. This year, I intend to heavily explore tantric sex in a way that I never have before, in order to purify and divinize my sex life to the highest levels of spiritual sex. My partner and I are working on dual cultivation techniques more seriously now and possibly exploring adding a partner or two as well, basically creating some Earth shaking sexual magic, healing, etc.....
  7. Supplements you use

    I take Cinnamon too....just haven't lately....too much can be bad....I do like the walnuts, and I'm taking the black walnut hulls I have seen studies saying that too much supplementation can lead to cancer....which is why I go on month long breaks....hopefully I will improve my listening ability to see what I do/don't need... at times when I take these things I am a other times I feel I need to avoid them. The more I awaken, the better I get at knowing when/why/where to do these things....sometimes I hold a supplement and meditate on whether it feels right, other times I will ask for guidance from 'above' if I am unsure... its a difficult process in the short run, but well worth it overall if one learns something - even over several lifetimes
  8. Haiku Chain

    so let it be done it will be messy in short but clean in the long
  9. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Seems dead on...I knew I was a 5 already, but you expressed concretely and summarily who I am too a significant degree
  10. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Busy! moved into new apartment, working to make money, buy bling bling!
  11. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    I want to get venomous snakes and become immune to their poison and keep them on me all the time so they get used to being around me and do like the girls in 'The Swordsman II' with Jet Li, in this video around 14:40
  12. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Assign me a task. I will be your Djinni.
  13. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Lots of lust, but also of lust.....looking to expand from this though....going to a 100 days celibacy thing soon
  14. How to summon entities?

    Try this though...chant names of any deities, spirits, Gods, the word 'God,' 'Allah,' etc. (go through the list of all you know!)...and see what parts of the body resonate when you do will find them all somewhere, and each one somewhere's weird! and they move about.....
  15. I went through about ten years or more growing up saying nothing.....I was once a true Silent Bob.....Nature has resulted in me coming back the other way, then I will go back to silence again. Its an effort for me to come here now and is weird....I live in a very interesting delusion, but they are all the same game, just different faces, different names.....
  16. Not sure I have that dexterity level...
  17. Super Smoothies

    I throw in digestive enzymes...and chew them too...
  18. Just got a bicycle..that's something...
  19. Supplements you use

    I get blood tests every 6 months or so, all normal...CBC, lipids, TSH, all kinds...I also take a break for a month or more once or twice a year..the compounded placebo effect from multiple substances is potent...I have more energy than I know what to do with most days...
  20. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Interesting that both my birth date and birth name make me a 5...yeah, I had a crazy birthday...lots of entheogens, sex, music and cake though..
  21. How to summon entities?

    I seek out and badger entities and they badger me. Recently they either introduced themselves as Heyoka, or else insinuated that I was one. They then started speaking in tongues and caused my girlfriend to speak in tongues alongside and synchronous with me, word for word, unscripted. I think they merged our energy bodies...I like to experiment, thus interest in exorcism. They seem friendly enough, but why not explore every option? When I sexually sublimate, they seem to be able to vector through me more easily, even to animals... One time my cat started acting very strange, like energetically overwhelmed, and about three neighborhood cats came over and were also acting strange in the front yard, and I would swear one of them meowed in my head...whatever they are, they've been active since I was at least 10..
  22. And then involute? Or should we just involute right away, and will we be able to find everything we need there anyways? I feel kinda like I was a tabula rasa, and that I have not been around before at all sometimes, that this is my one and only chance to make it or break it, that if I don't succeed in immortality here in this time, there will be nothing left behind of me except the ripples I have left in this world, which is something, don't get me wrong, but I would like to exist for more than a paltry sum, as the me I know....I consider myself a collective/conglomerate of ideas, which has a reflexive, empty center...I believe that if I collect enough energy, I can form a spiritual embyro, which can exist after death, among the minds of men as a Djinn, Celestial immortal, spirit, etc etc....I may have built some, but I've sent off a bunch of excess into the world and have not much for myself...
  23. If I had known....

    About a place like TDB years ago...oh if only I had known, the suffering I might have saved myself. You guys are my Holy Temple, part of my Body and Spirit! Jai Daobums! Each and every one of you has a special place in my Heart Cave forever! I swear this place has saved my life so many times beyond number....its not even expressable... I'm sorry I ever doubted anyone here....
  24. That fell to the Earth, and brought the knowledge of Good and Evil to the animals of the Earth through various plant was actually a ship sent from the aliens, containing genetic programs, which would teach the flora and fauna through DNA/RNA technology, the mysteries of the cosmos...Yucatan! You lovely land, bringing together New York and Japan. We have been seeded by the Immortals! Who are our friends from above! FUA From Up Above! Whose down with FUA!? I know that I am!
  25. Makes sense Daeluin, I've decided to pour my energy out into the world, and become a channel for limitless light. No longer will I seek to hoard 'mine own' (not!) Energy into myself...instead I will spread love outwards to all in need, avoiding petulant greed, so that I may be complete by 'owning' each and everyone of you in my heart as Divine emanations of the Supreme Being, the Creator of us all being this Sea of Infinite Bliss/Love/Energy...this is my Sufi vow, my Bodhisattva vow, to expend all my energies throughout the cosmos, knowing they were always borrowed anyways.